- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:浩瀚,琳娟编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7506808145
- 页数:376 页
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immediately/instantly 236
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lad/boy 249
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lamp/light 250
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little/few 255
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lucky/fortunate 257
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marriage/wedding 259
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mental/spiritual 260
message/news 260
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newspaper/journal 263
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parcel/package 270
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piece/fragment 273
physician/surgeon 274
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politician/statesman 279
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powerful/mighty 281
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presume/presuppose 283
previous/prior 283
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process/procedure 284
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profuse/lavish 285
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proof/evidence 287
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prove/confirm 288
provoke/excited 288
pupil/learner 289
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purpose/goal 289
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queue/line 290
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rap/tap 291
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rescue/save 299
resemblance/likeness 300
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resist/withstand 300
resource/resort 301
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responsible/accountable 301
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reveal/disclose 302
review/criticism 302
rich/wealthy 303
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room/appartment 304
rough/uneven 304
rouse/arouse 304
rude/impolite 305
ruin/destruction 305
safe/secure 306
salary/wage 306
satisfied/content 307
saying/proverb 307
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scene/view 308
scold/call sb names 309
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section/region 310
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sensible/sensitive 311
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sequence/succession 312
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sharp/keen 313
sheer/utter 314
ship/boat 314
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sign/mark 315
skin/peel 316
slide/slip 316
slow/slowly 316
small/little 317
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smell/taste 318
smile/laugh 318
so...that/such...that 319
social/sociable 319
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solve/resolve 320
some time/sometimes 320
sour/acid 321
special/especial 321
specific/definite 322
speech/address 322
dumb/mute 323
speed/velocity 323
speed/swiftness 324
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spy/agent 326
squeeze/squash 326
stagger/totter 327
state/condition 327
station/stop 328
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steam/vapour 328
steep/abrupt 329
step/pace 329
stick/adhere 330
stick/staff 330
stiff/rigid 331
still/yet 331
stocking/sock 332
stone/rock 332
stop/cease 332
story/tale 333
straightforward/forthright 333
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stream/river 334
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strip/denude 335
stripe/band 336
strong/robust 336
studied/labored 337
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subject/topic 338
subordinate/dependent 338
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supernatural/magical 342
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sure/certain 344
surprised/amazed 344
swing/rock 344
take/clutch 345
talk/conversation 345
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tear/rend 346
technology/technique 346
telegram/telegraph 347
temperament/character 347
temporary/momentary 347
tendency/trend 348
therefore/hence 348
thick/dense 349
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thin/skinny 349
thing/business 350
think/conceive 350
though/although 351
thoughtful/considerate 351
threaten/menace 352
thrifty/economicalc 352
throw/cast 353
tight/tense 353
tired/tiresome 353
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torment/torture 354
trace/track 355
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translation/paraphrase 356
transparent/clear 356
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treaty/pact 357
trial/experiment 358
trivial/trifling 358
trousers/jeans 358
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trustworthy/dependable 359
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ugly/homely 360
unbelief/disbelief 361
unfortunate/unlucky 361
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use/employ 362
vacant/unoccupied 363
value/worth 363
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variety/diversity 364
variance/variation 364
verbal/oral 365
vertical/upright 365
very/much 366
victory/conquest 366
viewpoint/point of view/standpoint 366
vision/sight 367
visit/call on 367
voluntary/spontaneous 368
vote/suffrage 368
vulgar/obscene 369
vulnerable/defenceless 369
await/wait 369
wake/awake 370
walk/waddle 370
wander/roam 371
wander/drifter 371
want/wish 372
warn/caution 372
watchful/alert 373
wealth/riches 373
while/when 373
wind/breeze 374
wink/blink 374
wither/shrivel 375
wonderful/marvelous 375
word/expression 375
- 《碧岩录编著者 圜悟克勤大师传 全新小说版》吴言生著 2011
- 《英语 选修8 人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所 英语课程教材研究开发中心编著》刘道义主编;龚亚夫,郑旺全副主编 2007
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