- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈树元等编著
- 出 版 社:天津:天津大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7561814615
- 页数:268 页
上篇 3
第一部分 交际话题 3
1.人的识别,人(Personal Identification,People) 3
2.家和家庭,环境(Home and Family,Environment) 4
3.天气和气候(Weather and Climate) 5
4.食品和饮料(Food and Drink) 6
5.日常生活(Daily Life) 7
6.闲暇活动(Free-time Activities) 8
7.购物(Shopping) 9
8.节假日(Holidays) 10
9.地点(Places) 11
10.旅行(Travel) 12
11.健康与保健(Health and Body Care) 13
12.服务(Service) 14
13.社会关系(Social Relations) 15
14.工作与职业(Jobs and Occupation) 16
15.时事(Current Affairs) 17
16.教育(Education) 18
17.科普(Popular Science) 19
18.历史(History) 20
19.地理(Geography) 21
第二部分 功能意念 23
1.友好往来(Friendly Intercourse) 23
(1)问候(Greeting) 23
(2)告辞(Taking leave) 23
(3)告别(Good-bye) 24
(4)介绍(Introduction) 25
(5)感谢和应答(Thank and Reply) 26
(6)祝愿和祝贺(Wishes and Congratulations) 27
(7)道歉和应答(Apology and Reply) 28
(8)邀请和应答(Invitation and Reply) 29
(9)提议、接受和谢绝(Proposal,Acceptance and Refusal) 30
(10)开始和结束谈话(To Begin and End a Talk) 31
2.交流补救(Exchange and Remedy) 32
(1)请求重复和解释(Beg a pardon and Explanation) 32
(2)定义(Definition) 32
(3)确认理解(Confirmation and Understanding) 33
(4)犹豫(Hesitation) 34
(5)更正(Making Corrections) 35
(6)补充(Supplement) 36
(7)插话(Interposing) 37
3.态度(Attitude) 38
(1)意愿(Desire) 38
(2)希望(Hope) 38
(3)意向(Intention) 39
(4)责任(Responsibility) 40
(5)能力(Ability) 41
(6)允许(Permission) 42
(7)同意和不同意(Agreement and Disagreement) 43
(8)喜欢和不喜欢(Like and Dislike) 44
(9)偏爱(Preference) 45
(10)原谅(Excuse) 46
(11)后悔(Regret) 46
(12)慰问和同情(To Express Sympathy) 47
(13)兴趣(Interest) 48
(14)决心(Determination) 49
(15)责怪和批评(Blame and Criticism) 50
(16)抱怨(Complaint) 51
(17)否定(Negation) 52
(18)让步(Making a Concession) 53
(19)怀疑(Doubt) 53
(20)犹豫(Hesitation) 54
(21)坚持(Persistence) 55
(22)忍受(Endurance) 56
(23)冷淡(Indifference) 56
(2)可能和不可能(Possibility and Impossibility) 58
(1)肯定和不肯定(Affirmative and Inaffirmative) 58
4.可能程度(Degree of Possibility) 58
(3)预测(Forecasting) 59
(4)猜测和自信(Conjecture and Self-confidence) 60
(5)看似,好像(Seem and Appear) 61
5.情感(Affection) 63
(1)惊奇(Surprising) 63
(2)满意和高兴(Satisfaction and Happiness) 63
(3)愤怒和恼怒(Angry and Irritating) 64
(4)悲伤(Sadness) 65
(5)愿望(Wishes) 66
(6)悔恨和失望(Deep Regret and Disappointing) 67
(7)需求(Needs) 68
(8)焦虑(Anxiety) 68
(9)加重感情色彩(To Make More Emotional Colouring) 69
(10)担心和挂念(Worry and Missing) 70
(11)害怕和恐惧(Being Afraid and Fear) 71
(12)期望(Expectance) 72
(13)赞赏(Appreciation) 73
6.告诫(Warning) 74
(1)提醒(Reminding) 74
(2)请求(Request) 74
(3)建议(Suggestion) 75
(4)推荐(Recommendation) 76
(5)指导(Instruction) 77
(6)警告(Warning) 78
