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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)玛勒·梅尔(Marlene Mayers),(美)安妮特·詹珂森(Annette Jacobson)著;舒宽勇等译
  • 出 版 社:南昌:江西科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7539018909
  • 页数:306 页

第一章 产前 3

1-1 出院指导(Eductaion for Discharge) 3

1-2 胎盘早期剥离(Abruptio Placentae) 9

1-3 癌症(Cancer) 13

1-4 心脏疾病(Cardiac Disease) 17

1-5 药物成瘾(Chemical Dependency) 20

1-6 糖尿病(Diabetes Melitus) 23

1-7 家庭暴力(Domestic Violence) 26

1-8 子宫外孕(Ectopic Pregnancy) 28

1-9 外生殖器/阴道感染(Genital/Vaginal Tract Infection) 30

1-10 单纯疱疹(Herpes Simplex Virus) 32

1-11 HIV阳性/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS) 35

1-12 妊娠剧吐(Hyperemesis Gravidarum) 41

1-13 妊娠高血压综合征(Hypertension,Pregnancy lnduced) 45

1-14 感染性疾病(Infectious Disorders) 49

1-15 同种免疫性疾病(Isoimmune Disease) 52

1-16 多胎妊娠(Multiple Gestation) 55

1-17 前置胎盘(Placenta Previa) 59

1-18 早产(Preterm Labor) 62

1-19 胎膜早破(自发性早产)〔Rupture of Membrane(Spontaneous Preterm)〕 66

1-20 血栓栓塞(Thrombembolic Dysfunction) 70

1-21 泌尿道感染(Urinary Tract Infection) 73

2-1 分娩的评估与支持(Labor Assessment and Support) 78

第二章 产时 78

2-2 分娩功能不良(Dysfunctional Labor) 82

2-3 引产与催产(Labor Induction/Augmentation) 84

2-4 脐带脱垂(Prolapsed Umbilical Cord) 87

2-5 胎儿窘迫(Fetal Stress) 89

2-6 阴道分娩(Vaginal Delivery) 91

2-7 产后恢复(Vaginal Recovery) 93

2-8 剖宫产(手术前)〔Cesarean Delivery(Pre—op)〕 95

第三章 产后 98

3-1 母乳喂养(Breastfeeding) 98

3-2 剖宫产(术后)〔Cesarean Delivery(Post-Op)〕 101

3-3 早期出院(阴道分娩)〔Early Discharge(Vaginal Delivery)〕 104

3-4 围生期失去胎(婴)儿性悲伤(Grief,Perinatal Loss) 108

3-5 产后出血(Postpartum Hemorrhage) 112

3-6 血栓性静脉炎(Thrombophlebitis) 114

3-7 阴道分娩(产后)〔Vaginal Delivery(Postpartum)〕 118

第四章 新生儿 122

4-1 家庭过渡期婴儿护理(Family Transition,Infant Integration) 122

4-2 正常新生儿(Healthy Newborn) 127

4-3 生理性黄疸(Physiologic Jaundice) 134

第五章 新生儿常见疾病 140

5-1 空气渗漏综合征(Air Leak Syndrome) 140

5-2 贫血(Anemia) 143

5-3 早产儿呼吸暂停(Apnea of Prematurity) 145

5-4 窒息(Asphyxia) 148

5-5 辅助性通气(Assisted Ventilation) 152

5-6 依行为为准则的护理(Behavioral-Based Care) 156

5-7 肠梗阻(Bowel Obstruction) 159

5-8 药物成瘾与戒断(Chemical Addiction/Withdrawal) 162

5-9 慢性肺部疾病(Chronic Lung Disease) 165

5-10 唇腭裂(Cleft Lip,Cleft Palate) 169

5-11 可卡因暴露(Cocaine Exposure) 171

5-12 先天性心脏病(Congenital Heart Defect) 175

5-13 先天性髋关节发育不良(Congenital Hip Dysplasia) 179

5-14 充血性心力衰竭(Congestive Heart Failure) 182

5-15 喂食困难(Feeding Dysfunction) 188

5-16 胎儿酒精综合征(Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) 190

5-17 脐膨出与腹裂(Gastroschisis/Omphalocele) 195

5-18 胃造瘘(Gastrostomy) 198

5-19 HIV阳性/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS) 200

5-20 脑积水(Hydrocephalus) 204

5-21 高胆红素血症(Hyperbilirubinemia) 206

5-22 低钙血症(Hypocalcemia) 212

5-23 低血糖(Hypoglycemia) 215

5-24 糖尿病母亲的婴儿(Infant of Diabetic Mother) 218

5-25 感染性疾病(Infectious Disorders) 222

5-26 颅内出血(Intracranial Hemorrhage) 225

5-27 同种免疫性疾病(Isoimmune Disease) 228

5-28 大于胎龄儿(Large for Gestation Age) 231

5-29 胎便吸入综合征(Meconmium Aspiration Syndrome) 235

5-30 坏死性肠炎(Necrotizing Enterocolitis) 239

5-31 动脉导管未闭(Patent Ductus Arteriosus) 244

5-32 持续性肺动脉高压(Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension) 246

5-33 手术后护理(Postoperative Care) 250

5-34 过期产儿(Post-term lnfant) 255

5-35 手术前护理(Preoperative Care) 258

5-36 呼吸窘迫综合征(Respiratory Distress Syndrome) 262

5-37 惊厥(Seizure Disorder) 266

5-38 皮肤护理(Skin Care) 270

5-39 小于胎龄儿(Small for Gestational Age) 272

5-40 脊柱裂(Spina Bifida) 278

5-41 畸形足(Talipes) 283

5-42 体温不稳(Thermal Instability) 286

5-43 气管食管瘘(Tracheoesophageal Fistula) 289

5-44 新生儿短暂性呼吸过速(Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn) 293

5-45 低出生体重婴儿(Very Low Birth Weight lnfant) 296

附录 301

附录 缩写名词 301
