实用英语综合教程 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:教育部《实用英语》教材编写组编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7040076713
- 页数:229 页
Unit 1 1
Text A: Public Relations 1
Text B: The Interview 9
Skill Development and Practice 15
●Reading Skills—Cause and Effect 15
●Translation Practice—正反译 16
●Guided Writing—Cause and Effect 17
—借条 19
●Listening and Speaking 20
Text A: What Is Culture? 23
Unit 2 23
Text B: Food and Culture 31
Skill Development and Practice 36
●Reading Skills—Comparison and Contrast 36
●Translation Practice—反正译 37
●Guided Writing—Comparison and Contrast 38
—收据 40
●Listening and Speaking 40
Unit 3 43
Text A: A Look at Tomorrow 43
Text B: Are Computers Alive? 50
●Reading Skills—Exemplification 55
Skill Development and Practice 55
●Translation Practice—分译(1) 56
●Guided Writing—Exemplification 57
—证明信 59
●Listening and Speaking 59
Unit 4 62
Text A: The Bermuda Triangle 62
Text B: Sounds We Cannot Hear 70
Skill Development and Practice 75
●Reading Skills—Classification 75
●Guided Writing—Classification 77
●Translation Practice—分译(2) 77
—介绍信 79
●Listening and Speaking 79
Unit 5 83
Text A: Modem Communication: The Laser and Fiber-Optic Revolution 83
Text B: Intel Announces US$50 Million for China Research Center 91
Skill Development and Practice 95
●Reading Skills—Definition 95
●Translation Practice—合译(1) 97
●Guided Writing—Definition 98
—邀请信 99
●Listening and Speaking 99
Text A: Do Animals Have a Culture? 103
Unit 6 103
Text B: Animal Learning: Pavlov and Beyond 110
Skill Development and Practice 114
●Reading Skills—Process 114
●Translation Practice—合译(2) 115
●Guided Writing—Process 116
—感谢信 117
●Listening and Speaking 117
Unit 7 121
Text A: A Friend on the Line 121
Text B: Sorry Sir, Sorry, Sorry 128
●Reading Skills—Spatial Order 133
Skill Development and Practice 133
●Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(1) 135
●Guided Writing—Spatial Order 136
—道歉信 138
●Listening and Speaking 138
Unit 8 143
Text A: The Crime of the Century 143
Text B: The Finger of Suspicion 150
Skill Development and Practice 156
●Reading Skills—Time Sequence 156
●Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(2) 157
●Guided Writing—Time Sequence 158
—慰问信 159
●Listening and Speaking 160
Unit 9 163
Text A: Energy Crisis 163
Text B: Nuclear Power: Advantages That Outweigh the Risks 171
Skill Development and Practice 177
●Reading Skills—Understanding the Author s Opinion 177
●Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(3) 178
●Guided Writing—Expressing an Opinion 179
—投诉信 181
●Listening and Speaking 182
Text A: Back to Nature 185
Unit 10 185
Text B: Huge Cities of the Future 192
Skill Development and Practice 198
●Reading Skills—Drawing a Conclusion 198
●Translation Practice—被动句的翻译(4) 199
●Guided Writing—Drawing a Conclusion 200
—请求信 201
●Listening and Speaking 202
Glossary 205
Phrases and Expressions 222
Appendix:《实用英语多媒体学习课件2》结构一览表 227
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