妇产科学 原理与实践 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:33 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Frank W.Ling,Patrick Duff编著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7117043881
- 页数:1387 页
1 Maternal Physiololgy [Eleanor Capeless A. Gordon Fry Ⅲ] 3
Contributors 11
Preface 17
2 Preconceptional and Prenatal Care [Jeffrey A. Kuller Robert A. Strauss Robert C. Cefalo] 25
3 Teratology [Michael F. Greene] 55
4 Prenatal Diahnosis [Laura Goetzl Mary D Alton] 69
5 Infections in Pregnancy [Patrick Duff] 90
Cardiac Disease [Mark Landon] 133
6 Medical Complications of Pregnancy 133
Pulmonary Disease [Philip Samuels] 146
Gastrointestinal Disease [Mark Landon] 157
Noninfectious Hepatobiliary Diseases [Philip Samuels] 161
Renal Disease [Philip Samuels] 168
Hematologic Disorders [Philip Samuels] 177
Neurololgic Disorders [Philip Samuels] 191
Collagen Vascular Diseases [Philip Samuels] 206
Diabetes Mellitus and Other Endocrine Disorders [Mark Landon] 218
7 Hypertensive Disorders during pregnancy [Robert S. Egerman] 244
8 Emergencies during Pregnancy:Trauma and Nonobstetric Surgical Conditions [Jennifer Gunter Mark D. Pearlman] 253
9 Multiple Gestation [John A. Read] 273
10 Isoimmunization [Richard O Shaughnessy Melanie Kennedy] 308
11 Evaluation and Treatment of the Patient with a Stillborn Fetus [Isabelle Wilkins Lynda Hudon] 327
12 Pregnancy Termination [Gregory J. Locksmith] 340
13 Preterm Delivery [Alice R. Goepfert] 356
14 Antepartum Hemorrhage [B. Denise Raynor] 371
15 Postdate Pregnancy [Cesar Rosa] 388
16 Abnormal Presentation [Michael K. Yancey] 398
17 Labor and Delivery:Normal and Abnormal [Gregory E. Chow Michael K. Yancey] 423
18 Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia [Chirstopher F.James] 459
19 Operative Vaginal Delivery [Cynthia G. Brumfield] 490
20 Cesarean Delivery and Cesarean Hysterectomy [Patrick Duff] 517
21 Immediate Assessment and Resuscitation of the Neonate [Dean T. Theophilopoulos David J. Burchfield] 534
22 The Puerperium [Amy Boardman] 545
Section 1:Women s Health Care Issues 576
23 Cancer Screening [Frank W. Ling] 576
24 Wellness Counseling/Immunlzations [Geeta Malik Virginia W. Ward] 581
25 Collaborative-Practice Models [Hal C. Lawrence Susan F. Meade] 594
Section 2: Management of Chronic Medlcal Problems In Women s Health 604
26 Hypertension [Michael Murphy Ray Walker] 604
27 Diabetes Mellitus [Abbas E. Kitabchi Michael Bryer-Ash] 612
28 Lipid Disorders [Thomas A. Hughes] 636
29 Thyroid Diseases [Joseph N. Fisher] 652
30 Mood Disorders [J. Sloan Manning Beth Choby] 670
31 Substance Abuse/Dependence [Verneeta L. Williams James Franks] 692
32 Dermatologic Problems [Terri H. Henson Robert A. Skinner, Jr.] 707
33 Approach to Anemia [Patricia Adams-Graves] 751
34 Respiratory problems [Frank W. Ling Roger P. Smith] 765
35 Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence [Linn H. Parsons] 774
36 Stress Management [Renate H. Rosenthal] 791
37 HIV/AIDS [Melissa Appleton Robert E. Morrison Rani Lewis] 801
38 Headache, Dizziness, and Syncope [James B. Lewis, Jr.] 819
39 Evaluation of Musculoskeletal Symptoms [Gurjit Kaeley Laura Carbone] 844
40 Gastrointestinal Disorders [R. James St. Hilaire Charles MasbachⅡ] 862
41 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [Nancy S. Fuller Robert E. Morrison] 910
42 Contraception/Family Planning [Christine W. Jordan Andrew Kaunitz] 916
43 Sexually Transmissible Infections [Roger P. Smith] 926
44 Breast Dlsorders [James A. Hall] 938
45 Sexual Counseling [Charles R.B. Beckmann] 955
46 Hirsutism [Stephen R. Lincoln] 967
47 Abnormal and Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding [Edward J. Stanford] 975
48 Hyperprolactinemia [Debra A. Minjarez Khaled Zeitoun William H. Kutteh] 995
49 Premenstrual Syndrome [Candace S. Brown Frank W. Ling] 1004
50 Management of Menopause [Raymond W. Ke] 1021
51 Recurrent Pregnancy Loss [William H. Kutteh] 1041
52 Endometriosis [Khaled Zeitoun Debra Minjarez Stephen Lincoln] 1054
53 Urogynecology:Urinary Incontinence and Sensory Disorders of the Female Lower Urinary Tract [Robert L. Summitt,Jr] 1069
54 Dysmenorrhea and Pelvic Pain [Roger P. Smith] 1084
55 Abnormal Pap Smear(Including Colposcopy, Cryotherapy, and the Loop Electrosurgical Excision procedure)[Gary H. Lipscomb] 1096
56 Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology [Joshua Sepesi Claudette Jones Shephard] 1110
57 Ectople Pregnancy [Gary H. Lipscomb] 1134
58 Uterine Leiomyomas and Other Benign Pelvic Masses [Thomas E. Snyder Thomas G. Stovall] 1151
59 Pelvic-Organ Prolapse [Val Y. Vogt] 1176
60 Vulvar Lesions [Roger P. Smith] 1199
61 Preoperative Evaluation [Carol A. Glowacki Thomas E. Nolan] 1209
Section 3: Speclal Problems In Gynecologic Oncology 1228
62 Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy [Douglas Horbelt Jed Delmore] 1228
63 Vulvar and Vaginal Cancer [Jed Delmore Douglas Horbelt] 1239
64 Cervical Cancer [Jed Delmore Douglas Horbelt] 1264
65 Uterine Cancer [Randall K. Gibb Ward A. Katsanis] 1281
66 Ovarian Cancer [Brigitte E. Miller] 1298
67 Gestational Trophoblastic Disease [Brigitte E. Miller] 1315
68 Metastatic Tumor Spread to the Pelvis [Brigitte E. Miller] 1327
Index 1337
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