- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Andrew Radford等著;周流溪导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560020089
- 页数:443 页
Introduction 1
Linguistics 3
Developmental linguistics 7
Psycholinguistics 10
Neurolinguistics 12
Sociolinguistics 16
Exercises 19
Further reading and references 24
Part 1 Sounds 25
1 Introduction 27
2 Sounds and suprasegmentals 29
Consonants 31
Vowels 39
Suprasegmentals 45
Exercises 49
3 Sound variation 52
Linguistic variables and sociological variables 52
Stylistic variation 57
Linguistically determined variation 58
Variation and language change 61
Exercises 62
4 Sound change 66
Consonant change 66
Vowel change 69
The transition problem:regular sound change versus lexical diffusion 73
Suprasegmental change 76
Exercises 78
Phonemes 84
5 Phonemes,syllables and phonological processes 84
Syllables 88
Syllabification and the Maximal Onset Principle 91
Phonological processes 92
Phonological features 95
Features and processes 97
Exercises 101
6 Child phonology 105
Early achievements 105
Phonological processes in acquisition 106
Perception,production and a dual lexicon model 110
Exercises 117
7 Processing sounds 120
Speech perception 120
Speech production 125
Other aspects of phonological processing 130
Exercises 133
Further reading and references 135
Appendix 1:The International Phonetic Alphabet 137
Appendix 2:List of distinctive features 138
Appendix 3:Distinctive feature matrix for English consonant phonemes 141
Part 2 Words 143
8 Introduction 145
9 Word classes 147
Lexical categories 147
Functional categories 150
The morphological properties of English verbs 153
Inflectional classes in Italian and Russian 156
Exercises 160
10 Building words 162
Morphemes 162
Morphological processes-derivation and inflection 165
Compounds 171
Clitics 173
Allomorphy 175
Exercises 177
11 Morphology across languages 180
The agglutinative ideal 180
Types of morphological operations 186
Exercises 190
12 Word meaning 193
Entailment and hyponymy 194
Meaning opposites 199
Semantic features 200
Dictionaries and prototypes 204
Exercises 207
13 Children and words 211
Early words-a few facts 211
Apprentices in morphology 214
The semantic significance of early words 218
Exercises 223
14 Lexical processing and the mental lexicon 226
Serial-autonomous versus parallel-interactive processing models 226
On the representation of words in the mental lexicon 232
Exercises 240
15 Lexical disorders 243
Words and morphemes in aphasia 244
Agrammatism 245
Paraphasias 248
Dissociations in SLI subjects'inflectional systems 250
Exercises 252
16 Lexical variation and change 254
Borrowing words 254
Register:words for brain surgeons and soccer players,hairdressers and life-savers 256
Biscuit or cookie?Variation and change in word choice 257
Same word-new meaning 260
Variation and change in morphology 264
Exercises 271
Further reading and references 274
Part 3 Sentences 277
17 Introduction 279
18 Basic terminology 282
Categories and functions 282
Complex sentences 285
The functions of clauses 289
Exercises 290
Merger 292
19 Sentence structure 292
Tests for constituency 298
Constraints on merger:features and checking 300
Exercises 302
20 Empty categories 304
Empty INFL 304
PRO:the empty subject of infinitive clauses 310
Covert complements 312
Empty constituents in nominal phrases 313
Exercises 318
21 Movement 321
Head movement 322
Operator movement 325
Yes-no questions 331
Other types of movement 333
Exercises 336
22 Syntactic variation 338
Inversion in varieties of English 338
Syntactic parameters of variation 342
The null subject parameter 347
Parametric differences between English and German 349
Exercises 354
23 Logical form 357
Preliminaries 357
A philosophical diversion 359
Covert movement and Logical Form 364
More evidence for covert movement 371
Exercises 375
24 Children's sentences 378
Setting parameters:two examples 379
Null subjects in early Child English 381
Non-finite clauses in Child English 384
Children's nominals 389
Exercises 391
25 Sentence processing 394
Click studies 395
Processing empty categories 397
Strategies of sentence processing 399
Exercises 404
26 Syntactic disorders 406
Agrammatism 407
Paragrammatism 412
Specific Language Impairment(SLI) 413
Conclusion 416
Exercises 419
Further reading and references 422
Bibliography 424
Index 429
文库索引 439
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