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民族学研究  第8辑
民族学研究  第8辑

民族学研究 第8辑PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:中国民族学会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:民族出版社
  • 出版年份:1986
  • ISBN:3049·128
  • 页数:332 页
《民族学研究 第8辑》目录

Ethnological Research No.8 1

Problems of Nationalities,of Minorities and of Racialism Lin Yuehua 1

关于民族、少数民族和种族主义的问题&林耀华 1

Serving the Four Modernizations Should Be Persisted in Ethnological Researches Li Honglie 10

民族学研究要坚持为四化建设服务&李宏烈 10

马克思主义民族学的科学体系属于科学社会主义&杨庆镇 17

Scientific System of marxist Ethnology Belongs to the Scientific Socialism Yang Qingzhen 17

Population Problems Conditioning and Influencing on the Strategic Aim of Economic Development in the 26

人口对民族地区经济发展战略目标的制约和影响&张天路 26

The Relations between Primitive Religious Belief and the Reconstruction of Two Civilizations among t 39

景颇族的原始宗教信仰与两个文明建设&桑耀华 39

Whither the Human Marriage? Jiang Yongxing 48

人类婚姻向何处去? 姜永兴 48

Researches on the Current Problems in Soviet Ethnology He Guo′an 61

苏联民族学对现实问题的研究&贺国安 61

On Natural Sciences in the Primitive Society Shi Youping 80

论原始社会的自然科学&时佑平 80

浅谈原始社会中的家庭&娜西卡 109

A General View about the Family in Primitive Society Na Xika 109

Why Did the Production of Human Being Play an Important Role before the First Division of Social Lab 119

人类自身生产在第一次社会大分工以前为什么起主导作用?&李清和 119

略谈私有制在我国的起源&赵文艺 133

Brief Account on the Origin of Private Ownership in Our Country Zhao Wenyi 133

Inquiring into the State′s Functions which Played in the Formation of the Nation Zhang Dun′an 142

国家在民族形成中的作用探究&张敦安 142

The Influence of Natural Conditions which Exerted on Social Development under a Low Productive Level 157

自然条件在生产力低下情况下对社会发展的影响&杨保隆 157

On the Historical Position about the Pastoral Society of Anciert Hun People Gu Bao 171

论正确阐明古代匈奴游牧社会的历史地位&谷苞 171

A Humble Opinion on Tibetan Feudal Serfdom Wang Yuping 190

浅谈西藏封建农奴制&王玉平 190

Serfdom of the Dai Nationality in Dehong Autonomous Prefecture and Its Transition to the Landowner E 207

德宏傣族的农奴制及其向地主经济过渡&曹成章 207

The Chief(duwa)and Chief System of the Jingpo Nationality Gong peihua 224

景颇族的山官和山官制度&龚佩华 224

A View of Punaluan Family from Cross-Cousin Marriage Chen Qixin 240

从表亲婚遗俗看普那路亚家庭&陈启新 240

瑶族母权制遗俗研究&韩肇明 257

Researches into Survivals of Matriarchal Customs in the Yao Society Han Zhaoming 257

畲族母系制残余的探讨&兰周根 268

Probe into the Remnants of the She′s Matrilineal System Lan Zhougen 268

从东巴经书的记载看纳西族古代婚姻家庭的演变&和发源 279

The Evolution of Ancient Naxi′s Marriage and Family System from the Records of Dongba Scripture He 279

The Chengtang Area′s Tibetans of the Qomolangma Mountain′s Southeast Foot and Their Religious Cust 293

珠穆朗玛峰东南麓陈塘藏族及其宗教习俗&张国英 293

日本的阿伊努人&胡起望 301

The Ainus in Japan Hu Qiwang 301

《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》和《古代社会》版本述略&魏治臻 317

A Brief Account on the Editions of Family,Private Property and State and State and of Ancient Societ 317

中国民族学会第三届学术讨论会综述&肖家成 326

A Summary of the 3rd Symposium of Chinese Ethnological Society Xiao Jiacheng 326

List of President,Vice-President,Adviscrs and Secretary-General of the Chinese Ethnological Society 326
