- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李开荣主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7506809079
- 页数:663 页
一、现代医学Modern Medicine 1
1.环境卫生学Environmenfal Hygienics 1
一、现代医学Modern Medicine 1
(一)卫生学Hygienics 1
(一)卫生学Hygienics 1
2.营养与食品卫生学Nutritional and Food Hygiene 29
3.计划生育Family Planning 43
(二)生理学与解剖学Physiology and Anatomy 49
1.生理学Physiology 49
(二)生理学与解剖学Physiology and Anatomy 49
2.解剖学Anafomy 68
(三)组织学与胚胎学Histology and Embryology 104
1.组织学Histology 104
(三)组织学与胚胎学Histology and Embryology 104
2.胚胎学Embryology 105
(四)微生物学Microbiology 106
(四)微生物学Microbiology 106
1.细菌学Bacterilogy 106
2.微生物培养学Microbial Culture 108
(五)病毒学与毒理学Virology and Toxicology 109
1.病毒学Virology 109
(五)病毒学与毒理学Virology and Toxicology 109
2.毒理学Toxicology 116
(六)病理学与症状学Pathology and Symptomatology 136
1.病理学Pathology 136
(六)病理学与症状学Pathology and Symptomatology 136
2.症状学Symptomatology 147
(七)诊断学Diagnosis 155
1.体检诊断Physical Diagnosis 155
(七)诊断学Diagnosis 155
2.实验诊断Experimental Diagnosis 156
3.心管血仪器诊断Cardiovascular Instrumental Diagnosis 168
4.超声诊断Ultrasonic Diagnosis 171
(八)麻醉学与护理学Aresthesiology and Nursing 172
1.麻醉学Aresthesiology 172
(八)麻醉学与护理学Aresthesiology ad Nursing 172
2.护理学Nursing 176
(九)免疫学、药物学与药理学Immunology,Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology 189
1.免疫学Immunology 189
(九)免疫学、药物学与药理学Immunology, Pharmaceutics and pharmacology 189
2.药物学与药理学Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology 199
(十)妇科学与儿科学Gynecology and Pediatrics 227
1.妇科学Gynecology 227
(十)妇科学与儿科学Gynecology and Pediatrics 227
2.儿科学Pediatrics 236
(十一)眼科学与耳鼻喉科学Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology 258
1.眼科学Ophthalmology 258
(十一)眼科学与耳鼻喉科学Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology 258
2.耳鼻咽喉科学Otolaryngology 272
(十二)皮肤病学与骨科学Dermatology and Osteology 282
1.皮肤病学Dermatology 282
(十二)皮肤病学与骨科学Dermatology and Osteology 282
2.骨科学Osteology 303
1.消化病学Science of Digestive Diseases 312
(十三)消化病学、寄生虫学与寄生虫病学Science of Digestive Diseases,Parasitology and Parasitosis 312
(十三)消化病学、寄生虫学与寄生虫病学Science of Digestive Diseases, Parasitology and Parasitosis 312
2.寄生虫学与寄生虫病学Parasitology and Parasitosis 325
(十四)血液病学与心脏病学Science of Blood Diseases and Cardiology 343
1. 血液病学Science of Blood Diseases 343
(十四)血液病学与心脏病学Science of Blood Diseases and Cardiology 343
2.心脏病学Cardiology 356
(十五)内分泌学与肾脏病学Endocrinology and Nephrology 373
(十五)内分泌学与肾脏病学Endocrinology and Nephrology 373
1.内分泌学Endocrinology 373
2.肾脏病学Nephrology 380
(十六)神经病学与精神病学Neurology and Psychiatry 386
(十六)神经病学与精神病学Neurology and Psychiatry 386
1.神经病学Neurology 386
2.精神病学Psychiatry 402
(十七)传染病学与肿瘤学Science of Infectious Diseases and Tumorology 420
1.传染病学Science of Infectious Diseases 420
(十七)传染病学与肿瘤学Science of Infectious Diseases and Tumorology 420
2.肿瘤学Tumorology 433
(十八)外科学Surgery 447
1.普通外科学General Surgery 447
(十八)外科学Surgery 447
2.整形外科学Plastic and Reconstrtctive Surgery 466
