- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:何善康,闻兆荣等编
- 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7560205380
- 页数:308 页
1—A Life in the Year 2000 1
1—B U.S.Cities:Past and Present 4
2—A How to Look at Different Cultures 8
2—B Auto Called No.1 Health Enemy 11
3—A Importance of Qualified Workers 15
3—B Recycling Waste 18
4—A British Local Government 21
4—B Plants or Insects First? 25
5—A Rules for the Early Automobiles 28
5—B Dried Food 31
6—A Security and Commodity Exchanges 35
6—B The President and Congress 38
7—A Wild Turkey 42
7—B TV Camera and Human Eye 45
8—A Franklin,the Swimmer 49
8—B Transportation in the United States 52
9—A College Students 56
9—B Marriage and Advertisement in Indian's Sunday Newspapers 60
Test One 64
10—A The BBC Radio and Television 72
10—B An Unusual Experience in Africa 75
11—A Works of Art 79
11—B An Air-raid 82
12—A Skiing Down Everest 86
12—B How to Give a Good Speech 89
13—A How to Get There 93
13—B Underdevelopment and Sciences 96
14—A The American College Town 100
14—B Early Birds 103
15—A Speeding 107
15—B Self-protection 110
16—A Chicago 113
16—B Our First Words 117
17—A Left Holding the Baby 120
17—B A Letter 124
18—A Changes in Women's Lives 128
18—B The First Travel in Space 131
Test Two 135
19—A Wit and Humor 144
19—B Geography of the U.S.A. 147
20—A Colour and Feelings 151
20—B Plant and Animal Distribution 155
21—A A Base on the Moon 159
21—B Cigarettes 163
22—A Simple Examples of Inertia 168
22—B The Linguistic Habits of a New Generation 171
23—A Textbook Index,Ads and Others 175
23—B The Planemakers 180
24—A A Sunless World 184
24—B Any Other Business 187
25—A One Man's Garden 191
25—B On Using the Telephone 194
26—A When You Have an Accident 199
26—B How Man is Different from Other Animals 202
27—A Ghost 206
27—B Language and Phonetics 209
Test Three 214
28—A If Your House is on Fire 223
28—B The Sea Wolves 227
29—A Acting Life 231
29—B Detectives Lives—Fact and Fantasy 235
30—A Beethoven 238
30—B Where Mother Was 242
31—A Nothing Important,Clearly 246
31—B The Language of Social Occasions 250
32—A Nature Note 255
32—B Magazines for Fans and Fan Magazines 258
33—A Superstitions Today 262
33—B Animal Education 265
34—A Live Within Your Means 270
34—B The Enclosure of the Common 275
35—A The Cause of Lightning Flashes 280
35—B Control Units 283
36—A Alfred Hitchcock on Film-making 287
36—B Rocket to London 291
Test Four 296
Keys to the Exercises 305
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