TOEFL制胜方略 综合技巧PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵雪爱主编
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:756051295X
- 页数:332 页
第一部分:听力技巧 2
1 听力加强训练Part A(Listening Power Part A) 2
1.1 同音异义词(Homophone) 2
1.2 词的习惯用法(Idiomatic Expression) 3
1.3 比较(Comparison) 3
1.4 代词(Pronoun) 4
1.5 时间和顺序(Time and Sequence) 5
1.6 非真实情况(Unreal Situation) 5
2.1 主题、主要内容及语气(Main Topic,Main Idea and Tone) 6
2 听力加强训练Part B(Listening Power Part B) 6
2.2 职业(Vocation) 7
2.3 地点(Location) 8
2.4 事实及引申(Fact and Inference) 9
3 听力加强训练Part C(Listening Power Part C) 10
3.1 主题、主要内容及语气(Main Topic,Main Idea and Tone) 10
3.2 职业(Vocation) 11
3.3 地点(Location) 11
3.4 事实及引申(Fact and Inference) 12
4.1 限制性及非限制性从句(Dependent and Independent Clauses) 15
第二部分:语法技巧 15
4 语法加强训练(一)(Grammar Power Lesson One) 15
4.2 句子的特征(What is a sentence?) 16
4.3 避免两个主语(Avoiding Two Subjects) 17
5 语法加强训练(二)(Grammar Power Lesson Two) 18
5.1 限制性从句的三种类型(Three Types of the Dependent Clause) 18
5.2 名词性从句的四种类型(Four Types of Noun Clause) 18
5.3 形容词性从句的两种类型(Two Types of Adjective Clause) 20
5.4 副词性从句(Adverb Clause) 22
5.5 从句的省略及同位语(The Omission of Clause and Appositive) 23
6 语法加强训练(三)(Grammar Power Lesson Three) 25
6.1 动词时态的连贯(The Coherence of Verb Tenses) 25
6.2 常见的动词形式(Common Forms of the Verb) 26
6.3 条件从句中的动词形式(The Forms of the Verb in“if” Clause) 27
7 语法加强训练(四)(Grammar Power Lesson Four) 28
7.1 动名词及不定式(Gerund and Infinitive) 28
7.2 宾语是动名词及宾语是不定式的动词(Gerund as an Object and Infinitive as an Object) 29
7.3 复合分词及复合不定式(Compound Participle and Compound Infinitive) 30
8.1 倒装句(Inverted Sentence) 32
8 语法加强训练(五)(Grammar Power Lesson Five) 32
8.2 平行结构(Parallel Structure) 33
8.3 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级(The Comparative Degree and Superative Degree) 34
8.4 “There”和“It”作主语(“There”and“It”as a Subject) 34
9 语法加强训练(六)(Grammar Power Lesson Six) 36
9.1 主语及谓语动词的性数搭配(The Agreement of the Subject and The Verb) 36
9.2 人称代词与其先行词的性数搭配(The Agreement of the Pronoun and Its Anticipator) 37
9.3 单数名词及复数名词的用法(The Usage of the Singular Noun and Plural Noun) 37
10.1 介词的用法(The Usage of the Prepositions) 39
10 语法加强训练(七)(Grammar Power Lesson Seven) 39
10.2 “Like”和“Alike”的区别(The Difference between“Like”and“Alike”) 40
10.3 冠词的用法(The Usage of the Articles) 41
第三部分:阅读技巧 43
11 阅读加强训练(一)(Reading Power Lesson One) 43
11.1 主要内容(Main Idea) 43
11.2 主题与主要内容的区别(The Difference between Topic and Main Idea) 43
11.3 事实(Facts) 44
11.4 否定事实(The Negation of the Fact) 44
12.2 词汇(Vocabulary) 46
12.1 引申(Inference) 46
12 阅读加强训练(二)(Reading Power Lesson Two) 46
12.3 文章的组织结构(The Structure of the Passage) 47
12.4 作者的语气(The Tone of the Author) 48
13 阅读加强训练(三)(Reading Power Lesson Three) 49
13.1 阅读技巧练习(Exercises for Reading Skills) 49
13.2 阅读技巧答案(Answers to the Reading Skills) 69
第四部分:模拟试题(Practice Tests) 72
Practice Test One 72
Tapescript to Practice Test One 99
Practice Test Two 108
Tapescript to Practice Test Two 135
Practice Test Three 145
Tapescript to Practice Test Three 172
Practice Test Four 182
Tapescript to Practice Test Four 210
Practice Test Five 219
Tapescript to Practice Test Five 246
Practice Test Six 256
Tapescript to Practice Test Six 283
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