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英美报刊选读  下

英美报刊选读 下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李泮池主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7309029569
  • 页数:420 页
《英美报刊选读 下》目录

Unit One Information Superhighway 1

Text A The Future Is Already Here 1

Text B Welcome to the Wired World 15

Research Reading 34

1.Computer:A Rising Household Necessity 34

2.Are You on Line? 36

3.How the Web Works 39

4.Internet Has Hidden Flaws 41

5.You Can Touch Cyberspace 44

Unit Two Cable News Network and Telecommunication 47

Text A History as It Happens 47

Text B Wiring the World 69

Research Reading 84

1.Turner s $1Billion Gift Starts Giving 84

2.Far Ahead of the Pack 86

3.More Froggy than the French 88

4.MA Everything! 90

5.How the Phone Company Became a Cable Company 94

Unit Three Business 95

Text A In Search of the Real Bill Gates 95

Text B Hey,Let s Put on a Show! 127

Research Reading 143

1.Bill Gates Denies Bully-Boy Tactics 143

2.Peace in Browser Gate War 144

3.Gates Blinks in Monopoly Showdown 145

4.Gates Accused of Campaign to Crush Rival 147

5.Out of the Pictures 149

Unit Four Economy 153

Text A War of the Worlds 153

Text B Wipeout 167

Research Reading 190

1.The Global Shudders 190

2.Placing Their Bets 194

3.Global Boom and Bust? 196

Unit Five Stock Market,the Barings Bank 201

Text A Market Mania 201

Text B Gone for Broke 218

Research Reading 249

1.Welcome to Bull Country 249

2.The Concern over Derivatives 256

Unit Six Justice 259

Text A Decision and Division 259

Text B The Siege of L.A. 285

Research Reading 298

1.The Inside Story of How O.J.Lost 298

2.Black and White View of Police 307

3.When Cops,Not Just White Ones,Kill 309

Unit Seven High Technology 313

Text A Little Lamb,Who Made Thee? 313

Text B Wonder Weapons 327

Research Reading 343

1.After Dolly:The Future of Cloning 343

2.Scientists Report Cloning Adult Mammal 345

3.To Ban or Not to Ban 348

4.Non-lethal Weapons 350

5.New Weapons Provide Alternative for Marines Dealing with Non-combatants 352

Unit Eight Espionage and Nazi Camp 354

Text A Double Agent 354

Text B The Last Days of Auschwitz 378

Research Reading 396

1.Cleaning Up the CIA 396

2.For Your Disinformation 398

3.Witnesses to the Holocaust 401

4.Efforts Continue to Recover Stolen Jewish Assets 404

附录1 世界主要国际通讯社简介 407

附录2 世界其他通讯社译名 411
