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  • 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈光中著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国法制出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7800837114
  • 页数:796 页
标签:法学 文集

自序 1

The Criminal Defense System in the Soviet Union 1

Author s prelude 1

苏联的辩护制度 1

关于刑事诉讼中证据分类与间接证据的几个问题 12

Some Issues on the Forms of Evidence and Circumstantial Evidence 12

刑事诉讼中证据理论的几个问题 25

Some Issues on Doctrine of Evidence in Criminal Justice 25

我国古代刑事立法简述 37

Brief about Criminal Legislation in Ancient China 37

Brief on Feudal Legal System 54

略论封建法制 54

One Point on the Feudal Legal Documents 64

我国封建法律文献一瞥 64

On the Feudal Dictatorship in China 75

试论我国封建法制的专制主义特征 75

On Presumption of Innocence 97

应当批判地继承无罪推定原则 97

On Evidence Discretional Evaluation 105

评自由心证 105

论刑事诉讼中的证明对象 116

On Object of Proof in the Criminal Procedure 116

On Trial by Ordeal in the Ancienl Time 129

古代的神明裁判 129

证据的分类 136

On Classification of Evidence 136

中国古代的强制措施 140

Coercive Measures in Ancient China 140

中国古代的证据制度 151

Evidence System in Ancient China 151

中国古代的法庭审判 169

Court Trial in Ancient China 169

The Systems of Appeal and Case Review in Ancient China 202

中国古代的上诉、复审和复核制度 202

中国古代司法制度的特点 215

Characteristics of China s Ancient Legal System 215

Crimina Evidence System in the Semi-Feudal Semi-colonial China 222

我国半殖民地半封建社会的刑事证据制度 222

刑事诉讼中的民主与专政 229

Democracy Dictatorship in Criminal Justice System 229

刑事损害赔偿制度刍议 243

On Criminal Compensation 243

中国刑事诉讼法的特点 258

Characteristics of China s Criminal Procedural law 258

外国刑事诉讼程序的近期发展趋势 273

Recent Development of Foreign Criminal Procedures 273

关于检察制度改革和刑事诉讼法的几个问题 285

Reforms of Prosecution System and Some Issues on Criminal Procedure 285

如何处理疑案 298

Disposal of Doubtful Cases 298

Remarks upon an Appeal Case 302

对如何处理刘某上诉案的一些看法 302

Remarks on the Legal Problems Across the Straits 307

如何处理海峡两岸的法律问题 307

China s Criminal Procedure Law Research in the past Forty Years 311

中国刑事诉讼法学四十年 311

On Precedent in China 350

关于中国的判例制度问题 350

刑事诉讼中证明责任问题新探 366

Probe into the Burden of Proof in the Criminal Procedure 366

Reflection on the Revision of the Criminal Procedure Law 380

关于修改刑事诉讼法问题的思考 380

Legal Education in the Mainland, China 394

中国大陆的法学教育 394

Characteristics of Administrative Legislation in the Mainland, China 404

中国大陆行政诉讼制度之特点 404

Comparative Study on Prosecution 412

支持公诉的比较研究 412

Questions Concerning Coercive Measures in the Criminal Procedure 441

关于刑事诉讼中强制措施的几个问题 441

Some Issues on the Anti-corruption Legislation: A Comparative Study 456

关于反贪污贿赂立法若干问题的比较研究 456

Market Economy and the Preview of the Criminal Procedure Law Research 473

市场经济与刑事诉讼法学的展望 473

刑事审判结构之研究 491

A Study on Criminal Trial Structure 491

如何修改刑事诉讼法的几点看法 507

Comments on the Revision of the Criminal Procedure Law 507

Comments on the Criminal Trial Reform 511

对刑事审判方式改革的几点看法 511

Dr. Sun Yat-sen Ideology on Legal Civil Rights 518

孙中山先生之民权主义法制思想 518

论刑事诉讼法修改的指导思想 527

On the Theory of the Criminal Procedure Law Revision 527

刑事诉讼法修改刍议 539

A Tentative Study of the Revision of the Criminal Procedure Law 539

刑事诉讼法修改的过程与主要内容 565

An Overview of the Revision of the Criminal Procedure Law 565

刑事诉讼法学研究现状与发展趋势 577

Present Situation Trends of Criminal Procedure Law Research 577

坚持惩治犯罪与保障人权相结合 立足国情与借鉴外国相结合 587

On Criminal Punishment and Human Rights Protection 587

Human Rights Protection: a Distinguishing Trait of the Criminal Procedural Law Revision 601

保障人权是刑事诉讼法修正案的突出特色 601

Comparative Study on Criminal Appellate Procedure across the Straits 604

海峡两岸刑事上诉审程序之比较 604

On Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Law 617

确保刑事诉讼法的正确实施 617

On Strictly Enforcement of the New Criminal Procedure Law 620

不折不扣地执行刑事诉讼法 620

论诉讼法与实体法的关系 623

Discussion on the Relationship between Procedural Law and Substantive Law 623

Criminal Procedure Law Research in the Past Twenty Years 637

刑事诉讼法学二十年 637

Review of and Prospect for Criminal Justice Administration 646

刑事法制建设的回顾与展望 646

刑事司法国际准则与中国刑事司法改革 651

International Criminal Justice Standards and Chinese Judiciary Reform 651

Consolidate Trial Supervision Persevere in Judicial Fairness 683

加强审判监督,维护司法公正 683

Summary of a Symposium upon the Administration of the Criminal Procedure Law 689

刑事诉讼法实施问题座谈会纪要 689

New Development of Criminal Justice System in the Mainland 713

内地刑事诉讼制度的新发展 713

A Reply on Non-Prosecution Issues 725

有关刑事不起诉问题答咨询者问 725

China s Criminal Trial Model Reform 729

中国刑事审判模式之改革 729

Further Reform and Consummation of Criminal Justice System in China 742

进一步改革和完善中国刑事诉讼制度的几点思考 742

刑事诉讼法实施三年的回顾与展望 754

Review of the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Law in the Past Three Years and Prospect for the Future 754

Appendix 763

1.Interviews with and Reports on Professor Chen Guangzhong 763

Some Questions the Revision of the Criminal Procedure Law 763

关于修改刑事诉讼法的几个问题 763

1.部分记者对陈光中教授的采访报导 763

附录: 763

Concerns with the Law and Reform 767

殷殷忧法情,切切改革心 767

Calling for Democracy and Science 770

世纪末超越:扬民主法制与科学之帆 770

The Jurist Who Makes the Great Contribution to the Reform of Criminal Procedure Law 781

为修改刑事诉讼法做出贡献的法学家 781

Intensifies Human Rights Protection 784

加强保障公民权利 784

2.Table of Professor Chen Guangzhong s Works 787

2.陈光中教授著作目录 787

3.Table of Professor Chen Guangzhong s Essays 789

3.陈光中教授论文目录 789

4.List of Doctoral Candidate and M.A.Candidate of All Sessions 796

4.历届博士生、硕士生名单 796