(7)劝说(Persuasion) 79
(8)命令(Command) 79
(9)禁止(Prohibition) 80
(10)许诺(Promise) 81
7.时间(Time) 83
(1)时刻(Moment) 83
(2)时段(Period) 83
(3)频度(Frequency) 84
(4)时序(Sequence of Time) 85
(5)速度(Speed) 86
(6)同时(Concurrence) 87
(7)持续(Duration) 87
8.存在(Existance) 89
9.空间描述(Description of Space) 90
(1)位置(Location) 90
(2)方向(Direction) 90
(3)动向(Trend) 91
(4)距离(Distance) 92
(5)体积(Volume) 93
10.数量(Quantity) 95
(1)数、量(Number and Amount) 95
(2)足量、不足量与过量(Sufficient,Insufficient and Excessive) 96
11.质(Quality) 97
(1)形状(Shape) 97
(2)颜色(Colour) 97
(3)材料(Material) 98
(4)感觉(Feeling) 99
(5)质地(Quality) 100
(6)价值(Value) 101
(7)自然状况(Natural Condition) 102
12.方法和手段(Method and Means) 103
13.功用(Function) 104
14.立论(Setting forth One s Views) 105
(1)例证(Illustration) 105
(2)概括(Generality) 106
(3)推论与结论(Deduction and Conclusion) 107
(4)阐明(Expounding) 107
15.计算和测量(Calculation and Measure) 109
(1)基础运算及倍数和百分比(Basic Operation,Times and Percentage) 109
(2)增加和减少(Increase and Decrease) 109
(3)基础测量(Basic Measure) 110
(4)近似值和平均值(Approximate Value and Average Value) 111
(6)估计(Estimation) 112
(5)比率、比例、最大值和最小值(Ratio,Proportion,Maximum and Minimum) 112
16.结构(部分和整体、部分之间的联系)[Structure(Relations between Part and Whole,Parts)] 114
17.关系(Relationship) 115
(1)行为中和事物中的关系(Relation among Actions and Things) 115
(2)对比关系(Contrast Relation) 115
(3)比较关系(Comparative Relation) 116
(4)所属关系和逻辑关系(Relationship of Belongs and Logic) 117
(5)分类(Clsssification) 118
下篇 121
功能意念 121
1.友好往来(Friendly Intercourse) 121
(1)问候(Greeting) 121
(2)告辞(Taking Leave) 122
(3)告别(Good-bye) 123
(4)介绍(Introduction) 124
(5)感谢和应答(Thank and Reply) 126
(6)祝愿和祝贺(Wishes and Congratulations) 127
(7)道歉和应答(Apology and Reply) 130
(8)邀请和应答(Invitation and Reply) 131
(9)提议、接受和谢绝(Proposal,Acceptance and Refusal) 133
(10)开始和结束谈话(To Begin and End a Talk) 134
2.交流补救(Exchange and Remedy) 136
(1)请求重复和解释(Beg a pardon and Explanation) 136
(2)定义(Definition) 137
(3)确认理解(Confirmation and Understanding) 138
(4)犹豫(Hesitation) 139
(5)更正(Making Corrections) 140
(6)补充(Supplement) 142
(7)插话(Interposing) 143
3.态度(Attitude) 145
(1)意愿(Desire) 145
(2)希望(Hope) 146
(3)意向(Intention) 147
(4)责任(Responsibility) 148
(5)能力(Ability) 149
(6)允许(Permission) 151
(7)同意和不同意(Agreement and Disagreement) 152
(8)喜欢和不喜欢(Like and Dislike) 153
(9)偏爱(Preference) 155
(10)原谅(Excuse) 157
(11)后悔(Regret) 158
(12)慰问和同情(To Express Sympathy) 159
(13)兴趣(Interest) 160
(14)决心(Determination) 162
(15)责怪和批评(Blame and Criticism) 163
(16)抱怨(Complaint) 164
(17)否定(Negation) 166
(18)让步(Making a Concession) 167
(19)怀疑(Doubt) 168
(20)犹豫(Hesitation) 169
