- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王佐良等主编;司徒双等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7560005713
- 页数:471 页
Introduction 1
1.Uses of the Subject 1
2.Two Major Elements in European Culture 1
Ⅰ.Greek Culture 2
1.The Historical Context 2
2.Social and Political Structure 3
3.Homer 3
4.Lyric Poetry 11
5.Drama 12
a. Aeschylus 13
b.Sophocles 14
c.Euripides 15
d.Comedy 15
6.History 16
a.Herodotus 16
b.Thucydides 17
7.Philoseophy and Science 18
a.Socrates 20
b.Plato 22
c.Aristotle 23
d.Contending Schools of Thought 25
e.Science 27
8.Art,Architecture,Sculpture and Pottery 28
a.Art 28
b.Architecture 29
c.Sculpture 29
Ⅰ.Discus Thrower 30
Ⅱ.Venus de Milo 30
Ⅲ.Laocoon group about 125 B.C 30
d.Pottery 30
9.Impact 31
a.Spirit of Innovation 31
b.Supreme Achievement 32
c.Lasting Effect 32
Ⅱ.Roman Calture 33
1.Romans and Greeks 33
2.Roman History 34
3.Latin Literature 35
a.Prose 36
Ⅰ.Marcus Tullius Cicero 36
Ⅱ.Julius Caesar 38
b.Poetry 38
Ⅰ.Lucretius 38
Ⅱ.Virgil 39
4.Architecture,Painting and Sculpture 42
a.Architecture 42
Ⅰ.The Pantheon 42
Ⅱ.Pont du Gard 42
Ⅲ.The Colosseum 42
b.Painting 43
c.Sculpture 43
Ⅰ.Constantine the Great 43
Ⅱ.Spoils from the Temple inJerusalem 43
Ⅲ.She-wolf 43
Ⅰ.General Introduction 45
Ⅱ.The Old Testament 46
1.The Pentateuch 46
a.The Fall of Man 47
b.Noah's Ark 49
c.Ten Commandments 53
2.The Historical Books 54
3.the poetical Books 55
a.Book of Job 55
b.Book of Psalms 56
c.Proverb 57
d.Ecclesiastes 59
e.Song of Solomon 59
4.The Prophets 61
a.Amos 61
b.Jeremiah 62
c.The Book of Daniel 62
Ⅲ.Rise of Christianity 63
1.The Life of Jesus 66
2.The Spread of Christianity 66
Ⅳ.The New Testament 67
1.The Birth of Jesus 68
2.Jesus Is Tempted by the Devil 69
3.The Sermon on the mount 70
4.The Last Supper 71
5.The Crusifixion 73
Ⅴ.Translations of the Bible 77
Ⅰ.General Introduction 81
Ⅱ.Maaor and Church 81
1.Feudalism 82
a.Growth of Feudalism 82
b.The Manor 83
c.Knighthood and Code of Chivalry 84
2.The Church 85
a.The Organization of church 85
b.Church Fathers and Early Monasticism 86
c.The Power and Influence of the Catholic Church 88
3.The Crusades 89
Ⅲ.Learning and Science 91
1. Charlemagne and Carolingian Renaissance 91
2.Alfred the Great and Wessex Centre of Learning 92
3.St .Thomas Aquinas and Scholasticism 92
4.Rogar Bacon and Experimental Science 92
Ⅳ.Literature 94
1.National Epics 94
a.Beowulf 95
b.Song of Roland 99
2.Dante Alighieri and The Divine Comedy 105
3.Geoffery Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales 109
Ⅴ.Art and Architecture 111
1.Romanesque 111
2.Gothic 112
Ⅰ.General Introduction 114
Ⅱ.Renaissance in Italy 115
1.Historical Background 115
2.The Rise of Humanism 116
3.New Literature 117
a.Giovanni Boccaccio 117
b.Francesco Petrarch 118
4.Renaissance Are 120
a.Early Renaissance Artists 121
Ⅰ.Giotto 121
Ⅱ.Filippo Brunelleschi 121
Ⅲ.Donatello 122
Ⅳ.Giorgione 122
b.High Renaissance Artists 123
Ⅰ.Leonardo da Vinci 123
Ⅱ.Michelangelo Buonarroti 124
Ⅲ.Raphael 126
Ⅳ.Titian 126
5.Decline of the Italian Renaissance 127
Ⅲ.Reformation and Counter-Reformation 128
1.Pre-Luther Religious Reformers 129
a.John Wycliffe 129
b.Jan Hus 129
2.Martin Luther and His Doctrines 129
a.Beginning of the Reformation 130
