实用英语综合教程 3 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:教育部《实用英语》教材编写组
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7040076780
- 页数:264 页
Unit 1 1
Text A: A Payment Greater Than Money 1
Text B: My Mother s Desk 11
Skill Development and Practice 16
●Reading Skills—Reading English Newspapers (1) 16
●Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译(1) 18
●Guided Writing—Giving Reasons 18
—简历 20
●Listening and Speaking 21
Text A: Unique Problems in International Trade 25
Unit 2 25
Text B: The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund 34
Skill Development and Practice 41
●Reading Skills—Reading English Newspapers (2) 41
●Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译(2) 42
●Guided Writing—Making Comparisons 43
—求职信 44
●Listening and Speaking 45
Unit 3 49
Text A: Coping with Crisis 49
Text B: Millions of Britons Endure Life with Noisy Neighbours 58
●Reading Skills—Reading English Newspapers (3) 65
Skill Development and Practice 65
●Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译(3) 67
●Guided Writing—Making a Classification 68
—奖学金申请信 69
●Listening and Speaking 69
Unit 4 74
Text A: Interstellar Postcards—Messages to Space 74
Text B: Why Should Children Learn Science? 83
Skill Development and Practice 89
●Reading Skills—Advertisement (1) 89
●Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译(4) 91
●Guided Writing—Presenting a Contrast 92
—申请任助教信 93
●Listening and Speaking 94
Unit 5 98
Text A: Social Responsibility of Scientists 98
Text B: Science and Truth 107
Skill Development and Practice 113
●Reading Skills—Advertisement (2) 113
●Translation Practice—定语从句的翻译(5) 115
●Guided Writing—Describing Causes and Effects 116
—推荐信 117
●Listening and Speaking 117
Text A: Excerpts from Speech by Margaret Thatcher 121
Unit 6 121
Text B: Excerpts from Speech by Carter 131
Skill Development and Practice 136
●Reading Skills—Understanding Product Description 136
●Translation Practice—倍数的翻译(1) 137
●Guided Writing—Giving Examples 138
—课程申请表 139
●Listening and Speaking 141
Unit 7 145
Text A: School Costs Are Rising in Britain, Too 145
Text B: Budget Puts Students in More Debt 154
●Reading Skills—Understanding Directions 159
Skill Development and Practice 159
●Translation Practice—倍数的翻译(2) 160
●Guided Writing—Describing a Process 161
—成绩报告单 162
●Listening and Speaking 163
Unit 8 168
Text A: The Population Bomb 168
Text B: Reforest the Earth! 177
Skill Development and Practice 183
●Reading Skills—Understanding Catalogue Cards 183
●Translation Practice—长句的翻译(1) 185
—公证书 186
●Guided Writing—Presenting an Argument 186
●Listening and Speaking 188
Unit 9 192
Text A: I Have a Dream —30 Years Ago and Now 192
Text B: The Key Issue for Women 201
Skill Development and Practice 207
●Reading Skills—Understanding Graphic Information (1) 207
●Translation Practice—长句的翻译(2) 208
●Guided Writing—Expressing an Opinion 209
—毕业文凭 210
●Listening and Speaking 212
Text A: Take a Multimedia Course, Ms Smith 217
Unit 10 217
Text B: Future Cars 226
Skill Development and Practice 233
●Reading Skills—Understanding Graphic Information (2) 233
●Translation Practice—长句的翻译(3) 237
●Guided Writing—Reasoning 238
—大学录取通知书和护照 238
●Listening and Speaking 240
Glossary 245
Phrases and Expressions 258
Appendix:《实用英语多媒体学习课件3》结构一览表 262
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