- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵厚宪编著;叶永兴责任编辑
- 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7562403732
- 页数:473 页
一、指人的形容词和指物的形容词 1
amazed,amazing 1
amused,amusing 2
annoyed,annoying 3
ashamed,shameful 4
astonished,astonishing 6
bored,boring 7
considerable,considerate 9
convinced,convincing 10
decided,decisive 11
delighted,delightful 13
disappointed,disappointing 14
embarrassed,embarrassing 16
encouraged,encouraging 17
excited,exciting 18
exhausted,exhausting,exhaustive 20
healthful,healthy 22
interested,interesting 23
peaceable,peaceful 24
pleased,pleasing 26
sociable,social 27
surprised,surprising 28
二、主动意义形容词和被动意义形容词 31
comprehensible,comprehensive 31
contemptible,contemptuous 32
credible,credulous 34
desirable,desirous 36
enviable,envious 37
frightened,frightful 39
negligent,negligible,neglectful 40
regretful,regrettable 42
respectable,respectful,respected 43
satisfactory,satistied,satisfying 45
tired,tiresome,tiring 47
tolerable,tolerant 48
troubled,troublesome,troublous 50
三、以-ic或-ical结尾的形容词 52
classic,classical 52
comic,comical 53
economic,economical 55
electric,electrical 57
elliptic,elliptical 58
historic,historical 60
lyric,lyrical 62
politic,political 63
四、形容词、副词的两种比较级、最高级 66
elder,older 66
farther,further 67
fewer,less 69
last,latest 70
later,latter 72
less,lesser 74
五、两种过去分词 76
blessed,blest 76
born,borne 77
drunk,drunken 79
hanged,hung 80
learned,learnt 81
lighted,lit 83
melted,molten 84
rotted,rotten 86
shrunk,shrunken 87
stricken,struck 88
sunk,sunken 90
六、不以-ly结尾和以-ly结尾的同源副词 92
close,closely 92
deep,deeply 93
direct,directly 95
easy,easily 96
hard,hardly 97
high,highly 99
late,lately 100
loud,loudly aloud 102
near,nearly 103
quick,quickly 105
right,rightly 106
slow,slowly 108
tight,tightly 110
wide,widely 111
wrong,wrongly 112
七、易混淆的介词 115
above,on,over 115
across,through 116
after,behind 118
among,between 119
at the back of,in the back of 121
because of,due to,owing to,thanks to 123
below,beneath,under 125
besides,except,beside 127
except,except for,excepting 128
in,with 130
in place of,instead of 131
on,upon 133
till,until 135
八、有冠词的短语和无冠词的短语 137
at table,at the table 137
by day,by the day 138
by sea,by the sea 139
get word,get the word 141
in black,in the black 142
in case of,in the case of 143
in charge of,in the charge of 145
in control of,in the control of 146
in course of,in the course of 147
in fashion,in a fashion 149
in front of,in the front of 150
in future,in the future 151
in open,in the open 153
in possession of,in the possession of 154
in red,in the red 155
in secret,in the secret 157
in sight of,in the sight of 158
in state,in a state 159
in store,in the store 160
in train,in the train 162
in word,in a word 163
keep house,keep the house 164
on board,on the board 166
on earth,on the earth 167
on fire,cn the fire 168
out of question,out of the question 170
take air,take the air 171
with child,with a child 173
九、词序颠倒的短语 175
as much,much as 175
as such,such as 176
at work,work at 178
before long,long before 180
call on,on call 181
cut short,short cut 182
drink in,in drink 184
end on,on end 185
far from,from far 187
for long,long for 188
for short,short for 189
hand in,in hand 190
hand on,on hand 192
if only,only if 194
in tune,tune in 195
十、分写和合写的词语 197
already all ready 197
altogether,all together 198
always,all ways 199
anyone,any one 201
anyway,any way 202
awhile,a while 203
cveryday,every day 205
everyone,every one 206
maybe,may be 208
someone,some one 209
sometime,some time,sometimes 210
however,how ever 212
whatever,what ever 213
whenever,when ever 214
wherever,where ever 215
whichever,which ever 217
whoever,who ever 218
a(an),one 220
十一、中文对等词相同或相近的词语 220
A 220
able,capable 223
accept,receive 224
accident,event,incident 226
accomplish,complete,finish,fulfil 227
across,cross 230
