- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)Andrew Radford著;王立第导读
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560020097
- 页数:630 页
1 Goals 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Grammatical competence 1
1.3 Basic concepts and fundamental misconceptions 7
1.4 Competence as infinite rule-governed creativity 17
1.5 Discovering the rules 23
1.6 Levels of adequacy 27
1.7 Constraining grammars 30
1.8 Constraints,universals,and acquisition 34
1.9 Markedness and Core Grammar 39
1.10 Summary 45
Exercises 46
2 Structure 50
2.1 Overview 50
2.2 Intuitions about Structure 50
2.3 Word-1evel categories 56
2.4 Phrasal categories:nonsyntactic evidence 64
2.5 Phrasal categories:distributional evidence 69
2.6 Phrasal categories:other syntactic evidence 75
2.7 Words used as Phrases 84
2.8 Testing the Structure 89
2.9 Summary 105
Exercises 105
3 Phrase-markers 109
3.1 Overview 109
3.2 The nature of Phrase-markers 109
3.3 C-command 114
3.4 Constraining Phrase-markers 120
3.5 Generating Phrase-markers 122
3.6 Another look at categories 132
3.7 Conflating categories 137
3.8 The nature of categories 145
3.9 Summary 156
Exercises 157
4 Noun Phrases 167
4.1 Overview 167
4.2 Small nominal phrases 167
4.3 Evidence for N-bar 174
4.4 Complements and Adjuncts 175
4.5 Optional constituents of the Noun Phrase 179
4.6 More differences between Complements and Adjuncts 187
4.7 Nominal premodifiers 196
4.8 Adjectival premodifiers 208
4.9 Summary 216
Exercises 217
5 Other Phrases 226
5.1 Overview 226
5.2 Verb Phrases 230
5.3 Adjectival Phrases 241
5.4 Prepositional Phrases 246
5.5 Cross-categorial structural symmetry 253
5.6 Constraining Categorial Rules 258
5.7 Generalising Categorial Rules 264
5.8 Eliminating Categorial Rules 271
5.9 Summary 279
Exercises 280
6 Clauses 287
6.1 Overview 287
6.2 Finite and nonfinite Clauses 287
6.3 Constituent structure of Clauses 292
6.4 Structure of Main Clauses 295
6.5 Internal structure of S 303
6.6 Clauses with empty Subjects 313
6.7 Exceptional Clauses 317
6.8 Small Clauses 324
6.9 Summary 331
Exercises 332
7 The Lexicon 337
7.1 Overview 337
7.2 Categorial information 337
7.3 Subcategorisation 339
7.4 Prepositional Complements 344
7.5 Complement order 349
7.6 Clausal Complements 353
7.7 Subcategorising Adjectives,Nouns,and Prepositions 361
7.8 Eliminating redundancy 366
7.9 Selection Restrictions 369
7.10 Thematic relations 372
7.11 Correlating Thematic and Syntactic Structure 378
7.12 Theta-marking of Subjects 384
7.13 Selection Restrictions and Thematic Structure 388
7.14 Constraints on Theta-marking 390
7.15 Summary 392
Exercises 395
8 Transformations 401
8.1 Overview 401
8.2 V MOVEMENT 401
8.3 I MOVEMENT 411
8.4 NP MOVEMENT in passive structures 420
8.5 NP MOVEMENT in Raising structures 435
8.6 NP MOVEMENT in ergative and middle structures 446
8.8 Summary 456
Exercises 457
9.1 Overview 462
9.2 Question types 462
9.3 Syntactic arguments 466
9.4 Morphological arguments 471
9.5 Phonological arguments 474
9.6 Semantic arguments 476
9.7 WH MOVEMENT in Relative Clauses 480
9.8 Other wh-constructions 492
9.9 Targets for WH MOVEMENT 494
9.10 The landing-site for moved wh-phrases 499
9.11 Re-examining the status of S 508
9.12 Re-examining the status of Small Clauses 515
9.13 Summary 520
Exercises 521
10.1 Overview 527
10.2 Other movement rules 527
10.4 Structure-preserving Principle 538
10.5 Explaining the Structure-preserving Principle 545
10.6 Traces 553
10.7 C-command condition on Traces 562
10.8 Bounding 566
10.9 Rule interaction 576
10.10 Summary 582
Exercises 585
Bibliographical background 594
Bibliography 606
Index 622
文库索引 626
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