- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:卫乃兴,周俊英主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7313022042
- 页数:390 页
动词 1
abolish,cancel 1
accuse,charge 2
acknowledge, admit, confess 3
adapt, adjust 6
adhere, insist, persevere, persist, stick 7
advise, counsel, suggest 10
alarm, frighten, scare, terrify 13
allow, permit 15
alter, change, convert, modify, vary 17
amaze, astonish, surprise 20
amend, reform, revise 22
amplify, enlarge, expand, increase 24
announce, assert, declare, proclaim 27
answer, reply, respond 30
appear, arise, emerge 32
apply, employ, utilize 34
appreciate, cherish, treasure, value 36
argue, debate, dispute 39
assure, ensure, insure, secure 41
attempt, endeavor, strive 43
attract, charm, fascinate 45
awake, awaken, wake, waken 47
ban, forbid, inhibit, prohibit 49
break, burst, crack, smash 52
blame, condemn, criticize, reproach 55
bother, disturb, irritate, upset 57
caution, warn 60
cheat, deceive, betray 61
claim, demand, request, require 63
comfort, console, relieve, solace 66
commit, entrust 68
compare, contrast 70
compel, constrain, oblige 71
compose, consist 73
conceive, fancy, imagine 74
conclude, deduce, infer 77
conduct, discharge, execute, perform 79
confound, distract, perplex, puzzle 81
conserve, preserve, reserve, retain 84
consume, deplete, exhaust, waste 87
contain, embrace, include, involve 89
convince, induce, persuade, prevail 92
cure, heal, remedy 94
damage, harm, hurt, injure, spoil 96
decline, deny, refuse, reject 100
decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce 103
dedicate, devote 106
defend, guard, protect 107
deliver, rescue, save 110
differ, dissent, vary 112
disappear, fade, vanish 114
display, exhibit, expose 116
disregard, ignore, neglect, overlook 118
distrust, doubt, suspect 121
eliminate, exclude 123
endure, abide, tolerate 124
estimate, appraise, assess, evaluate 126
exchange, displace, replace, substitute 129
excuse, forgive, pardon 131
experience, suffer, sustain 133
forecast, foretell, predict, prophesy 136
intend, mean, propose 138
lure, seduce, tempt 140
offer, furnish, provide, supply 142
oppose, resist, withstand 145
scatter, disperse, spread 147
形容词 150
able, capable, competent, qualified 150
accurate, exact, precise 152
advantageous, beneficial, profitable 154
alike, like, similar 156
alone, lone, lonely, lonesome 157
ambiguous, obscure, vague 160
anxious, eager, keen 162
apparent, distinct, evident, obvious 163
appropriate, fit, proper, suitable 166
apt, liable 168
artificial, synthetic 170
ashamed, shameful, shameless 171
attentive, careful, cautious 173
aware, conscious 175
awful, dreadful, fearful 177
basic, elementary, fundamental, primary 179
better, preferable, superior 181
certain, positive, sure 183
chief, main, major, principal 185
common, general, universal 188
complex, complicated, sophisticated 190
connected, related, relevant 192
considerate, thoughtful 194
constant, continual, continuous 196
contemporary, current, modern 198
contradictory, contrary, opposite 201
credible, dependable, reliable, trustworthy 203
criminal, guilty 205
critical, crucial, vital 206
devoted, fond, loving 209
different, diverse, various 211
distinguished, outstanding, prominent 213
durable, enduring, lasting, permanent 215
enormous, gigantic, immense, tremendous 217
especial, particular, special, specific 220
essential, indispensable, necessary 223
eventual, latest, terminal, ultimate 225
excessive, extravagant, extreme, immoderate 228
exhausted, tired, tiresome, weary 230
expert, proficient, skilled, skillful 232
firm, stable, steady 235
former, preceding, previous, prior 237
ignorant, innocent 240
individual, personal, private 241
moderate, temperate 244
odd, peculiar, quaint, queer 245
precious, valuable 248
rare, scarce 249
rational, reasonable 251
rigid, stiff 253
名词 255
absence, defect, lack, want 255
access, admission, admittance, entry 257
accident, event, incident, occurrence 260
acquaintance, associate, companion 263
advancement, elevation, promotion 266
advantage, benefit, profit 268
advice, opinion, proposal, recommendation 271
aim, goal, objective, purpose 274
alternative, choice, option, preference 277
annoyance, anxiety, concern 280
apparatus, appliance, equipment, facilities, implement,instrument, utensil 282
assembly, conference, congress, gathering 287
assurance, certainty, conviction 290
background, circumstance, environment, setting,surroundings 292
base, basis, foundation 295
behavior, conduct, manner 298
belief, confidence, credit, faith, reliance 300
career, occupation, profession, trade, vocation 303
case, illustration, instance, sample, specimen 307
category, species, variety 310
chance, occasion, opportunity 312
chaos, confusion, disorder 315
characteristic, feature, trait 317
charge, cost, expense, price 319
comment, commentary, remark 322
conquest, triumph, victory 325
criterion, standard 327
danger, hazard, risk 329
delight, enjoyment, pleasure 331
design, plot, project, scheme 333
despair, desperation, hopelessness 336
duty, obligation, responsibility 338
fame, honor, reputation 340