act,action 231
actual,genuine,real,true 233
ago,before 235
agree to,agree with 236
alike,similar,like 238
alive,live,living 240
allow,let,permit 241
almost,nearly 243
alone,lonely,lone,lonesome 245
also,as well,either,too 246
alternative,choice,preference 248
although,though 250
amount,number,sum,total 252
announce,declare,proclaim 254
another,the other 256
answer,reply,respond 257
anxious,eager 259
appear,look,seem 261
arrive,get to,reach 262
as,because,for,since 264
as,when,while 267
as a whole,on the whole 269
at first,first,first of all,firstly 271
at last,at length,finally,in the end 273
avenge,revenge 275
aware,conscious 277
B 279
base,basis 279
bath,bathe 280
be used to,used to 282
begin,commence,start 284
believe, believe in 286
big,great,large 288
bloom,blossom,flower 290
blush,flush 292
brief,short 294
bring,take 295
broad,wide 297
by oneself,oneself 299
C 301
call at,call in,call on 301
cause,reason 302
centre,middle 304
cheat,deceive 306
China’s,Chinese 307
climate,weather 309
cloth,clothes,clothing 311
compare,contrast 313
concrete,specific 315
continual(ly),continuous(ly) 316
convince,persuade 318
country,countryside,village 320
country,home,land,nation,state 322
couple,pair 324
crowded,packed 326
cure,heal 327
custom,habit 329
D 331
decline,refuse,reject 331
find,look for 332
differentiate,discriminate,distinguish 333
disease,illness,sickness 335
disguise,pretend 336
divide,separate 338
doubt,suspect 340
dress,have on,put on,wear 341
E 344
each,every 344
eatable,edible 346
effective,efficient,effectual,efficacious 347
empty,vacant 349
envious,jealous,envy,jealousy 350
especial(ly),special(ly) 352
express,show 354
family,home,house 356
F 356
fast,quickly 358
favourable for,favourable to 359
find,find out 361
flesh,meat 364
G 366
glance,glimpse 366
go to bed,go to sleep 367
gold,golden 369
happen,occur,take place 372
hear,hear of 374
H 375
hear,listen(to) 375
hcart,mind 377
high,tall 378
hope,wish 380
hurt,injure,wound 381
if,whether 384
I 384
illegal,unlawful,illicit,legal,lawful 386
imaginable,imaginary,imaginative 388
incapable,unable 390
interfere in,interfere with 391
introduce,recommend 393
J 396
join,join in,participate in,take part in 396
jump,leap 398
just,just now 400
K 402
know,recognize 402
L 404
learn,study 404
look(at),see,watch 406
M 408
make from,make of 408
matter,substance,material 409
meet,meet with 411
memorize,remember 413
mend,repair,fix 415
much very 416
much less,much more 418
N 421
neglect,negligence 421
new,novel 422
O 425
outer,outside,outward 425
partly,partially 427
P 427
persevere in/with,persist in 428
practicable,practical 430
problem,question 432
Q 435
queer,strange 435
quiet,silent,still 436
R 439
raise,rise 439
rare,scarce 440
recall,recollect,remember 442
recover,restore 444
replace,substitute 446
responsible for,responsible to 448
result from,result in 449
S 452
search,search for 452
seat,sit 453
shade,shadow 455
technique,technology 457
T 457
that,which 458
that,who 462
U 466
used to,would 466
W 469
(At)what time,when 469
worth,worthwhile,worthy 470
主要参考书目 473
- 《天才编辑 上》白野著 2019
- 《贵州蓝皮书 贵州国有企业社会责任发展报告》郭丽主编 2019
- 《奥兹的智慧 勇担个人责任,站到成功线上 修订版》(美)Roger Connors(罗杰·康纳斯),(美)Tom Smith(汤姆·史密斯) 2019
- 《空间碎片造成损害责任制度研究》苏惠芳著 2019
- 《怎样办好地市报纸 全国地市报纸总编辑论文大赛获奖论文汇编》于清潍等主编 1990
- 《天才编辑 下》白野著 2019
- 《新时代期刊编辑出版的理论与实践》吴厚庆 2019
- 《供应链合作关系中的连带责任治理模式研究》胡琴芳 2019
- 《亚洲的责任 创新合作模式 = Asias Responsibility:Exploring New Approaches to Cooperation》袁堂军,张怡主编 2016
- 《Premiere影视制作与编辑 第2版》岳明香编著 2020
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《复旦大学新闻学院教授学术丛书 新闻实务随想录》刘海贵 2019
- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《重庆市绿色建筑评价技术指南》重庆大学,重庆市建筑节能协会绿色建筑专业委员会主编 2018
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020
- 《大学化学实验》李爱勤,侯学会主编 2016
- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991