招商英语 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄运亭主编;杨春丽编著
- 出 版 社:广州:广东高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7536125593
- 页数:194 页
对话一 我想订一张到新加坡的机票 1
Dialogue1 I d like to book a ticket to Singapore 1
Dialogue2 There is no flight available on July 21 4
对话二 7月21号没有到那儿的航班 4
Dialogue3 You can book a flight ticket online 7
对话三 您可以在网上订飞机票 7
Dialogue4 It ll stop only an hour or so for refueling 9
对话四 只停一小时左右来加油 9
对话五 一位男士取消了他的航班 10
Dialogue5 A gentleman cancelled his flight 10
Dialogue6 Here is the insurance policy 14
对话六 这是保险单 14
Dialogue7 Put your luggage on the conveyor belt 16
对话七 请把行李放在传送带上 16
Dialogue8 How much luggage am I permitted to check? 20
对话八 我可以托运多少行李? 20
Dialogue9 Your briefcase and laptop computer should go through a security screening 22
对话九 您的公文包和便携式电脑需要经过安全检查 22
对话十 请在行李上面粘一张即贴的标签好吗? 24
Dialogue10 Could you please put one of the sticky labels on your luggage? 24
Dialogue11 The delay results from tornadoes in the Philippines 26
对话十一 因为菲律宾刮起龙卷风,这次航班要推迟飞行 26
Dialogue12 Flight GJ681 to Seoul, scheduled to depart at 9:00, will be delayed 30
对话十二 飞往汉城的原定于9点起飞的CJ681次航班将推迟起飞 30
Dialogue13 I m catching connecting flight SZ4401 to Lhasa 33
对话十三 我要转乘SZ4401到拉萨 33
Dialogue14 Where should I put my carry-on bag? 35
对话十四 我随身携带的包放在哪儿? 35
对话十五 那么我可以在飞行中使用机上电话了? 39
Dialogue15 So I can use the onboard phones during flight? 39
Dialogue16 Our crew of 32 members are at your service 41
对话十六 机组三十二位成员将竭诚为您服务 41
Dialogue17 I dread flying 43
对话十七 我怕坐飞机 43
Dialogue18 We re passing through some turbulence 45
对话十八 我们在经过一个空气湍流 45
Dialogue19 There ll be no charges for soft drinks on the plane 49
对话十九 机上的软饮料不要钱 49
对话二十 我为你要了牛排 52
Dialogue20 I ondered beef for you 52
Dialogue21 It may take several days to be over your jet lag 54
对话二十一 要克服时差综合症可得需要几天的时间 54
Dialogue22 My luggage has been lost 57
对话二十二 我的行李丢了 57
Dialogue23 Want a seat or a sleeper? 59
对话二十三 要座位还是卧铺? 59
Dialogue24 Could I get a refund for my ticket? 61
对话二十四 我可以退票吗? 61
对话二十五 今天有没有到天津的火车? 62
Dialogue25 Is there any train available to Tianjin today? 62
Dialogue26 Are they through trains? 64
对话二十六 是直达列车吗? 64
Dialogue27 I d like to register the luggage 66
对话二十七 我想托运行李 66
Dialogue28 I didn t have enough time to buy a ticket 68
对话二十八 我没来得及买车票 68
Dialogue29 Let s get the tickets punched 71
对话二十九 我们去检票吧 71
对话三十 我喜欢轻装旅行 73
Dialogue30 I prefer to travel light 73
对话三十一 我够不到行李架 75
Dialogue31 I can t reach the rack 75
Dialogue32 I missed the stop of Hengyang 77
对话三十二 我错过了衡阳站 77
Dialogue33 The freight train was derailed 79
对话三十三 货运列车出轨了 79
Dialogue34 We floated down the Three Gorges by boat 81
对话三十四 我们乘船在三峡漂流 81
对话三十五 渡船每小时正点开一班 83
Dialogue35 The ferry runs every hour on the hour 83
Dialogue36 A ship was wrecked on the rocks 86
对话三十六 一艘船触礁失事 86
Dialogue37 At which stop should I get off? 88
对话三十七 我该在哪个站下车? 88
Dialogue38 What about the fare for the special buses to Safari Park? 90
对话三十八 到野生动物园的专线车的车费贵吗? 90
Dialogue39 Where should I change for the air terminal? 92
对话三十九 去航空集散站在哪儿转车? 92
对话四十 如果你乘公共汽车能准时吗? 94
Dialogue40 Are you able to be punctual if you go by bus? 94
Dialogue41 The shuttles can take you to wherever you want to go 96
