商务信函 英中文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)阿兰·马蒂兰德(Lain Maitland)著;严鸿娟译
- 出 版 社:长春:长春出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7806642579
- 页数:305 页
1.the secrets of successful letters 2
planning your letter 2
1.成功信函的秘诀 3
设计你的信函 3
creating the correct appearance 6
创造一个正确的外观 7
Introduction 10
choosing an appropriate layout 10
序言 11
选择适当的版面 11
picking a format 16
挑选格式 17
selecting your writing style 18
选择书写风格 19
winning tactics:a step - by - step checklist 20
按部就班地检查项目列表 21
2.making sales 24
introducing your firm 24
介绍你的公司 25
2.销售 25
requesting an introduction 28
请求介绍 29
offering new products 32
提供新产品 33
announcing revamped products 36
宣布改进的产品 37
chasing a reluctant buyer 40
劝说犹豫的买主 41
announcing amended trading terms 42
宣布修改过的贸易条件 43
explaining price rises 46
解释价格上涨的原因 47
acknowledging an unprocessed order 50
告知已收到一个未处理的订单 51
rejecting a request for a discount 54
拒绝折扣的请求 55
enquiring about loss of custom 56
询问不再惠顾的原因 57
thanking a customer for a first order 62
3.caring for customers 62
3.与客户打交道 63
向首次定购的客户致谢 63
thanking a customer for a large order 66
向大量定购的客户致谢 67
thanking a customer for their continued custom 68
向持续定购的客户致谢 69
investigating a complaint 70
调查投诉 71
accepting a complaint 74
接受投诉 75
rejecting a complaint 76
拒绝投诉 77
apologizing for an employee s conduct 80
为雇员的行为道歉 81
apologizing for unavailable goods 82
为难以提供的货物致歉 83
apologizing for delayed goods 86
为延期的货物致歉 87
apologizing for the wrong goods being sent 88
为误发送的货物致歉 89
apologizing for damaged goods being sent 92
为送出的损坏产品致歉 93
chasing a customer who has closed their account 94
劝说已结清户头的客户 95
4.handling purchases 100
enquiring about products and services 100
询问产品和服务 101
4.处理采购 101
accepting a quotation 104
接受报价 105
rejecting a quotation 108
拒绝报价单 109
asking for a discount 110
要求折扣 111
requesting credit facilities 112
要求信用透支 113
accepting a delayed delivery 114
接受延期的交货 115
rejecting a delayed delivery 118
拒绝延期的交货 119
complaining about damaged goods 120
投诉遭损坏的货物 121
complaining about faulty goods 124
投诉缺陷产品 125
complimenting a supplier 126
称赞供应商 127
criticising a supplier 130
批评供应商 131
asking for an increased credit limit 132
请求增加信用额度 133
requesting extended credit facilities 136
要求延展信用透支 137
5.managing accounts 140
refusing credit facilities 140
拒绝信用透支 141
5.管理帐户 141
rejecting a request for an increased credit limit 144
拒绝增加信用额度的请求 145
requesting a reduction of an account balance 146
要求减少帐户上的欠款 147
chasing an overdue payment,first letter 150
追索延误的付款,首封信函 151
chasing an overdue payment,second letter 152
追索延误的付款,第二封信函 153
chasing an overdue payment,third letter 154
追索延误的付款,第三封信函 155
notifying a customer of legal action 156
通知客户你已采取法律行为 157
notifying a customer of a suspended account 158
通知客户暂停帐户 159
notifying a customer of withdrawn credit facilities 164
通知客户撤销信用透支 165
providing a customer reference 166
提供客户的资信证明 167
accepting a delayed payments proposal 170
接受延期付款的请求 171
rejecting a delayed payments proposal 172
拒绝延期支付的请求 173
apologising for an accounts error 176
对帐目错误致歉 177
6.dealing with staff 180
rejecting a job applicant 180
拒绝职位申请人 181
6.与员工相处 181
inviting an applicant to a selection interview 184
邀请申请人面试 185
requesting a reference 186
请求推荐 187
rejecting a job candidate 190
拒绝职位候选人 191
making an offer of employment 192
录用 193
notifying changes in terms of employment 198
通知雇用条款的变化 199
complimenting an employee 200
表扬雇员 201
thanking an employee 202
感谢雇员 203
encouraging staff to do better 204
鼓励员工做得更好 205
first written warning about dismissal 208
首封警告解雇的信函 209
second written warning about dismissal 212
第二封警告解雇的信函 213
terminating employment,with notice 214
通知终止雇用 215
terminating employment,with immediate effect 218
立即终止雇用 219
terminating employment after a trial period 220
在试用期后终止雇用 221
notifying an employee of redundancy 224
通知裁员 225
providing a reference about an employee 228
为雇员提供推荐 229
applying for a job 232
7.attending to personal matters 232
7.处理私人事件 233
申请工作 233
accepting a job offer 238
接受录用 239
rejecting a job offer 240
拒绝被录用 241
asking for a meeting 242
请求见面 243
rejecting a request to meet 246
拒绝会面的请求 247
postponing a meeting 248
推迟会见 249
introducing an associate 250
介绍合伙人 251
thanking someone for an introduction 254
感谢某人的介绍 255
congratulating someone on an award 256
祝贺某人受到嘉奖 257
thanking someone for an award 258
感谢受到嘉奖 259
thanking someone for a present 260
感谢某人的礼物 261
congratulating someone on the birth of their baby 262
祝贺得子的人 263
congratulating someone on their promotion 266
祝贺提升的人 267
congratulating someone on their retirement 268
祝贺退休的人 269
sympathising about a business failure 272
慰问破产的人 273
sympathising about illness 274
慰问患病的人 275
sympathising about hospitalisation 276
慰问住院的人 277
sympathising about redundancy 280
慰问被裁减的人 281
offering condolences on a death 282
对某人的去世表示哀悼 283
requesting a donation 286
8.writing miscellaneous letters 286
8.书写各式信函 287
请求捐助 287
thanking someone for a donation 292
感谢某人的捐助 293
refusing a charitable request 294
拒绝慈善损助请求 295
asking a favour 296
请求帮助 297
offering a favour 298
提供帮助 299
reminding someone of an unfulfilled promise 300
提醒某人未履行的承诺 301
reminding someone of an unfulfilled obligation 304
提醒某人未履行的约定 305
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