二十世纪著名演讲文录 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:裴妮选编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7500107277
- 页数:395 页
CONTENTSTheodore Roosevelt‘The doctrine of the strenuous life’(1899) 1
Woodrow Wilson‘With the new age,We shall show a new spirit’(1910) 5
Theodore Roosevelt‘The new nationalism’(1910) 8
Emmeline Pankhurst‘This last fight for human freedom’(1912) 12
Edward Carson‘Ulster is asking to be let alone’(1914 ) 15
Keir Hardie‘The sunshine of Socialism’(1914) 18
David Lloyd George‘The great pinnacle of sacrifice’(1914) 21
Emmeline Pankhurst‘There are women who never thought to envy men their manhood’(1914) 28
Patrick Pearse‘Ireland unfree shall never be at peace’(1915) 30
Mahatma Gandhi‘There is no salvation for India’(1916) 33
Woodrow Wilson‘The world must be made safe for democracy’(1917) 36
V.I.Lenin‘A new phase in the history of Russia begins’(1917) 40
Eugene V.Debs‘While there is a lower class,I am in it’(1918) 43
David Lloyd George‘A fit country for heroes to live in’(1918) 47
Henry Cabot Lodge‘American I was born’(1919) 50
Woodrow Wilson‘Man will see the truth’(1919) 54
Mahatma Gandhi‘Non-violence is the first article of my faith (1922) 57
A.J.Balfour‘A message to every land where the Jewish race is scat-tered’(1922) 63
Clarence Darrow‘The life of the Negro race has been a life of tragedy’(1926) 67
Herbert Hoover‘Rugged individualism’(1928) 72
Joseph Stalin‘Either we do it-or they crush us’(1931) 76
Franklin Delano Roosevelt‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself’(1933) 79
Franklin Delano Roosevelt‘Theforces of selfishness and oflust for power met their match’(1936) 85
Chaim Weizmann‘he Jews carry Palestine in their hearts’(1936) 88
Edward Ⅷ‘I have determined to renounce the Throne’(1936) 96
Edward Ⅷ‘God save the King’(1936) 99
Winston Churchill‘A total and unmitigated defeat’(1938) 101
Neville Chamberlain‘This country is at war with Germany’(1939) 105
Winston Churchill‘I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat’(1940) 108
Winston Churchill‘Be ye men ofvalour’(1940) 110
Winston Churchill‘This was their finest hour’(1940) 112
Charles de Gaulle‘The flame ofFrench resistance’(1940) 114
J.B.Priestley‘This little steamer’(1940) 117
Franklin Delano Roosevelt‘The arsenal ofdemocracy’(1940) 120
Franklin Delano Roosevelt‘The four freedoms’(1941) 123
Joseph Stalin‘A grave danger hangs over our country’(1941) 128
General Bernard Montgomery‘We will stand and fight here’(1942) 132
Chaim Rumkowski‘Give me your children’(1942) 137
Eamon de Valera‘The vision of such an Ireland’(1943) 142
General George Patton‘That son of bitch Patton again’(1943-1944) 146
Bishop George Bell‘Obliteration is not ajustifiable act of war’(1944) 148
J.Robert Oppenheimer‘Our deep moral dependence’(1945) 153
George Marshall‘Our policy is directed against hunger,poverty,desperation and chaos’(1947) 158
Jawaharlala Nehru‘The noble mansion offree India’(1947) 161
Jawaharlal Nehru‘The light has gone out ofour lives’(1948) 165
William Faulkner‘The agony and the sweat’(1950) 167
Aneurin Bevan‘There is only one hope for mankind’(1951) 169
Kwame Nkrumah‘The motion ofdestiny’(1953) 173
Fidel Castro‘History will absolve me’(1953) 178
Bertrand Russell‘Shall we choose death?’(1954) 184
Martin Luthur King‘There comes a timewhen people get tired’(1955) 188
Harold Macmillan‘The wind ofchange’(1960) 191
John F.Kennedy‘A new frontier’(1960) 197
John F.Kennedy‘The torch has been passed to anew generation of Americans’(1961) 201
Gideon Hausner‘That man was Eichmann’(1961) 205
Douglas MacArthur‘Duty-Honor-Country’(1962) 214
John F.Kennedy Declaration of honorary citizen of United States ofAmerica(1963) 221
Martin Luthur King‘I have a dream’(1963) 226
Harold Wilson‘The white heat oftechnology’(1963) 232
Lyndon B.Johnson‘Let us continue’(1963) 235
Nelson Mandela‘An ideal for which Iam prepared to die’(1964) 239
Lyndon B.Johnson‘The Great Society’(1964) 244
Ronald Reagan‘A time forchoosing’(1964) 247
Lyndon B.Johnson‘We shall overcome’(1965) 250
Lyndon B.Johnson‘Ourgeneration has a dream’(1965) 256
Richard Nixon‘The time has come for an honest government’(1968) 259
Betty Friedan‘A woman’s civil right’(1969) 264
Edward Heath‘Millions will rejoice’(1971) 269
Harold Evans‘A press which is halffree’(1974) 272
Richard Nixon‘Au revoir’(1974) 278
Alexander Solzhenitsyn‘What is the joy about?’(1978) 280
Edward Kennedy‘The dream shall never die’(1980) 284
Margaret Thatcher‘The Falklands Factor’(1982) 287
Robert Runcie‘Our neighbours are indeed like us’(1982) 290
Neil Kinnock‘I warn you’(1983) 293
Pope John Paul Ⅱ‘We do not want a Poland which costs us noth-ing’(1983) 296
Prince Charles‘A monstrous carbuncle’(1984) 300
Ronald Reagan‘Let us make a vow to the dead’(1984) 303
Mario Cuomo‘Make th is nation remember how futures are built’(1984) 306
Ronald Reagan‘The future doesn’t belong to the fainthearted’(1986) 315
Neil Kinnock‘Why an I the first Kinnock in a thousand genera-tions to be able to get to university?’(1987) 317
Edward Kennedy‘Now is the time’(1988) 322
Margaret Thatcher‘The frontiers of the State’(1988) 324
Nelson Mandela‘Our march tofreedom is irreversible’(1990) 329
George Bush‘Iraqi aggression in the Persian Gulf’(1991) 332
Tony Benn‘I cannot hand away powers lent to me’(1991) 337
Queen Elizabe Ⅱ‘Annus Horribilis’(1992) 342
Jacques Diouf‘Hopefor those suffering’(1996) 345
Mark Draper‘A new vision for America’(1996) 350
Neal Lane‘Science and progress’(1966) 354
Huseyin E.Celem‘The United Nations’(1997) 360
William Jefferson Clinton‘We must be strong’(1997) 365
David D.Ho‘Science as a candle ofhope’(1997) 372
Jonathan B.Sallet‘Technology and democracy’(1997) 376
Alan Greenspan‘Our nation’s ability to compete worldwide’(1997) 383
Bill Gates‘Wrigh t brothers’(1998) 390
William Jefferson Clinton‘A new chapter in China’s story’(1998) 393
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