大学英语快速阅读教程 第一级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:汪开虎主编;刘萍编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7313007582
- 页数:218 页
1.Dick Whittington and His Cat 1
2.The Elves and the Shoemaker 6
3.The Prince and the Judge 10
4.Dogs--Our Faithful Companions 14
5.Living Without Memory 18
6.Jumping Frog 22
7.The Woman on the Bus(Ⅰ) 26
8.The Woman on the Bus(Ⅱ) 30
9.The Enchanted Islands 34
10.Louis Armstrong 39
11.The Story of Job 44
12.The Galloping Ghost 49
13.Bull Fighting 53
14.Why Am I Writing This Book? 56
15.Moving Made Easy 60
16.Enter Reality 64
17.Police Dog 68
18.College Students Cheating 71
19.Outdoor Worker 75
20.Sleep More,Feel Better 79
21.White Elephant 84
22.Guard Against Crimes 89
23.The Slave Girl 93
24.Table Manners 98
25.The Lion 102
26.Race Relationship 106
27.Review on Rich Dad,Poor Dad 111
28.Young Kids Shooting Problem 116
29.Quitting Smoking 120
30.The Wedding Ceremony and Reception 124
31.Nothing in the World s Better than Being Five 129
32.Lion Dung for Roe Deer 133
33.Fact or Fantasy? 137
34.Now He Belongs to the Ages(Ⅰ) 142
35.Now He Belongs to the Ages(Ⅱ) 146
36.Mr.Travers s First Hunt 150
37.The Gold Coin 155
38.Trouble in Bohemia 160
39.Fred Astaire 166
40.My First Car 170
41.The Best Advice I ever Had 174
42.The Role I Relish Most 178
43.A Real Loss 182
44.How to Give a Good Speech 186
45.One Environment,Many Worlds 190
46.The Poor Slob 194
47.Why a Man Needs a Woman 198
48.Get Your Kids Listening 202
49.Excuses,Excuses 207
50.My Life 212
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