- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王美德主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:1976
- ISBN:711702920X
- 页数:457 页
Ⅰ Hospital Department Terms医院科室名称 1
Ⅱ Names of the Hospital Workers医院工作人员职务名称 5
Ⅲ Everyday Nursing Terms日常护理用语 9
1. Nursing Theories of Knowledge护理理论知识 9
1.1 Nursing Psychology护理心理学 10
1.2 Nursing Aesthetics 护理美学 12
1.3 Nursing Ethics 护理伦理 13
1.4 Nursing Sociology护理社会学 14
2. Nursing Administration护理管理 15
3. Clinic Nursing临床护理 17
4. Nursing Diagnoses (NANDA1994)北美护理诊断1994年 18
5. Nursing Technique护理技术 26
6. Nutrition and Diet营养与膳食 30
7. Miscellaneous其它 33
Ⅳ Ward Utensils, Equipments and General Diagnostic Instruments病室用具、设备和一般诊断器械 38
Ⅴ Everyday Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Teaching Terms日常诊断、治疗、教学用语 45
ⅵ Common Terms of Anatomy常用解剖名词 51
1. Surface Anatomy体表解剖 51
1.1 Topographical Lines and Regions With the Projection of Certain Organs体表的线和区以及某些器官的投影 51
1.2 Natural Anatomical Landmarks天然标志 52
2. The General Anatomical Terms一般解剖名词 54
3. The Skeletal System骨骼系统 54
4. The Muscular System肌肉系统 55
6. The Nervous System神经系统 56
5. The Circulatory System循环系统 56
7. The Digestive System消化系统 57
8. The Respiratory System呼吸系统 58
9. The Urinary System泌尿系统 58
10. The Reproductive System生殖系统 59
11. The Ductless Glands内分泌腺 60
12. The Common Integument(Skin)皮肤 60
13. The Organs of the Senses感觉器官 60
14. Appendix:Terms Denoting Anatomical Location and Size附:表示解剖部位、大小用语 61
Ⅶ Symptoms and Signs 症状和体症 63
1. Diseases of the Respiratory System呼吸系统疾病 81
Ⅷ Name of Diseases疾病名称 81
2. Diseases of the Circulatory System循环系统疾病 86
3. Diseases of the Digestive System and General Surgical Disease消化系统及普外科疾病 101
4. Hematologic and Hematopoietic Diseases血液及造血系统疾病 109
5. Diseases of the Endocrine System, Metabolism and Nutrition内分泌、代谢、营养失常疾病 114
6. Immune Diseases免疫性疾病 119
7. Diseases of the Genitourinary System泌尿生殖系统疾病 121
8. Neuropsychiatric Diseases神经精神疾病 125
9. Infectious Diseases and Parasitic Diseases传染病和寄生虫病 132
10. Emergency Diseases急症疾病 135
11. Diseases of Musculoskeletal System骨骼和肌肉系统疾病 136
1.4 Antileprotics抗麻风病药 138
12. Tumors and Cysts肿瘤和囊肿 141
13. Gynecological and Obstetric Diseases妇产科疾病 143
14. Dermatic Diseases皮肤疾病 146
15. Eye Diseases眼科疾病 149
16. E.N.T.Diseases耳鼻咽喉科疾病 152
17. Stomatological Diseases口腔科疾病 154
18. Miscellaneous杂类 156
Ⅸ Laboratory Tests and Other Diagnostic Methods实验室检查及其他诊断方法 159
1. Laboratory Examinations检验室检查 159
1.1 Hematological Examinations血液学检查 159
1.4 Examinations of Body Fluids and Secretions体液和分泌物检查 163
1.2 Examinations of Urine尿液检查 163
1.3 Examinations of Stool粪便检查 163
1.5 Biochemical Examinations生化检查 164
1.6 Endocrinological Examinations内分泌学检查 166
1.7 Microbiological Examinations微生物学检查 167
1.8 Immunological Examinations免疫学检查 170
1.9 HBV Serum Markers乙肝病毒血清标记物 173
2. X-Ray Examinations X线检查 174
3. Nuclear Medicine Technique核医学技术 178
4. Ultrasonic Diagnosis 超声波诊断 182
5. Electrocardio-diagnosis心电诊断 183
6. Clinical Function Tests临床机能检查 185
Ⅹ Therapeutical Techniques and Methods治疗技术和方法 189
1. Methods of Injection 各种注射法 189
2. Various Punctures 各种穿刺 189
3. Fluid Infusion and Blood Transfusion补液与输血 190
