- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:余英编著
- 出 版 社:北京:气象出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7502931287
- 页数:311 页
词条1.an,an,one 3
第1章 3
词条2.a bit,a bit of 4
词条3.able,unable,ability 5
词条4.across,cross,crossing,through 6
词条5.act(as/for),action,active,activ-ity 7
词条6.afraid of,afraid to,afraid for 8
词条7.after all,first of all,in all,above all,not...at all 9
词条8.a great deal,a great deal of 10
词条9.ago,before 11
词条10.agree to, agree with 12
词条11.a kind of,of a kind 13
词条12.a lot,lots of, a lot of 14
词条13.alike,like 15
词条15.almost,mostly,most 16
词条14.all-day,all day 16
词条16.alone,lonely 17
词条17.aloud,loud,loudly 18
词条18.although,though 19
词条19.altogether,all together 20
词条20.angry at,angry with 21
词条21.another,other,the other,others 21
词条22.a number of,the number 23
词条23.anxious for,anxious about 23
词条24.anyone,any one,anybody 24
词条25.anyway,any way 25
词条26.a piece of,of a piece 26
词条27.apologize,apology 26
词条29.as,like 27
词条10.sign,singal,mark 27
词条28.arise,rise 27
词条30.as if(as though),even if(even though) 29
词条31.as such,such as,such...as 29
词条32.as to,as for 30
词条33.as well,as well as 31
词条34.at a time,at one time,at times 32
词条35.at hand,in hand 32
词条36.at least,in the least 33
词条37.at peace,in peace 34
词条38.at present,for the present 34
词条39.at sight,at the sight of 35
词条40.at speed,at a speed of 36
词条41.at the beginning of, at(in)the be-ginning 37
词条42.at the corner,on the corner,in the corner 37
词条43.at the end,by the end,in the end 38
词条44.at the top of,on (the)top of 39
词条45.at work,in work 40
词条1.bare,barely 43
词条2.base,basis 43
第2章 43
词条3.bath,bathe 44
词条4.beat,defeat,win 45
词条5.because,because of 46
词条6.before long,long before 47
词条7.believe,believe in 47
词条8.beside,besides 48
词条9.blind,blinded 49
词条10.brain,brains 50
词条11.breath,breathe 50
词条12.bring,take,fetch,carry 51
词条13.busy,busily,business 52
词条14.by bus,on the bus 53
词条15.by day,by the day 54
第3章 57
词条1.call at,call on 57
词条2.calm,quiet,silent,still,peace-ful 57
词条3.care about,care for 58
词条4.carry,carry on,carry out 60
词条5.cause,reason,excuse 60
词条6.celebrate,congratulate 61
词条7.center,middle 62
词条8.chance,opportunity 63
词条9.character,personality,nature 64
词条10.childish,childlike 65
词条11.clever,bright,intelligent,smart,wise 66
词条12.clever at,clever with 67
词条13.climate,weather 67
词条14.cloth,clothes,clothing 68
词条15.common,ordinary,usual 69
词条16.compare to,compare with 70
词条18.continual,continuous 71
词条17.condition,situation,position 71
词条19.cook,cooker 72
词条20.contain,include 73
词条21.cost,charge,price 73
第4章 77
词条1.daily,everyday 77
词条2.day after day,day by day,the other day,some day,one day,all day long 78
词条3.damage,injure 79
词条4.deaf to,deaf in 79
词条5.deep,deeply 80
词条6.delighted,delightful 81
词条7.desroy,ruin 82
词条8.die for,die from,die of 83
词条9.discover,invert 84
词条10.dissatisfied,unsatisfied 85
词条11.dress,wear,put on 86
词条2.economic,economical 89
词条1.each other,one another 89
第5章 89
词条3.either...or,neither...nor 90
词条4.each,every 91
词条5.easy,easily,with ease 92
词条6.effect,affect,influence 92
词条7.elder,older 93
词条8.early,soon 94
词条9.earth,mud,soil,land,ground,globe,world 95
词条10.earn,get,win,gain 96
词条11.especially,special(ly),particular(ly) 97
词条12.everyday,every day 98
词条13.everybody,everyone,every body,every one 99
词条14.example,sample 99
词条15.expensive,dear 100
第6章 103
词条1.fall,drop 103
词条2.faraway,far away 104
词条3.far from,as(so)far as,so far 105
词条4.farther,further 106
词条5.face,appearance,look 107
词条6.fact,event 108
词条7.fairly,rather,quite,pretty 109
词条8.famous as,famous for,famous with 111
词条9.fancy,imagination 112
词条10.fast,quick,rapid 113
词条11.fight,struggle,battle 115
词条12.fight for,fight against,fight with 116
词条13.for oneself,by oneself,to oneself,of oneself 116
词条14.forest,wood(s) 118
词条15.friendly to,friendly with 118
