- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭秀梅著
- 出 版 社:南京市:南京大学出版社
- 出版年份:1989
- ISBN:7305002674
- 页数:476 页
Table of ContentsPrefaceForewordThe Bible As a Whole 1
The Old Testament 12
Creation Stories 17
Readings 17
Interpretation 26
The Story of Abraham 33
Readings 33
Interpretation 43
The Story of Jacob 49
Readings 49
Interpretation 61
Readings 67
The Story of Joseph and His Brethren 67
Interpretation 82
Moses 88
Readings 88
Interpretation 105
Joshua 116
Readings 116
Interpretation 121
Judges:Introductory Remarks 124
Ehud 127
Readings 127
Interpretation 129
Readings 131
Deborah 131
Interpretation 136
Gideon 143
Readings 143
Interpretation 148
Jephthah's Daughter 151
Readings 151
Interpretation 153
Samson 155
Readings 155
Interpretation 161
Ⅰand Ⅱ Samuel,Ⅰ and Ⅱ kings 166
Readings 168
Samuel 168
Interpretation 183
Saul 187
Readings 187
Interpretation 203
David 208
Readings 208
Interpretation 222
Solomon 232
Readings 232
Interpretation 238
Elijah 241
Readings 241
Interpretation 248
Readings 252
Elisha 252
Interpretation 259
Literary Prophets:Introductory Remarks 261
Amos 263
Readings 263
Interpretation 270
Hosea 274
Readings 274
Interpretation 279
Micah 282
Readings 282
Interpretation 287
Readings 290
Isaiah 290
Interpretation 297
Habakkuk 303
Readings 303
Interpretation 306
Jeremiah 309
Readings 309
Interpretation 318
Second Isaiah 323
Readings 323
Interpretation 330
Concluding Remarks 333
Readings 335
Psalms 335
Interpretation 350
The Song of Songs 358
Readings 358
Interpretation 371
Proverbs 377
Readings 377
Interpretation 386
Ecclesiastes 391
Readings 391
Interpretation 395
Job 399
Readings 399
Interpretation 414
Ruth 420
Readings 420
Interpretation 425
Jonah 431
Readings 431
Interpretation 434
Daniel 437
Readings 437
Interpretation 446
Esther 449
Readings 449
Interpretation 459
Some Dominant Features of the Old Testament 463
Bibliography 476
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- 《圣经之文学研究 再版》摩尔登著 1938
- 《整理人生》(美)丽贾纳·里兹著;郝晓静译 2012
- 《用闲适对付人生 林语堂生活的艺术》孙银芳编 2013
- 《中国无神论资料选注与浅析 第2册》王友三编 1977
- 《《大学中庸》导读》雷原,郭思敏,张媛编著;胡晓松总主编 2012
- 《灵力》英格丽德著;徐海幈译 2014
- 《世界推理小说名侦探福尔摩斯系列 巴斯克维尔的猎犬》(英)柯南·道尔著;张义译 2013
- 《解读涨跌秘诀 第2版》邵道明著 2014
- 《心灵鸡汤 白金精华版》李继勇著 2012
- 《一个人的小美好》冯梅著 2019
- 《初高中化学衔接教材》黄咏梅著 2018
- 《材料力学》邱秀梅,戴景军主编 2016
- 《静电纺纳米纤维与组织再生》莫秀梅主编 2019
- 《芸编指痕》郑逸梅著 2019
- 《一卷大唐的风华 唐诗风韵》白落梅著 2019
- 《相逢如初见 回首是一生》白落梅著 2019
- 《艺林散叶》郑逸梅著 2019
- 《全国医学高等专科教育“十三五”规划教材 医学统计学》(中国)郭秀花 2019
- 《清代试律诗学研究》梁梅著 2018