图解生物化学 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)Pete N.Campbell,(英)Anthony D.Smith编著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7030077261
- 页数:304 页
The organelles of a typical animal cell 2
Types of biochemical preparations 4
Subcellular fractionation 4
Metabolic functions of organelles 6
1.The chemistry of amino acids and peptides 8
2.Protein structure,properties and separation 18
3.Protein function 35
Serum proteins 35
Proteins involved in the metabolism of iron 37
Collagen 38
Peptides 39
The ACTH peptides 40
Immunoglobulin structures 41
The structure of complement 44
The generation of antibody diversity 45
A glossary of some immunological terms useful to 45
biochemistsImmunoglobulin synthesis 46
The immunoglobulin superfamily at the cell surface 46
Immunoassay 47
Production of monoclonal antibodies 49
Proteins of muscle 50
The four classes of protein structures 52
Summary of methods of investigation of the structure 53
and function of proteins 53
3 STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF ENZYMESEnzyme properties and kinetics 56
Derivation of the Michaelis-Menten equation 58
Enzyme inhibition 59
International classification of enzymes 60
Nature of the active site and induced fit 60
Evolutionary aspects of protein structure and function 63
Superfamilies:the serpins,homologies and motifs 64
Allosteric properties of enzymes 66
Regulation of enzyme activity 67
Energy,metabolic control and equilibria 70
Regulation of metabolic pathways 71
Analysis of ligand binding 72
Multiple forms of enzymes,isoenzymes 75
Enzymes indiagnosis 76
Metabolism of ethanol 78
1.Strategies for protein biosynthesis 80
2.Structure and biosynthesis of nucleic acids 83
3.Biosynthesis of proteins 100
4.Control of protein synthesis 109
5.Molecular cell biology 112
Introduction 118
6.Recombinant DNA(genetic engineering) 118
Restriction and other enzymes 120
Escherichia coli and alternative vectors 121
Split genes,introns and exons 121
Alternative splicing 122
Mechanism of removal of introns 123
The use of radioactive probes to detect gene sequences 124
Techniques for the determination of the base sequence 125
of DNAAntenatal diagnosis 127
Reverse genetics 128
The polymerase chain reaction(PCR) 129
A brief glossary of terms not previously explained 130
Nicotinamide nucleotides 132
Adenine nucleotide coenzymes 133
Thiamin pyrophosphate 134
Flavin nucleotide coenzymes 135
Coenzyme A 136
Biotin 136
Folate coenzymes 137
Pyridoxal phosphate 138
Vitamin B12 139
Ascorbic acid 139
sugars 142
Monosaccharides 143
Disaccharides 144
Polysaccharides(oligosaccharides) 145
Role of glycosaminoglycans 146
Glucuronic and gluconic acids 147
Uridine diphosphate glucose(UDPG) 147
Hexose interconversions 148
The role of sugars in detoxification 150
NITROGEN METABOLISMEssential and non-essential amino acids 152
Transamination and oxidative deamination 152
The urea cycle 155
The synthesis of non-essential amino acids 157
The catabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine 159
The formation of thyroid hormones 161
The formation of adrenaline and noradrenaline 162
The metabolism of histidine 163
The metabolism of tryptophan 164
Glutathione and oxygen toxicity 165
Phosphocreatine 166
The synthesis of haem 166
Bile pigments 168
CARBOHYDRATE AND FAT METABOLISMA.Oxidative catabolismForces driving metabolic processes 170
β-oxidation of fatty acids 173
The glycolytic pathway 174
The citric acid cycle 178
Pathway interactions 180
The glucose/fatty acid cycle 181
The electron transport chain—oxidation of NADH 182
and succinateStructural aspects of electron transport 183
Components of the electron transport chain 185
The protonmotive Q cycle 186
Structural aspects of mitochondria 187
Oxidative phosphorylation 188
Respiratory control and uncoupling action 189
Flow chart of electron transport 190
Transport across mitochondrial membranes 191
Mitochondrial regulation of cell function 192
BThefastingstat—glycogenolysis,lipolysis,glueoneogenesisand ketogenesisOverview of the fasting state 196
Details of metabolism in the fasting state 197
Glycogen and its degradation 197
The formation of glucose from glycogen(glycogenolysis) 198
Regulation of phosphorylase 199
The de novo formation of glucose(gluconeogenesis) 199
Key enzymes in gluconeogenesis 201
The Cori cycle 202
The formation of ketone bodies(ketogenesis) 202
Regulation of fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis 203
The utilization of ketone bodies 203
The role of carnitine palmitoyltransferases 204
Control of the blood glucose level 204
Disordered blood glucose levels 205
The role of lactate 207
Specialization of metabolism in muscle 207
Glycogen storage disease 208
C.The absorptive state—synthesis of energy storagecompoundsOverview of the fed state 210
Digestive processes during the absorptive state 211
Detailed metabolism in the fed state 213
Biosynthesis of glycogen 214
Glycogen storage diseases 215
Regulation of glycogen synthase 216
Pentose phosphate pathway( pentose shunt ) 216
Lipogenesis 217
Biosynthesis of fatty acids 218
Fatty acid structures 219
Formation of triacylglycerol 220
Chemistry and metabolism of plasma lipoproteins 222
Lipoprotein lipase 223
Formation of cholesterol esters 224
Apolipoproteins 224
An overview of lipoprotein metabolism 225
Biosynthesis of cholesterol 226
Formation of bile acids and the excretion of cholesterol 227
Bile 228
Whole-body regulation of cholesterol metabolism 229
Control of the level of plasma LDL 229
LDL receptor traffic 230
Hyperlipidaemias(hyperlipoproteinaemias) 231
Cholesterol and bile acid recycling 233
Therapeutic strategies for lowering cholesterol 233
Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and atherosclerosis 234
D.Phospholipids,other lipid substances andcomplex carbohydratesStructure of phospholipids 236
Synthesis of phospholipids 237
Phospholipases 238
Sphingolipids 239
Steroid hormones 240
The lipid-soluble vitamins A,E,K and D 243
Calcium metabolism 245
Prostaglandins 246
Leukotrienes 248
Structures of complex carbohydrates 249
Glycoproteins 250
Glycoprotein biosynthesis 251
Lactose synthesis 252
The protein secretory pathway-role of the Golgi 253
apparatusThe primary structure of lysozyme and α-lactalbumin 254
MEMBRANE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONThe phospholipid bilayer 256
Structure of glycophorin 257
Protein dynamics in the lipid bilayer 257
Receptor structure 258
Fluid nature of cell membranes 260
Cloning of the acetylcholine receptor cDNA 261
Transmission at a cholinergic synapse 263
Adenylylcyclase and G-proteins 264
Anchoring of proteins by lipids 266
Protein kinase A 267
Protein kinase C 268
Calmodulin 269
Phospholipase C and inositol phosphates 270
Protein tyrosine kinases 272
Oncogenes 273
Growth factor receptor activation 274
The endosome system—recycling receptors 275
The role of clathrin 276
Membrane transport 277
The red cell cytoskeleton 277
Actin microfilaments 280
Microtubules 282
Intermediate filaments 283
Cell adhesion 284
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