3.泌尿外科学Urology 483
4.胸外科学Thoracic Surgery 496
5.神经外科学Neurosurgery 513
(十九)细胞学与生物化学Cytology and Biochemistry 524
1.细胞学Cytology 524
(十九)细胞学与生物化学Cytology and Biochemistry 524
2.生物化学Biochemistry 526
(二十)遗传学与遗传工程Genetics and Genetic Engineering 529
(二十)遗传学与遗传工程Genetics and Genetic Engineering 529
1.遗传学Genetice 529
2.遗传工程Genetic Engineering 531
(二十一)生物医学技术与核医学Biomedical Technology and Nuclear Medicine 533
1.生物技术Biotechnology 533
(二十一)生物医学技术与核医学Biomedical Technology and Nuclear Medicine 533
2.卫生及医学技术Health and Medical Technology 535
3.基因工程Gene Engineering 538
4.核医学Nuclear Medicine 543
(一)医疗机构Medical institutions 551
二、医疗机构与医务人员Medical Institutions and Staff 551
(一)医疗机构Medical Institutions 551
二、医疗机构与医务人员Medical Institutions and Staff 551
1.医疗卫生组织Medical Treatment and Public Health Organizations 551
2.医院、诊所等Hospitals,Clinics,etc. 553
(1)各处、室Offices and Rooms 554
(2)各科Departments 554
3.医院各部门Departments of the Hospital 554
(3)病房Wards 555
(二)医务人员Medical Staff 556
(二)医务人员Medical Staff 556
1.医生Doctors 556
2.护士Nurses 557
3.其他医务工作者Other Medical Workers 557
三、卫生保健Public Health 559
(一)人体器官Organs of Human Body 559
2.头Head 559
1.人体Human Body 559
(一)人体器官Organs of Human Body 559
三、卫生保健Public Health 559
5.鼻Nose 560
4.耳Ear 560
3.眼Eye 560
8.手Hand 561
7.牙Tooth 561
6.口腔和咽Cavity of the Mouth and Pharynx 561
11.肺Lung 562
10.心脏Heart 562
9.脚Foot 562
12.消化系统Digestive System 563
13.泌尿生殖系统Urogenital system 563
14.血液循环系统Circulatory System 564
15.肌肉系统Muscular System 564
16.骨骼Skeleton 565
17.神经系统Nervous System 566
18.淋巴Lymph 566
19.腺Gland 566
(二)保健与公共卫生Health Care and Public Hygiene 567
1.保健Healt Protection 567
(二)保健与公共卫生Healh Care and Public Hygiene 567
2.妇幼保健Maternity and Child Hygiene 568
3.节育Birth Control 569
4.爱国卫生运动Patriotic Health and Sanitation Canpaign 570
(三)健身运动Healthy Sports 572
1.体育运动Sport 572
(三)健身运动Healthy Sports 572
2.太极拳Taijiquan 573
3.健美运动Bodybuilding 574
(1)健美练习Shape-up Exercises 574
(2)健美比赛Bodybuilding Competition 575
4.气功Qigong 576
5.静坐Transcendental Meditation 577
6.瑜咖Yoga 579
四、医疗Medical Treatment 581
(一)门诊Out-patient Service 581
1.病人Patient 581
2.生病与治疗Contracting and Treating Diseases 581
四、医疗Medical Treatment 581
(一)门诊Out-patient Service 581
3.诊断Diagnosis 582
4.症状Symptoms 583
5.化验Laboratory Test 586
6.病历Medical Record 588
7.病例Case 588
8.常用处方缩方Common Abbreviations in Prescription 589
(二)疾病Diseases 590
(二)疾病Diseases 590
1.疾病种类Kinds of Disease 590
2.消化系统疾病Diseases of Digestive System 591
4.呼吸系统疾病Diseases of Respiration System 593
3.泌尿系统疾病Diseases of Urogenital System 593
5.内分泌系统疾病Disesases of Ductless Glands 594
6.心血管疾病Cardiovascular Diseases 594
7.造血系统疾病Diseases of Hematopoietic System 595
8.传染病Infectious Diseases 596
9.性病Venereal Diseases 596
10.肿瘤疾病Tumours 597
11.神经系统疾病和精神病Diseases of the Nervous System and Psychosis 597
12.妇产科Obstetric and Gynecologic Diseases 599
13.眼科疾病Ophthalmic Diseases 600
14.口腔疾病Diseases in the Oral Cavity 601
