英语听力入门2000 1 学生用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张民伦主编
- 出 版 社:上海:华东师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7561723407
- 页数:176 页
Unit1 Happy New Millennium! 3
PartⅠ Warming up 3
PartⅡ The time ball 7
PartⅢ Word of the millennium 10
PartⅣ Short talks on listening skills 12
Focus on the Main ldea 12
Unit2 Net Changes Life(Ⅰ) 17
PartⅠ Warming up 17
PartⅡ Network 21
PartⅢ Online shopping 24
PartⅣ Short talks on listening skills 26
Don t Attempt to Write Too Much 26
Unit3 Net Changes Life(Ⅱ) 31
PartⅠ Warming up 31
PartⅡ Net changes dorm life 34
PartⅢ Global multi-media giant 36
PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation 39
Unit4 Colorful Lands,Colorful People(Ⅰ) 45
PartⅠ Warming up 45
PartⅡ In Brazil and France 48
PartⅢ Life here and there 51
PartⅣ Short talks on listening skills 54
Be Careful with Numbers 54
Unit5 Colorful Lands,Colorful People(Ⅱ) 59
PartⅠ Warming up 59
PartⅡ The world s six billionth inhabitant 62
PartⅢ The biggest cities in the world 65
PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation 67
Unit6 From Place to Place 71
PartⅠ Warming up 71
PartⅡ Villa Rentals 74
PartⅢ It s the only way to travel 77
PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation 79
PartⅠ Warming up 83
Unit7 Approaching Culture 83
PartⅡ Museums in the modern world 88
PartⅢ Kwanzaa 91
PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation 93
Unit8 Creative Minds 97
PartⅠ Warming up 97
PartⅡ Scientists of the millennium(Ⅰ) 100
PartⅢ Scientists of the millennium(Ⅱ) 103
PartⅣ Short talks on listening skills 106
How Is It Being Said—Formal of Informal Language? 106
Unit9 Visions of the Future 111
PartⅠ Warming up 111
PartⅡ Working at home 114
PartⅢ The Times capsule 116
PartⅣ Short talks on listening skills 119
Making Use of Them—Signals and Fillers 119
PartⅠ Warming up 123
Unit10 For Peace and Development 123
PartⅡ The Panama Canal handover 127
PartⅢ Financial news 129
PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation 131
Unit11 It s Great to Be a Champion 135
PartⅠ Warming up 135
PartⅡ The Women s World Cup 137
PartⅢ Luck in the hat 139
PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation 142
Unit12 Leisure Time 147
PartⅠ Warming up 147
PartⅡ The new Star Wars movie 150
PartⅢ The man with the horn 153
PartⅣ Short talks on listening skills 155
Letting Things Go—Speed and Vocabulary 155
Vocabulary 157
Acknowledgements 175
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