b.Translation of the Bible 130
c.Gospel of Love and Idea of Equality 131
3.John Calvin and Calvinism 131
4.Reformation in England 132
5.Counter-Reformation 134
a.Council of Trent 134
b.Ignatius and the Jesuits 135
6.Protestantism and the Rise of Capitalism 136
7.Conclusion 137
Ⅳ.Renaissance in Other Countries 138
1.Renaissance in France 138
a.Historical Background 139
b.Renaissance Writers in France 139
Ⅰ.Francois Rabelais 139
Ⅱ.Pleiade 141
Ⅲ.Michel Eyques de Montaigne 141
2.Ranaissance in Spanin 145
a.Historical Background 145
b.Literature Miguel de Cervantes 145
c.Art El Greco 148
3.Renaissance in the North 148
a.Rebaussabce in the Netherlands Erasmus 148
b.Renaissance in Flanders pieter Bruegel(the Elder) 149
c.Renaissance in Germany 151
Ⅰ.Albrecht Durer 151
Ⅱ.Hans Holbein (the Younger) 151
4.Renaissance in England 152
a.Historical Background 152
b.Thomas More 152
c.William Shakespeare 157
Ⅴ.Science and Technology during the Renaissance 160
1.Geographical Discoveries 160
a.Christopher Columbus 160
b.Bartholomeu Dias 161
c.Vasco da Gama 161
d.Amerigo Vespucci 161
2.Astronomy 161
Nicolaus Copernicus 161
3.Anatomy 161
a.Leonardo da Vinci 161
b.Andreas Vesalius 162
4.Printing 162
Aldus Manutius 162
5.Political Science and Historiography 162
a.Dante 162
b.Niccolo Machiavelli 163
c.Giorgio Vosari 163
Ⅳ.Summing-up 164
Ⅰ.General Introduction 166
Ⅱ.Science 167
1.From Copernicus to Kepler 167
2.Galileo Galilei 170
3.Sir Isaac Newton 173
4.Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz 174
5.Invention of New Instruments 175
6.Two merits Shared by the Great Scientists of the 17th Century 176
Ⅲ.Philosophy,Politics and Literature in engl,and 176
1.Francis Bacon 176
2.Thomas hobbes 180
a.Hobbes's Materialist Views 180
b.The Natural State of War 181
c.The Laws of Nature 182
d.The Theory of the Social Contract 182
3.John Locke 183
a.Locke's Materialist Views 184
b.Locke'sPolitical Philosophy 185
c.The Socialcontract 186
4.John Milton and the English Revolution 187
Ⅳ.Descartes;French Classicism 192
1.Rene Descartes 193
a.The Method of Cartesinan Doubt 193
b.Descartes's Theory of Knowledge 194
c. Innate Ideas 195
d.Descartes's Dualism 195
2.French Classicism 197
a.Pierre Corneille 198
b.Jean Racine 200
c.Moliere 202
Ⅴ.Art 202
1.Baroque Art 204
a.Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini 204
b.Michelangelo Caravaggio 204
c.Francesco Borromini 205
d.Peter Paul Rubens 205
e.Diego Velazquez 206
2.Dutch Protestant Art 206
Van Rijn Rembrandt 206
3.Art and Architecture in France 207
4.Music 208
Ⅰ.General Introduction 210
1.Enlightenment 210
2.Historical Context 212
Ⅱ.French Philososphy and Literature 214
1.Baron de la Brede et de Montesquieu 214
a.Persian Letters 214
b.The Spirit of the Laws 214
2.Voltaire 217
a.lettres Anglaise 218
b.Candide 218
3.Jean-Jacques Rousseau 219
a.The Origin of Human Inequality 219
b.The New Heloise 219
c.Emile ,or On Education 219
d.The Social Contract 219
e.The Confessions 220
4.Denis Diderot 220
a.philosophical Thoughts 220
b.Letters on the Blind 221
c.Encyclopedie 221
d.Elements of physiology 221
e.Rameau's Nephew 221
Ⅲ.English Literature 224
1.Alexander Pope 224
a.Essay on Criticism 225
b.The Ra[e pf the lock 225
