大学英语快速阅读教程 第四级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:汪开虎主编;何艳编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7313007612
- 页数:226 页
1.Bigger Not Really Better 1
2.Shelf Awareness 4
3.Make Time for Reading Help 9
4.You Really Can Shrink Your Stomach 13
5.Handle Stress Like an Expenrt 18
6.How to Teach Children to Study the Computer 24
7.Noise :It Can Kill You 28
8.Should a Wife Keep Her Name 33
9.Learning to Care and Share 38
10.I'm Sorry ,I'ts Cancer 43
11.Culture Shock 50
12. The Hidden Power of Play 54
13.Natural Ways to Cut Cholesterol 59
14.Why Character counts 64
15.Human Aggression 70
16.Speaking Her Mind 74
17.AGlobal Challengs for the New Century 78
18.Macao 83
19.What Every Vegetarian Should Know 88
20.The Superstar'Nutrient 92
21.Genes and Behavior : ATwin Legacy 97
22.The Case for Microsoft 102
23.Roaring Twenties 107
24.Set Your Body's Time Clock to Work for You 112
25.Listening to Speeches 116
26.Project Solent Ship 121
27.Killings on the Schoolyard——the Revenge of theWild 125
28.Y2——A Simple Explanation for a Complex Problem 130
29.How to Improve Your Memory 134
30.Father of the Computer 138
31.Nearer to God 143
32.Why Is There No Nobel Prize in Mathematics? 147
33.Wealth and Discontent 151
34.On Guard for Bill Clinton 155
35.Live and Leam 159
36.Edinburgh's Award Scheme 164
37.Britain Intemational 168
38.Fast Ride 172
39.Experience Tribal Life—— Without Strife 175
40.Night, Night! It'sBedtime for Business Class 178
41.Understanding American Women 181
42.A Wslk a Day 185
43.Panda 190
44. Teen Angels , Can You Hear This Message 194
45.Computers in High School 198
46.After9,000 Years,Oldest Playable Flute Is Heard Again 203
47.Nuclear Weapons 207
48.Make Room More Academic 211
49.Living with Drought 216
50.Study for Success Group 221
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