对话四十一 穿梭车可带你到你想要去的地方 96
Dialogue42 Is there a toilet on the coach? 99
对话四十二 车上有洗手间吗? 99
Dialogue43 Hop in, please 103
对话四十三 请上车吧 103
Dialogue44 There is a long tailback 105
对话四十四 汽车排起了长龙 105
对话四十五 我觉得中国的交能高效顺畅 108
Dialogue45 Traffic in China strikes me as efficient and smooth 108
Dialogue46 Now is the rush hour 111
对话四十六 现在是交通高峰期 111
Dialogue47 We have a special chauffer service for your convenience 113
对话四十七 我们有特别的租车服务为您提供方便 113
Dialogue48 Do you think my luggage will fit in the car? 115
对话四十八 您觉得车能装得下我的行李吗? 115
Dialogue49 You want to be chauffeured around? 117
对话四十九 您想让司机为您开车到处去是吗? 117
对话五十 卡迪拉克牌豪华轿车的租金是多少? 119
Dialogue50 What s the rate for a Cadillac Limousine? 119
对话五十一 我想学驾驶,申请驾驶执照 122
Dialogue51 I d like to learn to drive and apply for a driving license 122
Dialogue52 The tube line No.1 has been open to traffic 124
对话五十二 地铁一号线已经通车 124
Dialogue53 My car broke down 127
对话五十三 我的车坏了 127
Dialogue54 There s no jack in the boot 129
对话五十四 我的行李箱里没有千斤顶 129
对话五十五 出了什么问题? 131
Dialogue55 What s the problem? 131
Dialogue56 Where can we find a refueling station? 134
对话五十六 哪里有加油站呢? 134
Dialogue57 Leaoed or unleaded? 136
对话五十七 有铅的,还是无铅的? 136
Dialogue58 The windshield is really dusty 138
对话五十八 挡风玻璃确实灰尘滚滚 138
Dialogue59 I can t park there 140
对话五十九 我不能在那儿停车 140
对话六十 别把停车证弄丢了 143
Dialogue60 Don t mislay the car-park ticket 143
Dialogue61 They will suspend my license 145
对话六十一 他们要吊销我的执照 145
Dialogue62 Take the westbound train 147
对话六十二 请乘坐西行的列车 147
Dialogue63 Transportation in China is quite convenient now 150
对话六十三 目前中国的交通相当方便 150
Dialogue64 I ll consider a bus tour 152
对六十四 我会考虑坐旅游公共客车游览 152
对话六十五 家用设备是用集装箱通过水路联运运来的 154
Dialogue65 We shipped the household appliances in containters, through water-and-land lransshipment 154
Dialogue66 Did you fit all your delivery lorries with catalytic converters? 157
对话六十六 你们在货车上安装了催化式排气净化器吗? 157
Dialogue67 I recommend that you use a container 159
对话六十七 我建议您使用集装箱 159
Dialogue68 What about the freight you ll charge for a container to Shanghai? 162
对话六十八 到上海一个集装箱你们收多少运费? 162
Dialogue69 I want to take delivery of goods at the port 165
对话六十九 我想到港口提货 165
对话七十 提单的下落还不知道 168
Dialogue70 The whereabouts of the bill of lading is still umknown 168
Dialogue71 It s unnual transit is about 15 million tons 170
对话七十一 它的年通过能力为1500万吨 170
Dialogue72 I want to get some information about your r.o.r.o. services 172
对话七十二 我想了解一下你们的滚装滚卸货运服务情况 172
Dialogue73 Some documents the letter of credit requnes are not over here 175
对话七十三 有些信用证规定的单据没有在这儿 175
Dialogue74 They called for the original bill of lading 177
对话七十四 他们要提单原件 177
对话七十五 准备在利物浦转船 180
Dialogue75 Transshipment is to be effected at Liverpool 180
Dialogue76 I want my goods insured 182
对话七十六 我想给我的货物投保 182
Dialogue77 Is the insurance policy to be presented for negotiation as a shipping document? 185
对话七十七 保险单也作为一种货运单据在议付时提示吗? 185
Dialogue78 The vessel ran aground 187
对话七十八 船搁浅了 187
Dialogue79 Air freight is taking the place of other means of transportation 189
对话七十九 空中货运正逐渐代替其他方式的运输 189
Dialogue80 I d like to charter a cargo aireraft 192
对话八十 我想包租一架货运飞机 192
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