4. Methods of Anesthesia各种麻醉法 190
5.1 General Treatments一般疗法 192
5.2 Specific Treatments特殊疗法 192
5. Various Treatments各种疗法 192
5.3 Radiotherapy放射治疗 194
5.4 Physiotherapy;Physical Therapy物理治疗 194
5.5 Rehabilitation Nursing康复护理 199
5.6 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy 针灸疗法 202
5.7 Others其他 206
6. Surgical Operation外科手术 207
6.1 General Surgical Operations普外科手术 207
6.2 Cardio-thoracic Surgical Operations心胸外科手术 210
6.3 Urological System Operations泌尿系统手术 213
6.4 Orthopedic Operations矫形外科手术 217
6.5 Neurosurgical Operations神经外科手术 221
7. Gynecological and Obstetrical Operations妇产科手术 224
8. Ophthtalmologic Operations眼科手术 226
9. Otorhinolaryngologic Operations耳鼻咽喉科手术 229
10. Stomatological Operations口腔科手术 231
Ⅺ Common Drugs常用药物 234
1. Antibacterial Drugs抗微生物药物 234
1.1 Antibiotics 抗生素类 234
1.2 Other Antibacterial Drugs其他抗菌药 237
1.3 Antituberculotics抗结核病药 238
1.5 Antifungals抗真菌药 238
2.1 Antimalarials抗疟药 239
2. Antiparasitics抗寄生虫病药物 239
1.6 Antivirals抗病毒药 239
2.2 Amebicides and Trichomonacides抗阿米巴虫病药和抗滴虫病药 240
2.3 Antikala-azar Drugs抗黑热病药 240
2.4 Anthelminthics抗肠道蠕虫病药 240
2.5 Schistosomicides and Filaricides抗血吸虫病和丝虫病药 240
3. Drugs for Central Nervus System中枢神经系统药物 240
3.1 Central Nervus System Stimulants中枢神经兴奋药 240
3.2 Analgesics镇痛药 241
3.3 Drugs for Parkinson s Disease抗震颤麻痹药 241
3.4 Antipyretics Analgesics Antiphlogistics and Antigout Drugs解热镇痛抗炎及抗痛风药 242
3.5 Antiepileptic Drugs抗癫痫药 243
3.6 Sedatives Hypnotics and Anti convulsants镇静、催眠及抗惊厥药 243
3.7 Psychotropic Drugs精神药物 243
3.8 Drugs for Improvement Brain Function改善脑功能的药物 245
4. Anesthetics麻醉药 246
4.1 General Anesthetics全身麻醉药 246
4.2 Local Anesthetics局部麻醉药 246
4.3 Skeletal Muscle Relaxants骨骼肌松弛药 247
4.4 Others其他类 247
5. Drugs Used in Cardiovascular System心血管系统药物 247
5.1 Antianginal Drugs抗心绞痛药 247
5.2 Antiarrhythmics抗心律失常药 248
5.3 Antihypertensive Drugs抗高血压药 248
5.4 Drugs Used in Heart Failure抗心力衰竭药 249
5.5 Drugs Used in Shock抗休克药 249
6.2 Antitussives镇咳药 250
6.1 Expectorants祛痰药 250
6. Drugs for Respiratory System呼吸系统药物 250
5.6 Antilipemics调节血脂药 250
6.3 Antiasthmatics平喘药 251
6.4 Respiratory Stimulants呼吸兴奋药 251
7. Drugs for Digestive System消化系统药物 252
7.1 Antacids Remedial Gastritis Peptic Ulcer Drugs抗酸、治疗胃炎、消化性溃疡药 252
7.2 Antispasmodics and Gastrokinetic Drugs胃肠解痉及胃动力药 253
7.3 Drugs for Intestinal Diseases肠道用药 253
7.4 Cathartical Drugs导泻药 253
7.5 Antidiarrheals止泻药 254
7.6 Drugs Used in Liver and Biliary Diseases肝胆疾病辅助用药 254
7.7 Digestants助消化药 255
8. Drugs Used in Uropoietic System Diseases泌尿系统用药 255
8.1 Diuretic Agents利尿剂 255
9.1 Antianemic Agents抗贫血药 256
9. Drugs for Hematologic Hematopoietic System血液及造血系统药物 256
8.2 Dehydrating Agents脱水药 256
8.3 Others其他类 256
9.2 Coagulants and Hemostatics凝血止血药 257
9.3 Anticoagulant Thrombolysis Drugs抗凝、溶栓药 257
9.4 Drugs for Increasing White Cells and Thrombocytes升白细胞及血小板药 258
9.5 Blood Volume Expanders血容量扩充剂 259
10. Anti-allergic Drugs抗过敏药 259
11. Drugs for Functional Uterus作用于子宫的药物 259
12. Hormonal Drugs激素类药物 260
12.1 ACTH and Corticosteroids促皮质素和肾上腺皮质激素类 260
12.2 Androgenic and Anabolic Agents 雄激素及蛋白同化激素类药 260
12.4 Progestogen Agents孕激素类药 261
