- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:袁敬祥著
- 出 版 社:武汉:湖北教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7535127711
- 页数:105 页
Wh-questions 1
What 3
beyond my control 7
boo-boo 7
blow your head off 7
buy low,sell high 8
buy someone a(drink;meal;dinner) 8
but how 8
bottom line 8
cheer up 9
certainly not 9
catch some Z s 9
can t you read 9
could be 10
come in handy 10
clear so far 10
no class 10
(of)course not 11
cross someone 11
cut class 11
cut it short 11
day off 12
deserve it 12
did I say something wrong 12
damn it 12
do all the talking 13
do as I say 13
do you have the time 13
don t be hasty 13
don t be silly 14
don t be so sure 14
don t bother 14
don t get me wrong 14
don t get smart with me 15
don t mention it 15
don t sweat it 15
don t you dare 17
double talk 17
drop someone a line 17
eat up 17
fair enough 18
feel like a fool 18
feeling is mutual 18
fifty fifty 18
first come,first served 19
first things first 19
forget it 19
from way back 19
get going 20
get lost 20
get out of my way 20
get something straight 20
get to the point 21
give someone a break 21
give someone a call/ring 21
give a damn 21
give me a hand 22
give someone what for 22
go all-out 22
go Dutch 22
go to hell 23
good for you 23
good grief 23
got it 23
(I/you) ve got nothing to lose 24
(I)got the runs 24
guess so 24
hang in there 24
hang on 25
hanky panky 25
have a ball 26
have a go at something 26
have a word with you 26
When 26
hard time 26
have I made myself clear 27
have it your own way 27
have pull with someone 27
Heaven/God knows 29
Hey,you know what 29
hold it 29
hold it down 30
how about a second round 30
how about that 30
how are you getting along 30
how awful 31
how can you be so sure 31
how come 31
how could I say no 31
Where 31
how dare you way that 32
how dare you 32
how did it go 32
how do I look 32
how do you like it 33
how is everything 33
how was I 33
how well do you know him/her 33
no hurry 34
I m all ears 34
I m beat 34
I m flattered 34
I m on my way 35
I m starved 35
I m to blame 35
I can see your point 35
I don t catch your meaning 36
I don t know what s wrong with me 36
I don t know what to say 36
Why 36
I don t mean it 37
I don t mean to 37
I don t see why 37
I fell the same way 38
I ve got a feeling 38
I ve had enough 38
I have no choice 38
I have no idea 39
I have reached my limit 39
I mean what I said 39
I should have known 39
I suppose not 40
I ll be there 40
I ll drink to that 40
I ll get it 40
I ll let you know 41
I ll say 41
I ll take it/this/them 41
I wish there was something I could do 41
in that case 43
if that s the way you want it 43
in the first place 44
is that so 44
it depends 44
it doesn t work 44
it happens 45
it s a deal 45
it s a long story 45
it s a shame 45
it s about time 46
it s in God s hands 46
it s just a matter of time 46
it s none of your business 46
it s now or never 47
it s all over 47
it s not my day 47
it s on paper 48
it s up to you 48
it means nothing to me 48
it sounds all right to me 48
it won t do someone any good 49
it won t take a minute 49
Jesus Christ 49
just as I thought 50
just look at you 50
just my luck 50
keep someone busy 50
Which 50
keep you (me) company 51
keep in touch 51
keep out of this 51
keep the change 52
keep your pants on 52
kidding 52
kncck it off 52
know a thing or two 52
lack colour 53
leave everything until the last minute 53
leave a message 53
leave me along 53
How 55
let me put it in this way 55
let go 55
let somebody down 55
leave in to me 55
let s go 56
let s get down to business 56
let me through 56
let s take a vote 57
let s go for a ride 57
like father,like son 57
like hell I will 57
like what 58
line up 58
loan shark 58
the long arm of the law 59
long face 59
long time no see 59
look what you did to 59
lose one s touch 60
lose one s voice 60
lousy 60
Yes-no questions 61
make a fuss 61
make a run to 61
make a scene 61
mad at me 61
make both ends meet 62
make it easy 62
make sense 62
make up one s mind 63
many happy returns 63
may God bless you 63
may I ask why 63
Do 63
may I have your name 64
I mean it 64
something means so much to me 64
measurements 64
mess around 66
mind your own business 66
inixed feelings 66
nasty 67
never been better 67
never learn 67
no trouble at all 67
no way 68
no wonder 68
not a chance 68
that s/it s not true 68
nothing but the best 69
nuisance 69
on a diet 69
on and on 69
on the run 70
on the tip of one s tongue 70
out of shape 70
over my dead body 70
overtime 71
paper work 71
the party is over 71
petty cash 71
Have 71
pick a quarrel with somebody 72
pin-up 72
pitch in 72
play games 72
play with somebody 73
pour cold water on someone s ideas,etc. 73
not precisely 73
prime time 73
no problem 75
prove it 75
pull one s leg 75
put aside 75
put in a word for someone 76
rack one s brains 76
rainy day 76
raise one s voice 76
Be 76
read my mind 77
red tape 77
red handed 77
rats 77
rest assured that I ll do my best 78
return kindness with ingratitude 78
right on time 78
one more round 78
rubber cheque 79
ruin one s day 79
I am no saint 79
same old story 80
save your breath 80
say when 80
see 80
see you around 81
send him/her in 81
shame on you 81
show off 81
shut up 82
sick 82
sissy 82
small potato 83
smash 83
so far 83
sky high 83
so long 85
so much the better 85
so that s how it s done 85
so what 85
some do,some don t 86
some other time 86
something you should know 86
it sounds great 86
speeding 87
square 87
stand 87
Can 87
start all over again 87
stay where you are 88
still up 88
stingy 88
stuff 88
short cut 88
take a break 89
take a French leave 89
take a good look 89
talk back 89
take good care of yourself 90
take it or leave it 90
take your time 90
terrific 90
thank Heaven 90
thank you just the same 91
that ll do 91
that s it 91
that s more like it 91
Shall,Will 92
that s not fair 93
that s really something 93
that s that 93
that s no excuse 93
that s nothing 94
the bill is on me 94
that s very kind of you 94
the hell it is 94
there you go again 95
the same to you 95
think big 95
think...over 95
throw you out the window 96
too far 96
trade in 96
trouble maker 96
the walls have ears 97
watch your tongue 97
we ll see about that 97
use someone 97
what a coincidence 98
what a shame 98
what about 98
what are you selling 98
what on earth are you talking about 99
what brings you here 99
what could be worse 99
what for 99
what s it all about 100
what is going on 100
what s on TV 100
what s on your mind 100
May 100
what s so funny 101
what s the matter with you 101
what kept you so long 101
what the hell 101
who cares 103
why not 103
with pleasure 103
would-be 103
Must 103
wouldn t dream of 104
xerox 104
you can t be serious 104
you devil 104
you know better than I do 105
you too 105
Need 106
Question Tags 108
Conditional questions 113
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