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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈宇鸿等编
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安电子科技大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7560607241
  • 页数:312 页

Unit 1 两性世界 3

1 Will Power Corrupt Female Athletes 权利会使女运动员堕落吗 3

2 Men Vs. Women: Do We Really Need an Answer 男人对女人:我们真的需要决一胜负吗 11

3 Marriage, Pros and Cons 婚姻透视 20

Unit 2 世界之巅 31

1 Voice Form 98 World Cup 98世界杯之声 31

2 History as France Are Crowned World Champions 法国队卫冕世界冠军的历史时刻 39

3 Brazil Plane Loaded with Dirty Washing 抑郁而归的巴西队 48

Unit 3 食品安全 58

1 What You Don t Know Can Hurt:The Risks of Genetically Engineered Food 玩火者必自焚--GE食品的风险 58

2 Food Irradiation 辐射食品 73

3 McDonald s Ends Ban on British Beef 麦当劳结束对英国牛肉的禁令 81

Unit 4 球星独白 93

1 Pressure Was Finally Too Great for Ronaldo 罗纳尔多--压力太大 93

2 Brian Laudrup to Quit Denmark s National Team 布·劳德鲁普--我欲乘风归去 102

3 Glenn Hoddle 格伦·豪德 110

Unit 5 学习英语 119

1 English in Hong Kong--Changing Attitudes to English 英语在香港--态度正在改变 119

2 English in Argentina 英语在阿根廷 132

3 Learning the World Language: Today and Tomorrow 学习世界语:从现在到将来 145

1 Living the Soulful Life 情感生涯 159

Unit 6 精神家园 159

2 How Can You Use Your Emotions and Feelings to Have a Better Relationship with Yourself 如何控制自我的情绪 170

3 The Power of Breathwork for Healing, Transformation and Illumination 神奇的Breathwork 180

Unit 7 回忆恩师 193

1 Recalling My Mentors 回忆我的导师 193

2 Favorite Teachers and Best Friends for Life 良师益友 204

3 Teachers: Bests and Favorites 最好的和最喜爱的老师 212

Unit 8 求学海外 221

1 Seven Great and Unexpected Tips to Use When Writing Your Essay 书写入学申请的七个绝招 221

2 How to Ace the Interview 怎样在面试中获胜 230

3 Why Do Some Students Get Accepted to College and Others Do not 拒绝的理由是什么 237

Unit 9 家庭教育 247

1 Any Father Can Be a Story-Teller 父亲--讲故事的人 247

2 Home Businesses for the Whole Family 换个视角看家务 258

3 Plagued by Group Identity 令人苦恼的群体同一性 266

Unit 10 软件风云 275

1 Oracle Furthers OS--Less Device Plan Oracle 公司的抵依赖性操作系统计划 275

2 Attacking the Quality Monster 向质量怪物进军 282

3 OS David Vs. Windows Goliath 大卫和巨人 292

