海南树木奇观 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:韩剑准主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国林业出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7503828927
- 页数:142 页
Jianfengling, Treasury of Species 2
Magnificent Seabed Forests 6
Shading Coco Forest in Dongjiao 10
Hylobates concolor hainanus, a Thriving Life in the Jungle 12
Green Beach of Vatica mangachapoi in Wanning 14
Southern Pearl: Rubber Forest 16
Slender and Straight Areca catechu 18
Top Quality Mahogany Dalbergia odorifera 22
Anti-cancer Pioneer Cephalotaxus hainanensis 24
Hopea hainanensis Everlasting and Imperishable Under Ground 26
Hopea exalata, as Beautiful as Hopea hainanensis 28
Gmelina hainanensis as Good as Teak 29
High Quality Coppice of Homalium hainanense 30
The Heaviest Wood Madhuca hainanensis 31
Tall and Lofty Wild Litchi 32
Calocedrus macrolepis, an Ancient Species 33
Alseodaphne hainanensis and Phoebe hungmaoensis 34
Ancient Living Fossil, Alsophila spinulosa 36
Rare and Ancient Cycas taiwaniana 38
Rare Gardening Tree, Hainan Cherry (Cerasus hainanensis) 39
Podocarpus imbricatus, Large Volume Output 42
Dacrydium pierrei, Large Standing Volume 44
Keteleeria evelyniana, a Triton of the Minnows 46
Heritiera parvifoliera, Elegant Buttress 47
Tectona grandis is Popular in the World 48
Buxus hainanensis Grows Slowly 49
Adansonia digitata, Fast Early Growth 50
Lannea coromandelica, Thick Bark and Tolerant to Fire 52
Top Rosin Producer Pinus latteri 53
African Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis), Truly the King of Oil 54
The Best Rattan Daemonorops margaritae 56
Poisonous Tree Antiaris toxicaria 57
Ochroma lagopus Wood, the Lightest and Softest Timber 58
True Sindora glabra, Truly Precious 62
Pig Cage, Magical Tree 63
Horsfieldia hainanensis Bleeds when Bark Broken 64
Magic Fruit Changes Sour to Sweet 65
Leafless Tree, no Leaves but Green 66
Calotropis gigantea, Five Sleeping Dogs in a Flower s Heart 67
Huge Hollow Tree Reaches the Sky 68
Ficus Trees Bridging a River Connecting 2 Villages 69
Gardening Fairy Hyophorbe lagenicaulis 70
Giant Ficus virens var. sublanceolata Forms a Forest with One Tree 72
Old Terminalia Catappa Rising Through from the Bridge 74
Buttress Roots of a Large Cyclobalanops is Tree 75
Lover Trees 76
Ficus Garrote Old Tamarindus 77
A Mother-and-son Tree of Ficus in Baihualing 78
Tree Deer Runs over the Canopy 80
Cattle Hoof Cannot be Smaller than Sheep Hoof 82
Watch the Raintree Rain 84
Hearing the Fruit Burst of Hura crepitans 86
Podocarpus reriifolius Looks Like Bamboo 90
Fruit of Podocarpus annamiensi as Arhat 92
Fragrant Oil and Beautiful Wood 93
Treasury Germplasm Wild Longan 94
Special Wood for Boat Making 96
Beaufiful Amooradasyelada 97
Quality Goods Medicinal Liquor Semiliquidambar cathayensis 98
Don t Take Toona ciliata as T. chinensis 100
Only Oncodostigma hainanensis Protected 102
Antirhea chinensis of Family Rubiaceae in Good Graces 103
Chunia bucklandioides only Species of the Genus 104
Hainan Special Tree, Chuniophoenix hainanensis 105
Paranephelium hainanense Occurs only in Hainan 106
Wumo, Ligulate Leaf and Loose Bark 107
Manglietia hainanensis in Valley Jungle 108
Erythrophloeum fordii, Gemu, Tieli and Dongjingmu 110
Top Chenxiang Product Qiong Chenxiang 114
Noble Medicine Dracaena cambodiana 116
Hydnocarpus hainanensis, an Enemy of Leprosy 117
Tropical Fruit King Nephelium lappaceum 118
Rare Southern Fruit Manilkara zapota 120
Artocarpus heterophyllus Flower Grows on Stem 122
Arenga westerhkutii, a Species Different from Coco 124
Get both Oil and Wood from Calophyllum inophyllum 126
Top Dry Fruit Cashew Kernel 128
Indian Madhuca longifolia Produces More Oil 130
Treasury Mango, Hainan Local Mangifera indica 131
Army General Planted Coco Trees on Xisha Isle 134
Hero Tree Remembers Hero 136
Mango Brings China-Pakistan Friendship 137
Plumeria rubra cv. Obtusifolia in the Sugong Me-morial Temple 138
Old Trewia nudiflora Tree Outside the Zaijiutang 139
Ancient Mango in Dongpo Study Rooms 140
References 142
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