- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陆道夫,徐广联编著
- 出 版 社:上海:华东理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:756280947X
- 页数:186 页
第一章 英语书信写作 1
1-1 英文书信写作综述 1
1)英文书信结构及写法要求 1
2)国际流行的英文书信款式 5
3)英文书信常用首句和结束语 8
4)信封写法规范化及其他注意事项 10
1-2 家书私信 12
1)写法要求 12
2)最佳活用句式 13
3)写作范例 14
No.1 致兄弟(To My Brother) 14
No.2 新年致好友(To a Good Friend at-Christmas) 18
No.3 男士致情侣(A Gentleman to His-Sweetheart) 19
No.4 女士致情侣(A Lady to Her Lover) 23
No.5 丈夫致妻儿(A Husband to His Wife and Children) 24
第二章 社交信函 28
2-1 邀请信 28
1)最佳活用句式 28
2)写作范例 30
No.6 邀请赴宴(An Invitation to Dinner) 30
No.8 接受邀请(Accepting an Invitation) 31
No.7 谢绝邀请(Declining an Invitation) 31
1)最佳活用句式 33
2-2 感谢信 33
2)写作范例 34
No.9 谢推荐(Thanks for Recommendation) 34
No.10 谢资助(Thanks for Financial Assistance) 35
No.11 谢馈赠(Thanks for the Gift) 35
No.12 谢送行(Thanks for the Sending-off) 36
No.13 谢款待(Thanks for One s Hospitality) 37
No.14 谢探病(Thanks for the Kind Visit to the Patient) 38
No.15 谢吊唁(Thanks for One s Condolences) 39
No.16 谢恭贺(Thanks for One s Congratulation) 39
1)最佳活用句式 40
2-3 祝贺信 40
2)写作范例 42
No.17 恭贺生日快乐(Congratulating One s Birthday) 42
No.18 恭贺情定终身(Congratulating One s Engagement) 43
No.19 恭贺喜结良缘(Congratulating One s Wedding) 43
No.20 恭贺喜得贵子(Congratulating One s Newborn Son) 44
No.21 恭贺乔迁新居(Best Wishes for One s New House) 44
No.22 恭贺毕业(Congratulating One s Graduation) 45
No.23 恭贺荣获学位(Congratulating the Reception of a Degree) 46
No.24 恭贺专著出版(Congratulating the Publication of a New Book) 47
No.25 恭贺公司开业(Congratulating the Opening of a New Company) 48
2-4 慰问信 48
1)最佳活用句式 49
No.26 慰问病人(Expressing Sympathy to a Patient) 50
2)写作范例 50
No.27 慰问受伤者(Expressing Sympathy to the Wounded) 51
No.28 慰问遭灾朋友(Expressing Sympathy to a Friend in Misfortune) 51
No.29 安慰失恋友人(Consoling a Friend-Disappointed in a Love Affair) 52
No.30 安慰失业朋友(Consoling an Unemployed Friend) 52
2-5 道歉信 53
1)最佳活用句式 53
2)写作范例 54
No.31 致歉拖延还书(Apologizing for the Book Overdue) 54
No.33 致歉失约(Apologizing for Breaking the Appointment) 55
No.32 致歉迟复信函(Apologizing for Not Replying Sooner) 55
No.34 致歉失礼行为(Apologizing for the Breach of Etiquette) 56
2-6 介绍信 56
1)最佳活用句式 57
2)写作范例 58
No.35 私人介绍信(A Private Letter of Introduction) 58
No.36 业务介绍信(A Business Letter of Introduction) 59
No.37 面呈介绍信(A Letter of Introduction Passed on to Someone in Person) 59
No.38 邮寄介绍信(A Mailed Letter of Introduction) 60
2-7 请柬 61
2)写作范例 62
1)英文请柬写法综述 62
No.39 宴会请柬(Dinner Invitation Card) 63
No.40 接受邀请同柬(Invitation Accepting Card) 63
No.41 谢却邀请回柬(Invitation Declining Card) 64
No.42 喜庆宴会请柬(A Happy Occasion Invitation Card) 65
No.43 子女代发请柬(The Invitation Card Sent by Children on Behalf of Their Parents) 66
No.44 大型宴会请柬(A Grand Banquet Invitation Card) 66
No.45 募捐舞会请柬(A Donation Ball Invitation Card) 67
No.46 婚礼请柬(A Wedding Ceremony Invitation Card) 68
No.47 招待会开幕式请柬(An Opening Ceremony Reception Invitation Card) 69
2-8 启事和告示 70
No.48 招待会闭幕式请柬(A Closing Ceremony Reception Invitation Card) 70
1)最佳活用句式 71
2)写作范例 72
No.49 公司开业启事(A Notice to the Opening of a Corporaton) 72
No.50 酒店营业启事(A Notice to Start a Restaurant) 73
No.51 公司更名启事(An Announcement of the Change of the Name of the Company) 73
No.52 公司迁址启事(An Announcement of the Change of Premises of the Company) 74
No.53 公司授权启事(An Announcement Authorized by the Company) 75
No.54 人事声明启事(An Announcement of Personnel Matters) 76
No.55 支票遗失启事(An Announcement of a Lost Cheque) 76
No.56 商标盗用警告启事(A Notice to Warn the Imitation of a Trade Mark) 76
No.57 招标启事(A Notice Inviting Public Bidding) 77
No.58 征稿启事(A Notice Inviting Contributions to a Magazine) 80
No.59 征求读者意见启事(A Notice to Solicit Reader s Opinions) 81
No.60 征婚启事(A Marriage Advertisement) 82
No.61 讲座报告会通知(A Notice for a Lecture) 83
第三章 英文广告写作 85
1)写作要求 85
2)名牌产品英文广告例示 86
3)写作范例 87
No.62 硬卖型广告(Hard-sell Advertisement) 87
No.63 软卖型广告(Soft-sell Advertisement) 88
No.64 日光浴室租凭广告(Advertisement for Renting a Solarium) 89
No.65 扩大报纸订户广告(Advertisement for Extending Newspaper Subscription) 90
No.67 化妆品广告(Advertisement for Cosmetics) 91