c.Dunciad 225
d.Essay on man 225
2.Daniel Defoe 226
3.Jonathan Swift 227
a.A Modest Proposal 227
b.Gulliver's Travels 227
4.Samuel Richardson 228
5.Henry Fielding 228
6.Samuel Johnson 228
7.Journalism and the Periodical Essay 229
Ⅳ.German Literature and Philosophy 230
1.Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 230
a.Minna Von Barnhelm 231
b.Nathan the Wise 231
c.Laocoon 231
d.Hamburgische Dramaturgie 231
2.Wolfgang von Goethe 232
a.The Sorrows of Young Werther 232
b.Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship 232
c.Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship 232
d.Faust 233
e.Poetry and Truth 233
3.Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller 238
a.The Robber 238
b.Cabal and Love 238
c.Wallenstein 238
d.Wilhelm Tell 238
4.Immanuel Kant 240
a.General History of Nature and theoryof the Heavens 241
b.Critique of pure Reason 241
c.Critique of Practical Reason 241
d.Critique of Judgment 242
Ⅴ.Art 242
1.Rococo Art 242
2.Typical Works and Major Artists 244
a.Salon de la Princesse,Hotel de Soubise 244
b.Rococo Painters 244
Ⅰ.Antoine Watteau 244
Ⅱ.Francois Boucher 244
Ⅵ.Music 244
1.The Musical Enlightenment 244
a.Johann Sebastian Bach 245
b.George Friderick Handel 246
2.The Chassiscal Period 247
a.Joseph Haydn 249
b.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 250
Ⅰ.General Introduction 256
1.What is Romanticism? 256
2.Two Revolutions 258
Ⅱ.Romanticism in Germany 259
1.Goethe and Schiller 259
2.Schlegel Brothers (the Jena School) 260
3.Heinrich Heine 260
Ⅲ.Romanticism in England 262
1.William Blake 262
2. The Lakers ——Wordsworth and Coleridge 263
3.George Gordon Byron 265
4.Percy Bysshe Shelley 267
5.John Keats 268
6. Walter Scott 269
Ⅳ.Romanticism in France 270
1.Chateaubriand 270
2.Victor Hugo 272
3.George Sand 274
V.Romanticism in Italy 276
1.Alessandro Manzoni 276
2.Giacomo Leopardi 277
Ⅵ.Romanticism in Russia 280
1.Aleksander Pushkin 280
2.Mikhail Y Lermontov 282
Ⅶ.Romanticism in Poland 283
Adam Mickiewicz 284
Ⅷ.Concluding Remarks——A True Movement 287
Ⅸ.Art amd Architecture 288
1.Paintings 288
a.Goya 289
b.David 290
c.Delacroix 291
d.Gericault 292
e.Turner 293
f.John Constable 293
2.Architecture 293
Ⅹ.Music 294
1.The Early Romantics 295
a.Ludwig van Beethoven 295
b.Franz Schubert 297
c.Frederic Chopin 299
d.Robert Schumann 300
e.Felix Mendelssohn 301
2.The Later Romantics—Middle of 19th Century 301
a.Johannes Brahms 302
b.Peter llitch Tchaikovsky 304
1.General Introduction 307
2.Historical Background 307
3.The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism 308
a.German Classical Philisophy and Marsistphilosophy 308
Ⅰ.Hegelian dialectics 308
Ⅱ.Feuerbach's materialism 309
Ⅲ.Marxist philosophy 309
Ⅳ.Marxist historical materialism 315
b.English Classical Political Economy and Marxist Political Economy 317
c.Utopian Socialism and Scientific Spcoalism 319
Ⅰ.Robert Owen 319
Ⅱ.Henri de Saint-Simon 319
Ⅲ.Charles Fourier 319
4.Marx and Literature 325
5.Summing-up 328
Ⅱ.Darwinism 329
1.General Introduction 329
2.Ideas of Evolution Before Darwin 330
a.Jean-baptiste de Monet Lanarck 330
b.Sir Charles Lyell 330
c.Kark Marx 331
3.Life of Charles Darwin 331
4.Darwin'sWorks and Theories 333
