- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭秀梅著
- 出 版 社:南京市:南京大学出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7305007811
- 页数:356 页
Foreword to this Revised Edition 1
The Bible as a Whole 1
Foreword 3
Preface 5
The Old Testament 18
Creation Stories 26
Abraham,the Progenitor 36
Jacob, the Shrewd 45
Joseph and His Brethren 54
Moses-Leader and Law-giver 63
Joshua,Military Leader 79
Judges:Introductory Remarks 83
Ehud,the Left-handed 88
Deborah and Her Song 91
Gideon, the Resourceful 101
Jephthah's Daughter 105
Samson,Strong and Weak 108
I and ⅡSamuel,Iand ⅡKings 116
Samuel,the Last Judge,the First Prophet 118
Saul,the Schizophrenic 124
David,Prudent to Lndulgent 131
SOomon,the Lavishing 149
Elijah,the Sudden and Abrupt 153
Elisha in Elijah's Mantle 159
Literary Prophets:Introductory Remarks 163
Amos,the Vehernent 167
Hosea,Pleading Prophet 174
Micah,Rural Prophet 178
Isaiah,Counsellor and Preacher 182
Habakkuk, the Questioner 191
Jeremiah,Prophet of Gloom 195
Second Isaiah,the Joyful 204
Concluding Re,arks on Literary Prophets 210
Psalms 212
The Song of songs 225
Proverbs-Realistic and Idealistic 234
Ecclesiastes'Cynicism 241
Job's OPtimism 247
Ruthe , the Moabitess 255
Jonah,the Bigot 264
Daniel ,the Invincible 269
Queen Esther 273
Some Dominant Features of the Old Testament 279
From the Old Testament to the New Testament 300
The New Testament 304
The Gospels 307
Jesus and Confucius 317
The Language of Jesus 321
The Acts of the Apostles 333
The Epistles 338
Revelation 348
Some Concluding Remarks About the New Testament 352
Bibliography 355
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