作为社会符号的语言 从社会角度诠释语言与意义 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(澳)M.A.K.Halliday著;朱永生导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560024327
- 页数:265 页
Introduction 1
Preface by Halliday 8
Ⅰ The sociolinguistic perspective 8
1 Language and social man(Part 1) 8
王宗炎序 9
Preface by Chomsky 12
沈家煊序 19
导读 22
Acknowledgements 34
2 A social-functional approach to language 36
Ⅱ A sociosemiotic interpretation of lahgnuage 60
3 Sociological aspects of semantic change 60
4 Social dialects and socialization 93
5 The significance of Bernstein s work for sociolinguistic theory 101
6 Language as social semiotic 108
Ⅲ The social semantics of text 128
7 The sociosemantic nature of discourse 128
Ⅳ Language and social structure 154
8 Language in urban society 154
9 Antilanguages 164
10 An interpretation of the functional relationship between language and social structure 183
Ⅴ Sociolinguistics and education 194
11 Sociolinguistic aspects of mathematical education 194
12 Breakthrough to literacy:Foreword to the American edition 205
13 Language and social man(Part 2) 211
References 236
Index of subjects 245
Index of names 255
文库索引 257
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