- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张中主编
- 出 版 社:天津:天津科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7530831119
- 页数:594 页
a good deal of 1
正文 1
a lot(or lots) of 1
a little of 1
a great many of 1
短语目录 1
短语 1
a bit (of) 1
a couple of 1
a few (of) 1
a pair of 2
a packet of 2
a number of 2
a series of 2
a suit of 2
a variety of 2
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abound in 2
about 3
about to,be 4
above 4
send in 4
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above all 5
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abstinence from 6
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accord with 8
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account for 8
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accrue from 9
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accustom…to 9
accustomed to,be 9
acquaint…with 10
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across 10
act as 11
act on(or upon) 11
act against 11
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adjunct to,an 16
adjust oneself to… 16
adjuvant to,an 16
administration(of…)to… 17
admission to 17
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admit to 17
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administer…to 17
admitted into,be 17
admitted to,be 17
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affix on 20
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after 21
after all 23
against 23
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all but 27
all day long 27
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all over 28
all sorts of 28
all the same 28
all the time 28
all the year round 28
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allowance for,an 30
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along 30
along the course of 30
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although (or though) 31
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amidst (or amid) 32
among 32
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amount to 34
ample for,be 34
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anchored to,be 35
and so forth (or on) 35
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as 45
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as compared with 49
as far as 49
as (so) far as …concerned 50
as follows* 50
as for 50
as …from 50
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at 56
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at most 63
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at once…and… 64
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at one time 64
at once 64
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at random 65
at stool 65
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at present 65
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at the invitation of sb 66
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at the moment 67
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at the request of 67
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at the longest 67
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at the thought of 68
at the time of 68
at times 69
at will 69
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attempt at 70
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back to 74
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beside the point 88
besides 88
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between 88
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beyond 91
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break out 96
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by 105
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by axilla 109
by crisis (lysis) 109
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by hand 110
by intravenous drip 110
by itself 110
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by the aid of 111
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by the side of 112
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by the way 112
by virtue of 112
C 113
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D 169
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down 197
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drop to 201
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due to,be 202
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during 202
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dwindle to 203
E 203
each and every 203
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each other 203
during (or in)the course of 203
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eat up 204
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either…or 205
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emit from 206
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end up as 208
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enter upon (or on) 210
entrance (of …) into 210
entry (of…)into 210
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equip with 210
equivalent to,be 211
…er,the…er,the 211
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essential to,be 212
estimate at 212
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ever since 213
ever so 213
every so often 213
every time 213
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ever after 213
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except 214
exception to the rule,an 215
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exclusive of 215
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face to 218
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F 218
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fall under 220
fall upon (or on) 220
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familiarize oneself with 220
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family history,a 220
fall out 220
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find a place in 223
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first of all 224
first thing in the morning,the 224
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first aid 224
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flow (of…) between 226
fling at 226
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for the present 233
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for the rest 233
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from 236
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from time to time 238
from to 238
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function as 238
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G 239
gain access to 239
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give an inoculation against 247
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go to stool 259
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grow on 260
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guard against 260
guide to,a 260
H 261
had better 261
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harmless to,be 263
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have a temperature (or fever) 265
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have the effect of 272
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have…trouble (with) 272
have…urine 272
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hazard to,a 273
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hence 275
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I 280
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in 288
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in case 296
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in charge of,be 296
in chief 297
in childbirth 297
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in common 298
in conformity with (or to) 298
in connection with 299
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in conjunction with 299
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in cooperation with 300
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in contrast with 300
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in gealth 304
in ill health 304
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in itself 304
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in joke 305
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in one way 306
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in order to 306
in other words 307
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in place 308
in process 308
in the publecity 309
in question 309
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in reality 309
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in (or with) reference to 309
in (or with) relation to 310
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in the nature of 317
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in themselves 320
in this respect 320
in thousands 320
in time 320
in treatment of 320
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in uterus 321
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in vivo 322
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inasmuch as 323
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into 332
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into the open 333
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isolate from 335
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J 335
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junction of 338
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just now 338
k 338
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L 346
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lecture on 357
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less…,the more,the … 358
lest 358
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let in 359
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let on 360
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limit of 364
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lose weight 373
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low on 374
lust after (or for) 374
M 374
make a contribution to 374
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mediate between 383
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melt into 384
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more or less 386
moment,at any 386
moist with,be 386
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more…,the greater,the 387
more…,the less,the 387
more…,the more,the 387
mortality (or morbidity) (rate) for,a 387
more than 387
move the bowels 387
much more 388
N 388
name for (or after) 388
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near 388
nearby 389
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nevertheless 390
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next to 390
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on doubt 391
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nor 393
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nose into 393
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O 397
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now and then 397
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of 400
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on 407
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once 409
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on palpation 411
on hand,(be) 411
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on (the) ground (s) of 414
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on the order of 415
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on the one hand…on the other (hand) 415
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on the part of 415
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operate to 421
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opportunity of (an) 421
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or 422
or else 422
or so 422
order for,an 422
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orientation to 423
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originate with 423
other from 423
other than 423
ought to 423
otherwise 424
out of 424
out of breath,be 424
out of contact with,be 425
out of danger,be 425
out of doors,be 425
out of hand 425
out of it 425
out of joint,be 425
out of order,be 425
out of place 425
out of position,be 426
out of proportion to,be 426
out of question,be 426
out of range 426
out of the question 426
out of the reach of,be 426
out to (do) 426
out with 426
outlet for (or to),an 427
outlook for,an 427
outside 427
over 427
overflow with 429
overgrow with 429
overload with 429
owe to 429
owing to 429
P 430
painful to,be 430
pan out (or off) 430
parallel to,be 430
parallel with 430
part at 430
part from 430
part with 431
part and parcel 431
parasitic in,be 431
parasitic on,be 431
parasitic to,be 431
partake in 431
partake of 431
partake with 432
participate in 432
pass a motion 432
pass away 432
pass down 432
pass into 432
pass off 432
pass on to 433
pass out 433
pass out of 433
pass stool 433
pass through 433
pass (or void) urine 433
past 434
past bearing,be 434
pathogenic for,be 435
pathogenic to,be 435
patient of,be 435
pave the way for(or to) 435
pay (or give) attention (or heed) to 435
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