hindrance, obstacle, obstruction 342
inclination, tendency, trend 345
location, position, situation, spot 347
mark, sign, signal, symbol, token 350
material, matter, substance 353
pressure, strain, stress, tension 355
subject, theme, title, topic 358
副词 连词 介词 362
therefore, hence, consequently, accordingly 362
almost, nearly, roughly, approximately 364
hardly, harely, scarcely 365
fairly, pretty, rather 367
much , quite, so, very 369
maybe, possibly, perhaps, probably 371
although, though 373
as, because, for, since 374
however, whereas, while, yet 376
whether, if 378
in case, on condition that, provided that, as long as 379
till, until 381
as to, as for, as regards 383
besides, except, except for, but, but for 384
due to, because of, thanks to, owing to, on account of 387
instead of, in place of 389
A 124
abide 124
able 150
abolish 1
absence 255
access 257
accident 260
accordingly 362
accurate 152
accuse 2
acknowledge 3
acquaintance 263
adapt 6
adhere 7
adjust 6
admission 257
admit 3
admittance 257
advancement 266
advantage 268
advantageous 154
advice 271
advise 10
aim 274
alarm 13
alike 156
allow 15
almost 364
alone 157
alter 17
alternative 277
although 373
amaze 20
ambiguous 160
amend 22
amplify 24
announce 27
annoyance 280
answer 30
anxiety 280
anxious 162
apparatus 282
apparent 163
appear 32
appliance 282
apply 34
appraise 126
appreciate 36
appropriate 166
approximately 364
apt 168
argue 39
arise 32
artificial 170
as for 383
as long as 379
as regards 383
as to 383
as 374
ashamed 171
assembly 287
assert 27
assess 126
associate 263
assurance 290
assure 41
astonish 20
attempt 43
attentive 173
attract 45
awake 47
awaken 47
aware 175
awful 177
B 292
background 292
ban 49
barely 365
base 295
basic 179
basis 295
because of 387
because 374
behavior 298
belief 300
beneficial 154
benefit 268
besides 384
betray 61
better 181
blame 55
bother 57
break 52
burst 52
but for 384
but 384
cancel 1
capable 150
career 303
careful 173
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cautious 173
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cheat 61
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compose 73
conceive 74
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condemn 55
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confess 3
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console 66
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convert 17
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cost 319
counsel 10
crack 52
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criminal 205
criterion 327
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cure 94
current 198
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discharge 791
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dueto 387
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duty 338
E 162
eager 162
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elewttion 266
eliminate 123
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emerge 32
employ 34
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F 282
facilities 282
fade 114
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fancy 74
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fit 166
fond 209
for 374
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G 287
gathering 287
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guilty 205
H 365
hardly 365
harm 96
hazard 329
heal 94
hence 362
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honor 340
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however 376
hurt 96
I 378
if 378
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instance 307
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K 162
keen 162
L 255
lack 255
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lure 140
M 285
main 185
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matter 353
maybe 371
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modern 198
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much 369
N 364
nearly 364
necessary 223
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O 274
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onaccountof 387
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P 131
pardon 131
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pressure 355
pretty 367
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provide 142
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Q 245
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R 249
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S 307
sample 307
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T 244
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U 225
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V 160
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very 369
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vocation 303
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want 255
warn 60
waste 87
weary 230
whereas 376
whether 378
while 376
withstand 145
Y 376
yet 376
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