- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈惠主编
- 出 版 社:成都:西南交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7810574450
- 页数:233 页
Unit 1 At the Airport 机场 3
(1)Booking a Flight(订机票) 3
(2)Confirming a Flight(再确认航班) 8
(3)Checking in(办理登机手续) 12
(4)On the Plane(在飞机上) 17
Unit 2 At the Railway Station 火车站 25
(1)Ordering a Ticket(订车票) 25
(2)Registering Luggage(托运行李) 29
Unit 3 Taxi 计程车 35
(1)Greetings(招呼客人) 35
(2)Traffic Jams(交通堵塞) 39
(3)Something Wrong with the Car(汽车故障) 43
(1)Advance Reservations(预订房间) 49
Unit 4 At the Hotel 饭店 49
(2)Receiving Guests I(接待旅客I) 54
(3)Receiving GuestsⅡ(接待旅客Ⅱ) 59
(4)Room Cleaning(客房整理) 63
(5)Valet Service(洗熨服务) 67
(6)At the Hotel s Bar(在饭店酒吧) 72
(7)At the Barber s House(在理发店) 76
(8)At the Beauty Parlor(在美容院) 80
(9)At the Lost and Found Department(失物招领处) 85
(10)Complaints(批评意见) 90
(11)Checking Out(结账离店) 94
Unit 5 Food and Beverages 餐饮 101
(1)Booking a Table(订位) 101
(2)Seating the Dinner(带位) 106
(3)Ordering a Mcal(点菜) 111
(4)Waiting at the Table(随桌服侍) 116
(5)In the Cafe(在咖啡馆) 121
Unit 6 At the Department Store 商场 127
(1)At the Food Department(在食品部) 127
(2)At the Arts and Crafts Department(在工艺品部) 132
(3)At the Garments Department(在服装部) 137
(4)At the Jewelry Department(在珠宝部) 142
(5)At the Shoes and Hats Department(在鞋帽部) 147
(6)At the Cosmetics Department(在化妆品部) 152
(7)At the Electric Appliance Department (在家用电器部) 157
(8)At the Textile Department(在纺织品部) 162
(9)At the Sporing Goods Department(在体育用品部) 167
(10)At the Clock,Watch and Glasses Depqrtment(在钟表眼镜部) 172
(11)At the Painting and Calligraphy Department(在字画部) 177
Unit 7 Mail,Telephone and Telegram 邮政、电话与电报 185
(1)Letters(信件) 185
(2)Telephone(电话) 189
(3)Telegram(电报) 194
(4)Parcel(包裹) 198
(5)Rcmittance(汇款) 203
Unit 8 Banking 银行业务 209
(1)Opening an Account(开户) 209
(2)Withdrawing(提款) 214
(3)Money Exchange(货币兑换) 218
Unit 9 At the Customs 在海关 225
(1)Checking Declaration Forms(检查申报单) 225
(2)Checking the Luggage(检查行李) 229
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