a.On the Origin of Species by Means of NaturalSelection,or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life 333
b.The Descent of Man 335
5.Effects of Darwinism 336
a.On Biology 336
b.On Theology 336
c.On Social Science 336
Ⅰ.General Introduction 338
1.What Is Realism? 338
2.The Historical Background 340
Ⅱ.Realism in France 341
1.Stendhal 341
2.Honore de Balzac 343
3.Gustave Flaubert 347
4.Emile Zola 350
5.Guy de Maupassant 352
Ⅲ.Realism in Russia 352
1.Nikolai Gogol 354
2.Lvan Sergeyevich Turgenev 355
4.Count Leo Tolstoy 358
5.Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 364
Ⅳ.Realism in Northern Europe 367
1.Hebruk Ibsen 367
2.August Strindberg 374
Ⅴ.Realism in England 375
1.Charles Dickens 375
2.George Eliot 378
3.William Makepeace Thackeray 379
4.Thomas Hardy 382
5.George Bernard Shaw 382
Ⅵ.Realism in the United states 383
1.Harriet Beecher Stowe 384
2.Walt whitman 385
3.Mark Twain 389
4.Henry James 390
Ⅶ.Art 391
1.Realism in Art 391
a.Gustave Courbet 391
b.Jeab-Francois Millet 392
2.Impressionism in Art 392
a.Edouard Manet 393
b.Claude Monet 394
c.Camille Pissarro 394
d.Pierre Auguste Renoir 395
e.Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas 395
3.Post-Impressionism 397
a.Paul Cezanne 397
b.Vincent van Gogh 397
c.Paul Gauguin 397
4.Sculpture 398
5.Architecture 398
Ⅷ.Music at the Turn of the Century 399
1.Antonin Dvorak 400
2.Ckaude Debussy 400
Ⅰ.General Introduction 402
1.Modernism Defined 402
2.Historical Context 403
3.Prigress in Science 404
4.New Ideas and Thoughts 405
a.The Unconscious 405
b.Id, Ego ,Superego 406
c.Oedipus Complex 406
Ⅱ.Contemporary Western Literature Before1945 407
1.English Literature 407
a.T.s.Eliot 407
b.Joseph Conrad 410
c.Virginia Woolf 411
d.David Herbert Lawrence 415
2.Irish Literature 416
a.William Butler Yeats 416
b.Jsmest Faulkner 418
3.American Literature 421
a.Ezra Pound 421
b.William Faulkner 423
c.Ernest Hemingway 424
4.German Literature 427
Thomas Mann 427
5.Frebcg Literature 428
a.Andre Gide 428
b.Marcel Proust 429
c.Albert Camus 429
6.Russian and Soviet Literature 430
a.Maksim Gorky 430
b.Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov 431
Ⅲ.Literature and Philosophy Since 1945 432
1.Angry Young Men in England 432
a.Kingsley amis 432
b.Jack Kerouac 433
2.Beat Generation in America 435
a.Allen Ginsberg 435
b.Jack Kerouac 437
3.Nouveau Roman 437
a.Alain Robbe-Grillet 438
b.Nathalie Sarraute 438
4.Existentialism 439
Jean-Paul Sartre 439
5.The Theatre of the AbSurd 439
a.Samuel Beckett 440
b.Eugene Ionesco 443
6.Black Humour 443
Joseph Heller 443
Ⅳ.Art and Music 446
1.Art 446
a.Fauvism 448
Ⅰ.Henri Matisse 448
Ⅱ.Andre Derain 448
b.Expressionism 448
Ⅰ.Emil Nolde 449
Ⅱ.George Grosz 449
Ⅲ.Max Beckmann 449
Ⅳ.Paul Klee 450
Ⅴ.Wassily Kandinsky 450
c.Cubism 450
Ⅰ.Pablo Picasso 450
Ⅱ.Georges Braque 452
d.Futurism 452
Umberto Boccioni 453
e.Dadaism 453
Ⅰ.Marcel Duchamp 453
Ⅱ.Max Ernest 454
f.Surrealism 454
Ⅰ.Salvador Dali 454
Ⅱ.Joan Miro 455
g.Abstract Expressionism 455
Jackson Pollock 455
2.Scykotyre 456
a.Henry Moore 456
b.Constantine Brancusi 456
3.Music 457
a.Arnold Schoenberg 458
b.Igor Stravinsky 460
c.Bela Bartok 460
d.Dmitry Shostakovich 461
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