(21)坚持(Persistence) 170
(22)忍受(Endurance) 171
(23)冷淡(Indifference) 173
4.可能程度(Degree of Possibility) 175
(1)肯定和不肯定(Affirmative and Inaffirmative) 175
(2)可能和不可能(Possibility and Impossibility) 176
(3)预测(Forecasting) 177
(4)猜测和自信(Conjecture and Self-confidence) 179
(5)看似,好像(Seem and Appear) 180
5.情感(Affection) 182
(1)惊奇(Surprising) 182
(2)满意和高兴(Satisfaction and Happiness) 183
(3)愤怒和恼怒(Angry and Irritating) 184
(4)悲伤(Sadness) 185
(5)愿望(Wishes) 186
(6)悔恨和失望(Deep Regret and Disappointing) 187
(7)需求(Needs) 188
(8)焦虑(Anxiety) 189
(9)加重感情色彩(To Make More Emotional Colouring) 191
(10)担心和挂念(Worry and Missing) 192
(11)害怕和恐惧(Being Afraid and Fear) 193
(12)期望(Expectance) 194
(13)赞赏(Appreciation) 195
6.告诫(Warning) 197
(1)提醒(Reminding) 197
(2)请求(Request) 198
(3)建议(Suggestion) 199
(4)推荐(Recommendation) 200
(5)指导(Instruction) 202
(6)警告(Warning) 203
(7)劝说(Persuasion) 204
(8)命令(Command) 205
(9)禁止(Prohibition) 206
(10)许诺(Promise) 207
(1)时刻(Moment) 209
7.时间(Time) 209
(2)时段(Period) 210
(3)频度(Frequency) 211
(4)时序(Sequence of Time) 212
(5)速度(Speed) 213
(6)同时(Concurrence) 214
(7)持续(Duration) 215
8.存在(Existance) 217
9.空间描述(Description of Space) 219
(1)位置(Location) 219
(2)方向(Direction) 220
(3)动向(Trend) 221
(4)距离(Distance) 222
(5)体积(Volume) 223
10.数量(Quantity) 225
(1)数、量(Number and Amount) 225
(2)足量、不足量与过量(Sufficient,Insufficient and Excessive) 226
11.质(Quality) 228
(1)形状(Shape) 228
(2)颜色(Colour) 229
(3)材料(Material) 230
(4)感觉(Feeling) 231
(5)质地(Quality) 232
(6)价值(Value) 233
(7)自然状况(Natural Condition) 234
12.方法和手段(Method and Means) 235
13.功用(Function) 236
14.立论(Setting forth One s Views) 238
(1)例证(Illustration) 238
(2)概括(Generality) 239
(3)推论与结论(Deduction and Conclusion) 240
(4)阐明(Expounding) 241
(1)基础运算及倍数和百分比(Basic Operation,Times and Percentage) 243
15.计算和测量(Calculation and Measure) 243
(2)增加和减少(Increase and Decrease) 244
(3)基础测量(Basic Measure) 245
(4)近似值和平均值(Approximate Value and Average Value) 246
(5)比率和比例及最大值和最小值(Ratio,Proportion,Maximum and Minimum) 247
(6)估计(Estimation) 248
16.结构(部分和整体、部分之间的联系)[Structure(Relations between Part and Whole,Parts)] 249
(1)行为之间和事物之间的关系(Relation among Actions and Things) 251
17.关系(Relationship) 251
(2)对比关系(Contrast Relation) 252
(3)比较关系(Comparative Relation) 253
(4)所属关系和逻辑关系(Relationship of Belongs and Logic) 254
(5)分类(Clsssification) 255
附录 课堂常用英语 259
第一部分 课前(Part One Before Class) 259
第二部分 课中(Part Two During Class) 259
第三部分 宣布这节课的安排(Part Three Announcing the Plan for This Period) 261
第四部分 上新课(Part Four Teaching a New Lesson) 261
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