词条16.fill,full 119
词条17.fit,suit 120
词条18.fit,suitable,proper 121
词条19.foolish,silly,stupid 122
词条20.forgive,excuse,pardon 123
词条21.frightened,afraid,terrified 124
第7章 127
词条1.game,play,sport 127
词条2.gentle,soft,mild 128
词条3.gift,present 130
词条4.give in,give up 130
词条5.give off,give out 132
词条6.gold,golden 133
词条7.go on to do,go on doing,go on with 134
词条8.goal,purpose,aim 135
第8章 139
词条1.hanged,hung 139
词条2.happen,take place 140
词条3.hard,hardly 141
词条4.have a word with,have words with 142
词条5.hear,listen to,hear from,receive,hear of 143
词条6.highway,freeway 144
词条7.high,highly,tall 144
词条8.hit,beat,strike knock 146
词条9.hope,wish,want 147
词条10.however,how ever,no matter how,but 149
第9章 153
词条1.incident,accident,event 153
词条2.indeed,really,truly 154
词条3.if,in case 155
词条4.in favour with,in favour of 156
词条5.in order,in order that,so as to 157
词条6.instead,instead of 158
词条7.in charge of,in the charge of 159
词条8.in the distance,at a distance 161
词条9.in the east of,to the east of, on the east of 162
词条10.in a way,in the way,by the way, on the way 163
词条11.industrious,industrial,hard-working 164
词条12.invent,discover,find,look for 165
第10章 169
词条1.journey,trip,tour,voyage 169
词条2.join,join in,attend,take part in 170
词条3.kind,type,sort 171
第11章 175
词条1.last,latest,final 175
词条2.late,lately,of late,recently 176
词条3.aly,lie 177
词条4.lend,borrow,loan 179
词条5.like,love,enjoy 180
词条6.likely,possible,probable 182
词条7.look,watch,see 183
词条8.live,lively,living,life,alive 185
词条9.leave,keep,remain 187
第12章 191
词条1.be made from,be made of,be make up of 191
词条2.manage,try 192
词条3.many,a good (great)many,a great number of,a great deal of,a lot of,lots of,much,plenty of,a large amount of 193
词条4.marry...to,be/get married to 194
词条5.matter,material 196
词条6.mean,meaning,means 197
词条7.mend,repair,fix 199
词条8.method,way,technique 200
词条9.move,remove 201
第13章 205
词条1.nature,quality 205
词条2.near,close,nearly 206
词条3.at night,by night,for the night 209
词条4.no more than,not more than,no...more than,not...more than 210
词条5.none,no one,nothing 211
词条1.officer,official 215
第14章 215
词条2.once,as soon as 215
词条3.one day,some day,the other day 217
词条4.onto,on to 218
词条5.opinion,view 220
词条6.other,else,another,the other,the others,others 221
词条7.out of question,out of the ques-tion 223
词条8.one,you,man 223
第15章 227
词条1.pass,past 227
词条2.please,pleasant,pleasing,pleased,pleasure 228
词条3.practice,drill,exercise 230
词条4.problem,question 232
词条5.produce,product,production 233
词条6.proud,pride 235
词条7.Provide...for,provide...with 236
词条8.permit,let,allow 238
词条9.quiet,calm,still,silent 239
第16章 243
词条1.raise,bring up,grow up 243
词条2.recall,remember,remind 245
词条3.reply,answer 246
词条4.raise,rise 248
词条5.regret to do,regret doing 250
词条6.relate,relation,relationship,relative 252
词条7.respectful,respectable 254
词条8.reward,award 255
词条9.rob,steal 257
词条10.receive,accept 258
词条11.region,area 259
词条1.suggest,advise,advice 263
第17章 263
词条2.salary,wage,income 265
词条3.satisfy,satisfaction,satisfactory 267
词条4.say,speak,talk,tell 269
词条5.scence,scenery,view 271
词条6.sell,sale 272
词条7.search,search for,in search of 274
词条8.select,elect 276
词条9.sick,ill 277
词条11.seat,sit 281
词条12.sleep,sleepy,asleep 283
词条13.so that,so...that,so...as to 285
词条14.sometime,somtimes,some time 287
词条15.spend...(in),spend on 288
词条1.take,cost,spend 291
第18章 291
词条2.task,work 292
词条3.tasteful,tasty 294
词条4.technique,technology 296
词条5.till,before,by,until 296
词条6.title,heading,name 298
词条7.too,also,as well,either 299
词条8.try to do,try doing 300
词条9.unable,enable 301
词条10.used to,be used to,would to 303
词条12.visit,call on,drop in 304
词条13.vocabulary,word 305
词条14.way,road,path,route 306
词条15.whole,all 307
词条16.weapon,arms 308
词条17.yet,still,already 309
词条18.zero,zone 310
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