No.66 牛肉罐头广告(Advertisement for Canned Beef) 91
No.68 润肤浴皂广告(Advertisement for Bathing Soap) 92
No.69 酒店宾馆广告(Advertisement for a Hotel) 93
No.70 减肥食品广告(Advertisement for Weightreducing Food) 93
No.71 Taxi公司广告(Advertisement for a Taxi Company) 94
No.72 航空公司广告(Advertisement for an Airline) 95
No.73 电脑公司广告(Advertisement for a Computer Software Company) 96
No.74 招聘广告(Want Ad) 97
No.75 招聘女职员广告(Wanted,Female Clerks) 98
No.76 房屋出租广告(Advertisement for Letting Flat) 98
4-1 求职信 100
第四章 求职信、留学申请书及证书 100
1)写作要求 101
2)最佳活用句式 102
3)写作范例 104
No.77求职私人秘书(Applying for a Position as a Private Secretary) 104
No.78 求职打字员(Applying for a Job as a Typist) 106
No.79 求职助理会计(Applying for a Position as an Assistant Accountant) 107
No.80 求职广告策划(Applying for Advertisement Planning) 108
No.81 求职暑期零工(Applying for Doing Odd Jobs during the Summer Vacation) 109
No.82 求职公司见习(Applying for a Position as a Company Practitioner) 110
No.83 求职教师(Applying for a Teaching Opportunity) 111
No.84 详情英文履历表(English Personal Details for Application) 113
No.85 求职英文简历表(English Biographical Vitae for Application) 117
No.86 求职推荐信(Recommendation Letter for Applying for a Position) 118
No.87 赞誉举荐信(Complimentary Letter for Applying for a Position) 119
No.88 求职证明信(Certificate of Application) 120
No.89 请求出具证明信(Asking for Producing a Certificate) 121
No.90 辞职信(A Resigning Letter) 122
4-2 留学申请书 122
1)留学申请的主要渠道 122
2)留学申请程序及准备工作 125
3)如何通过Internet申请留学 126
4)最佳活用句式 128
No.92 申请攻读博士学位(Applying for Admission to the Ph.D.Program) 132
No.91 索取入学申请表(Asking for an Application Form for Admission to a University) 132
5)写作范例 132
No.93 申请做访问学者(Applying for a Visiting Scholar s Appointment) 134
No.94 申请助教职位(Applying for a TA Position) 135
No.95 申请攻读硕士学位(Applying for Admission to the M.D.Program) 136
No.96 申请读大学本科(Applying for Admission to an Undergraduate Program) 137
No.97 申请就读语言学校(Applying for Admission to an English Language College) 137
No.98 申请就读名牌大学(Applying for Admission to a Famous·University) 138
No.99 申请奖学金并索取资料(Applying for Scholarships and Other Details) 139
No.100 呈寄申请表及证明书(Submitting an Application Form and Testimonials) 140
No.101 申请化学工程专业研修(Applying for Further Study in Chemical Engineering) 141
No.102 申请新闻专业研修(Applying for Further Study in Journalism) 142
No.103 申请英语专业研修(Applying for Further Study in the English Language) 144
No.104 建筑系毕业生个人简历(Vitae of a Graduate in Architecture) 146
No.105 物理系毕业生个人简历(Personal Statement of Graduate in Physics) 148
No.106 出国留学推荐信(A Recommendation Letter for Studying Abroad) 153
4-3 证书 154
1)写作要求 154
2)写作范例 155
No.107 公证处学历证明书(Schooling Certificate by the Public Notary) 155
No.108 大学毕业证书(Undergraduate Certificate) 155
No.110 学士学位证书(Certificate of Bachelor Degree) 156
No.111 硕士学位证书(Certificate of Master Degree) 156
No.109 研究生毕业证书(Postgraduate Certificate) 156
No.112 国外硕士学位证书样本(Certificate Sample of Foreign Master Degree) 157
No.113 日本博士学位证书样本(Certificate Sample of Japan-ese Doctor Degree) 157
No.114 公费留学财力证明(Commission of Government Scholarship for Studying Abroad) 158
No.115 银行出具的财力证明(Bank Verification of Financial Capacity) 159
No.116 健康证明书(Health Verification) 160
No.117 财力支持声明书(Verification of Financial Assistance) 160
No.118 工作证明书(Verification of Employment) 161
No.119 职称证书(Licence of the Title of a Technical or Professional Post) 162
1)写作要求 163
2)最佳活用句式 163
第五章 国际学术交流信函 163
3)写作范例 164
No.120 要求出席国际科学讨论会(Asking for Attending an International Science Symposium) 164
No.121 邀请参加学术会议(Inviting to Attend the Academic Conference) 165
No.122 函请对方担任学术会议主席(Inviting to Serve as Chairman of the Symposium) 166
No.123 通知对方不参加学术会议(Declining the Invitation to Attend the Symposium) 167
No.124 投寄论文(Sending a Paper for Publication) 167
No.125 申请使用版权(Asking for Permission to Use the Copyright) 168
No.126 要求得到出版物(Asking for a Copy of the Publication) 170
No.127 邀请来华讲学(Inviting to Give Lectures in China) 170
No.128 聘请外国文教专家(Engaging a Foreign Expert as a Senior Lecturer) 171
附录A 英汉常用广告语 173
附录B 英汉常用告示语 181
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