实用英语综合教程 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:教育部《实用英语》教材编写组编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7040075628
- 页数:227 页
Text A: College—A New Experience 1
Text B: How to Study Read 8
Skills Development and Practice 13
●Reading Skills—Reading for the Main Idea (1) 13
●Translation Practice—选择词义 14
●Guided Writing—缩略词 15
●Listening and Speaking 17
Text A: Rock and Roll 20
Text B: The First American Music 28
Skills Development and Practice 32
●Reading Skills—Reading for the Main Idea(2) 32
●Translation Practice—引申词义 34
●Guided Writing—标志用语 35
●Listening and Speaking 37
Text A: Why Nations Trade 40
Text B: Stocks and Shares 48
●Reading Skills—Guessing Unknown Words (1) 53
Skills Development and Practice 53
●Translation Practice—转译词类 55
●Guided Writing—如何写信封 56
●Listening and Speaking 58
Text A: The First Four Minutes 63
Text B: Table Manners and Customs 69
Skills Development and Practice 73
●Reading Skills—Guessing Unknown Words (2) 73
●Translation Practice—转换词类 74
●Guided Writing—书信 75
●Listening and Speaking 77
Text A: Community Service 81
Text B: People on the Move 88
Skills Development and Practice 93
●Reading Skills—Making Use of Contents and Index 93
●Translation Practice—转译词类 96
●Guided Writing—明信片、传真 97
●Listening and Speaking 100
Text A: Working Hard or Hardly Working? 104
Text B: Stress 111
Skills Development and Practice 116
●Reading Skills—Recognizing Punctuation 116
●Translation Practice—转译词类 117
●Guided Writing—贺卡、名片 118
●Listening and Speaking 120
Text A: The Brain 124
Text B: How Your Memory Works 131
Skills Development and Practice 136
●Reading Skills—Understanding Reference 136
●Translation Practice—转译词类 137
●Guided Writing—便条、电子邮件 138
●Listening and Speaking 140
Text A: Getting to the Airport 144
Text B: Coincidences or Miracles? 151
●Reading Skills—Recognizing Logical Connectors 156
Skills Development and Practice 156
●Translation Practice—增词 157
●Guided Writing—告示、海报 158
●Listening and Speaking 159
Text A: What s New 163
Text B: Searching for a Uniform Sign Language 171
Skills Development and Practice 176
●Reading Skills—Understanding Synonym 176
●Translation Practice— As 的译法 177
●Guided Writing—请假条 178
●Listening and Speaking 180
Text A: Surveys, Surveys and More Surveys 184
Text B: Advertising 190
Skills Development and Practice 195
●Reading Skills—Distinguishing Facts from Opinions 195
●Translation Practice—省略译 196
●Guided Writing—请柬 197
●Listening and Speaking 199
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