- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:温洪瑞,李学珍主编
- 出 版 社:济南:山东大学出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7560718337
- 页数:337 页
Part One An Introduction to Britain 3
Lesson 1 Geography:the Land 3
Lesson 2 Geography:the People 15
Lesson 3 Economy 28
Lesson 4 Political System:Government 41
Lesson 5 Political System:Party Politics and Judiciary 54
Lesson 6 History:Early Man and the Feudal Society 66
Lesson 7 History:Decline of Feudalism and the Bourgeois Revolution 79
Lesson 8 History:the Industrial Revolution and the Chartist Movement 97
Lesson 9 History:the British Empire and Britain in Two World Wars and Post-war Periods 109
Lesson 10 Education in Britain 122
Part Two An Introduction to the United States 149
Lesson 11 Geography:the Land 149
Lesson 12 Geography:the People 166
Lesson 13 American Economy 179
Lesson 14 Political System:Government 191
Lesson 15 Political System:State Government and Party Politics 204
Lesson 16 History:the Early Colonization 217
Lesson 17 History:American Revolution 231
Lesson 18 History:American Civil War 248
Lesson 19 History:U.S. Imperialism 261
Lesson 20 American Education 276
Ⅰ.Outstanding Events in English History 297
Ⅱ.The List of Kings of England 300
Ⅲ.Counties of Great Britain 302
Ⅳ.Territories of Great Britain 304
Ⅴ.British Commonwealth of Nations 304
Ⅰ.Fifty States of the United States 308
Ⅱ.The Ten Great Interest Groups in the United States 310
Ⅲ.Outstanding Events in American History 311
Ⅳ.The List of Presidents of the United States 313
APPENDIX Ⅲ Glossary 315
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