- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Bob Bonnet,(美)Dan Keen著;徐建,栗小平译
- 出 版 社:天津:天津科技翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7543313332
- 页数:188 页
Project实验项目 1
1 Under Pressure How handling affects substances 加压之后 加压对物质的影响 1
2 Lemony Lineup Real lemon or fake food flavoring?一排柠檬汁 真的柠檬还是人造食用香精? 4
3 Nothing to Sniff At Smell and the secret of “wafting” 闻一闻没事吗 气味和“扇嗅”的奥秘 9
4 It's Litmus!Making pH(acid/base)testing strips 这就是石蕊!制作pH(酸/碱)试纸 12
5 Acute Cuke The chemical change called pickling 酸黄瓜 这种化学变化叫腌制 18
6 Bad Cow?A non-taste test for sour milk 牛奶坏了吗? 不品尝味道可测试牛奶是否发酵 20
7 Less Is More For greater concentration,evaporate! 越少反而越浓 蒸发可以使溶液进一步浓缩! 22
8 Cooking pHacts The effect of cooking on pH 烹饪中pH值的变化 烹饪对pH值的影响 25
9 Getting Ahead Reaction between a base and an acid 一直往上冲 碱和酸的反应 27
10 We Salute Solution Understanding basic chemical terms 我们喜欢溶液 了解基本的化学术语 30
11 Go,Old Mold!Food additives keep bread good longer 滚开 讨厌的霉菌! 食品添加剂可延长面包的保鲜期 33
12 Captured Carbon The chemical reaction of burning 截获的碳 燃烧的化学反应 37
13 Tick Tock Tack Testing the oxidation time of metals 时间抹去了图钉的亮光 测试金属的氧化时间 41
14 A Patch of White Green plants and photosynthesis 一片白斑 绿色植物和光合作用 43
15 Pop Goes the Soda Reducing carbonation in soft drinks 汽水砰的一声跑了出来 减少软饮料中的碳酸气 46
16 How Electrifying!Examining the Conduction of substances 还能通电! 检测物质的导电性 50
17 We Deplore Pollution Water dilutes,but pollution remains 我们怨恨污染 水可以稀释污染,但不能清除污染 55
18 No Syrup The concept of viscosity 不是糖浆的问题 粘度的概念 59
19 Egg Head Measuring endothermic reactions in eggs 煮鸡蛋的小行家 测量鸡蛋的吸热反应 63
20 One Candle-Power Understanding exothermic reaction 一个烛光的光强度 理解放热反应 67
21 Fade Not Natural dyes and sunlight 褪不褪色 天然染料与阳光 71
22 Sticky-Goo!Emulsion,the“chem-magical”cleaner 清除粘附的油污 乳浊液是一种神奇的化学清洁剂 75
23 Worth the Wait Unripe fruit to sugary treat 值得等待 未成熟水果的糖化 79
24 Sweeter Sweet Natural sugar or chemical substitute 比糖还甜 天然糖或化学替代品 83
25 Chemical Tears Overcoming an onion's natural gas 化学催泪剂 消除洋葱的天然气味 88
26 Saucy Cleaner A natural tarnish remover 沙司清洁剂 一种天然的去污剂 91
27 The Yeast Beast Fermentation proves yeast is alive! 酵母的威力 通过发酵来验证酵母的活性! 94
28 Better Bubbles Safe and natural monster-bubble solutions 更好的泡泡 安全而神奇的吹泡泡天然溶液 98
29 Onion Switch Changing the taste of onions by cooking 洋葱的变化 烹调会改变洋葱的味道 102
30 Eaters'Digest Dissolving foods with acids 胃的消化过程 酸可以分解食物 104
31 Left Behind It's in your water 留下的痕迹 它在你的水中 107
32 Repeat,Threepeat Exact data allows repeatable results 重复,重复,再重复 精确的数据才能得出有复验性的结果 111
33 Paint by Sugars Combining dyes 用糖上色 染料的组合 116
34 Colorful Disguise Smell and taste:team players 彩色伪装 嗅觉和味觉:同队的队员 120
35 You've Changed!Ideniifying chemical and physical changes 你也发生变化了!化学变化和物理变化的鉴别 124
36 Scent in a Cube Releasing fragrance with heat 小块肥皂的香味 加热可以释放出香味 128
37 Staying on Top Reduce a soap's density…and it floats!浮在上面 减少肥皂的密度它就会浮起来! 132
38 Basic Building Blocks Getting to know the Periodic Table 基本的积木块 初步了解元素周期表 137
39 Stressed Out The effects of weathering on elasticity 受力伸长 气候对弹性的影响 141
40 Heavy Gas,Man Releasing trapped gas to extinguish flame 嗨!好重的气体 释放出载留的气体进行灭火 146
41 Have a Taste,Bud Sugar sweetness a matter of chemistry 品尝味道的味蕾 糖的甜味是一种化学物质 150
42 Settle Up Oil and water don't mix…usually 油水分离 油和水是不相溶的,通常是这样 154
43 Building Blocks Growing naturalt crystal structures 积聚成块 不断生长的天然晶体结构 158
44 Cool Clothes Testing for fabrics that“breathe” 凉爽的衣服 试验纺织品是否“透气” 163
45 Out of the Middle Separating liquids by density 抽出中间的一层 利用密度来分离液体 167
46 Not Just Desserts Testing taste with combined flavors 不仅仅是品尝果冻 品尝混合风味果冻的味道 172
47 Tricking the Brain When a food's color is changed 欺骗大脑 当改变食物的颜色时 176
A Glossary 科学术语 180
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