12.5 Hormonagogue and Antagonist Drugs性激素促进药及对抗药 261
12.3 Estrogen Agents雌激素类药 261
12.6 Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs甲状腺及抗甲状腺药 262
12.7 Hypoglycemic and Hyperglycemic Agents降血糖药及升血糖药 262
13. Vitamins维生素类 263
14. Enzymes and Biological Preparations酶及其他生化制剂 264
15. Drugs for Regulation Water Electrolytes and Acid-base Balance调节水、电解质及酸碱平衡用药 264
16. Antineoplastics and Immunoinhibitors抗肿瘤药和免疫抑制药 265
17. Antidotes解毒药 267
18. Diagnostic Agents诊断用药 268
19. Antiseptic Agents消毒防腐药 268
20. Dermatological Preparations皮肤科药物 269
21. Ophthalmic Drugs眼科药物 270
22. Stomatological Preparations口腔科用药 272
23. Drugs for Ear-Nose-Throat(ENT) Department耳鼻喉科用药 272
1. Health Education健康教育 274
Ⅻ. Health Education健康教育 274
2. Mental Hygiene心理卫生 276
3. Health Care for Children儿童保健(包括婴幼儿) 278
4. Health Care for the Aged老年保健 281
5. Home Care家庭护理 285
ⅩⅢ Simple Conversation for Nurse护士简易会话 288
1. Out Patient Department--Conversation Between Nurse and Patient门诊--护士和病人对话 288
1.1 Diarrhea腹泻 288
1.2 Peptic Ulcer消化性溃疡 290
1.3 Diabetes 糖尿病 292
1.4 Hypertension高血压 294
1.5 Injury and Fracture外伤和骨折 297
1.6 Wrist Sprain手腕扭伤 299
1.7 Appendicitis阑尾炎 300
1.8 Lower Back Pain and Acupuncture腰痛与针刺法 302
1.9 Epistaxis鼻出血 303
1.10 In the Dental Clinic在齿科 304
2. Conversation Between Ward Nurse and Patient病房护士和病人对话 306
2.1 Receiving New Patient接受新病人 307
2.2 Morining Care晨间护理 311
2.3 Checking Temperature, Pulse Rate and Respiration测量体温、脉膊和呼吸 314
2.4 Enema灌肠 316
2.5 Before an Operation在手术前 320
2.6 What Should a Typhoid Fever Patient Know伤寒病人须知 324
2.7 Health Advice for the Aged老年保健指导 327
3. Conversation Between Teacher and Student Nurse师生对话 330
3.1 Morning Round晨间巡视病房 330
3.2 Administering Medicine给药法 332
3.3 Dietary Care饮食护理 336
3.4 How to Get Specimen for Urine Culture from a woman Patient如何收集女病人尿培养标本 340
3.5 A Lesson on Venous Puncture学习静脉穿刺 341
3.6 Visiting a New Patient With Cholecystitis巡视胆囊炎新病人 344
3.7 Discussion on the Preparation for Partial Gastrectomy讨论胃部切除术的准备工作 346
3.8 Doctor s Order and Care for the Patient with Acute Nephritis急性肾炎病人的医嘱和护理 347
4. Conversation Between Foreign Guest and Chinese Medical Staff外宾与中国医务人员会话 349
5. Health Communication between Nurse and Patient护-患健康交流 360
5.1 Mental Care心理护理 360
5.1.1 Pain疼痛 360
5.1.2 Negative Eating消极进食 362
5.1.3 Anxiety (Nervousness)焦虑(紧张) 365
5.1.4 Sadness悲哀 367
5.1.5 Fear恐惧 371
5.1.6 Despair绝望 374
5.2.1 Disordered Self Image自我形象紊乱 377
5.2 Social Coupling System Nursing社会偶联系统护理 377
5.2.2 Marriage Frustration婚姻受挫 381
5.2.3 Infertility不孕 387
5.2.4 Social Intercourse Difficulty社交障碍 391
5.2.5 Economic Pressure经济压力 394
5.3 Health Instruction健康指导 397
5.3.1 Diet Instruction饮食指导 397
5.3.2 Instruction to Patients Discharged from Hospital--Use of Medicine出院宣教--用药 400
5.3.3 Pulmonary Function Exercise肺功能锻炼 403
5.4 Systemetic Approach to Holism Nursing Care系统化整体护理 405
5.5 Education of Breast Feeding母乳喂养知识教育 411
ⅪⅤ An Expression Index to Simple Conversation for Nurse护士简易会话词组索引 422
ⅩⅤ Common Abbreviation (Latin)常用缩略语(拉丁) 430
ⅩⅥ Common Abbreviation(English)常用缩略语(英文) 436
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