15.耳鼻喉科疾病ENT Diseases 602
(1)耳科疾病Ear Diseases 602
(2)鼻科疾病Nose Diseases 603
(3)喉科疾病Throat Diseases 603
16.皮肤病Skin Diseases 603
17.外科疾病Surgical Diseases 605
18.职业病及其他因素引起的疾病Occupational Diseases and Diseases Due to Other Agents 607
19.其他疾病Other Diseases 607
(三)治疗与护理Treatment and Nursing 608
(三)治疗与护理Treatment and Nursing 608
1.疗法Curative Treatment 608
2.内科疗法Medical Treatment 609
3.外科疗法Surgical Treatment 611
4.外科手术Surgery 612
5. 护理Nursing 613
(四)药物Medicine 614
(四)药物Medicine 614
1.一般用语General Terms 614
2.药物种类Kinds of Medicine 615
3.临床药物Common Drugs for Clinicians 617
(1)抗生素Antibiotics 617
(2)抗病毒药Antiviral 617
(4)止痛药Analgesics 618
(3)磺胺类药Sulfa Drugs 618
(5)镇咳药Autitussives 619
(6)镇静药Sedatives 619
(7)麻醉药Narcotics 619
(8)心血管病用药Drugs for Cardiovascular Diseases 620
(9)降血脂药Hypolipemic 620
(10)降血糖药Hypoglycemic 621
(11)抗高血压药Antihypertension 622
(12)抗肿瘤Autineoplastics 623
(13)维生素与激素Vitamins and Hormones 623
(14)诊断用药、解毒药Diagnostic Aids and Antidotes 624
(15)消毒防腐剂Disinfectants and Preservatives 624
(16)制剂、疫苗Preparations and Vaccines 625
(17)其他Others 625
(五)医疗器械Medieal Apparatus and Instruments 628
(五)医疗器械Medieal Apparatus and Instruments 628
1.诊断治疗器械用品Appliance for Diagnosis and Treatment 628
2.手术器械用品Operating Appliances 630
五、中医Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) 633
(一)中医病理Pathology of TCM 633
(一)中医病理Pathology of TCM 633
1.中医术语General Terms of TCM 633
五、中医Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) 633
2.中医病理Pathology of TCM 635
(二)中医疗法TCM Therapy 637
1.中医治疗法Therapeutic Methods of TCM 637
(二)中医疗法TCM Therapy 637
2.中医常用冶疗术语Common Therapeutic Terms of TCM 639
1.脉学Sphygmology 640
(三)脉学与针灸Sphygmology,Acupuncture and Moxibustion 640
2.针刺法Acupuncture 640
(三)脉学与针灸Sphygmology,Acupuncture and Moxibustion 640
(1)手太阴肺经The Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin 642
4.针灸穴位Acupuncture and Moxibustion Points 642
(2)手阳明大肠经The Large Intestine Channel of Hand-Yangming 642
3.灸法Methods of Moxibustion 642
(4)足太阴脾经The Spleen Channel of Foot-Taiyin 643
(5)手少阴心经The Heart Channel of Hand-Shaoyin 643
(3)足阳明胃经The Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming 643
(6)手太阳小肠经The Small Intestine Channal of Hand-Taiyang 644
(7)足太阳膀胱经The Urinary Bladder Channel of Foot-Taiyang 644
(8)足少阴肾经The Kidney Channel of Foot-Shaoyin 645
(9)手厥阴心包经The Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin 645
(10)手少阴三焦经The Triple-Warmer Channel of Hand-Shaoyang 646
(11)足少阳胆经The Gall Bladder Channel of Foot-Shaoyang 646
(13)督脉The Du (Back Midline) Channel 647
(14)任脉 The Ren (Front Midline) Channel 647
(12)足厥阴肝经The Liver Channel of Foot-Jueyin 647
(15)经外奇穴The Extraordinary Points 648
1.一般用语General Terms 649
(四)中药Traditional Chinese Medicine 649
(四)中药Traditional Chinese Medicine 649
2.常用中草药Common Chinese Materia Medica 650
3.中药方剂Common TCM Recipes 652
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