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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:田鸣著
  • 出 版 社:北京:经济科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7505824651
  • 页数:400 页

ON Disposition of Funds and Elements 3

Foreword Ma DeLun 3

序言 马德伦 3

1 Introduction 3

Ⅰ资金与要素配置论 3

1 引言 3

2 供需制约:农业信贷投入的困境与出路 7

2 Restriction of Supplying and Demanding Difficult position and the Way Out for Agricultural Credit Enploying 7

3 Service Problems of Agricultural Creditunder Double Levels Management 19

3 双层经营下的农业信贷服务问题 19

4 推进信贷与科技结合的思考 27

4 Pondering on Developing the Combination of Credit and Science Technology 27

5 落实信贷倾斜政策 促进农业跃上新的台阶 33

5 Implementing the Policy of Credit Inclination,Enhancing the Agriculture to a New Stage 33

6 管好用好扶贫贷款 促进贫困地区经济开发 44

6 Managing and Applying the Poor-helping Credit to its Best,Developing the Econorny Exploiting in the Poverty Areas 44

7 Financial Poverty Problems Confronted with Poor-helping Exploiting and the Countemea-sures 52

7 金融贫困:扶贫开发面临的问题与对策 52

8 信贷资金与资源配置的优化选择 64

8 Preferential Selection of the Disposltion of Credit Funds and Resources 64

9 储蓄职能与宏观经济调节 72

9 Deposit Function and Macro-economy Adjustment 72

10 Mobllization of Depositing Resources and Controlling of Funds Cost 79

10 储蓄资源的动员与筹资成本控制 79

11 Deposit,Negotiable Securities and the Funds-raising Strategy in the Economic Construction of Our Nation 85

11 储蓄、证券与我国经济建设中的筹资战略 85

12 Introduction 97

12 引言 97

On Creditor s Rights and Risks Controlling 97

Ⅱ债权与风险控制论 97

13 Problems of Property Right,Creditor s Ringt and the Risk of Credit Capital 100

13 产权、债权与信贷资产风险问题 100

14 企业转制中的信贷资产风险研究 108

14 Researching on the Risk of Credit Capital in the Pcocess of Gnterprise System Transfering 108

15 Elements Analysis of Making the Financial Risks 122

15 对金融风险生成的因素分析 122

16 Researching on how to Centrol and Deal with the Risks of Financial Bank 129

16 商业银行风险控制与处置研究 129

17 金融债权:谁来保护 141

17 Financial Creditos s Right, Who will Protect it 141

18 Re-combination of Enterprises Debts and protection of Financial Creditor s Right 148

18 企业债务重组与金融债权保护 148

19 Funds Problems and the Changing of Economic Growing Ways 158

19 资金问题与经济增长方式的转变 158

20 introduction 173

On Principles and New Traits in Financial Areas 173

Ⅲ 制度与金融创新论 173

20 引言 173

21 县域金融改革:微观金融机制的重组与构建 177

21 Financial Reforms in the Country Region Recombination and Construction of the Microcosmic Financial System 177

22 农业发展与农村金融制度创新 189

22 Agricultural Development and New Traits in Advancing the Country Financial System 189

23 把握农村金融发展的时代脉搏 205

23 Catching up with the Times Pulse of Agricultural Financial Development 205

24 抓住机遇 深化农村金融改革 213

24 Griping the Favourable Circumstances,Deepening the Country Financial Reformis 213

25 指导农村、农业和农村金融工作的行动纲领 216

25 Action Programme Directing Rural Areas Agriculture and the Country Finance 216

26 Principle Effect of the Credit Co-operation and None Co-operation 218

26 信用合作与不合作的制度效应 218

27 Making the Country Credit Services into Practical Co-operation Financial Organizations 229

27 把农村信用社办成真正的合作金融组织 229

28 Peasants Financiial Requests and Services 245

28 农民的金融需求与金融服务 245

29 Reforming the Inside Managing System,Bringing the Comercial Bank to its Practical Aims 258

29 改革内部管理体制办成真正意义上的商业银行 258

30 Deepening of the Insurance Service and Turning of the System s Track 272

30 保险业务的深化与体制转轨 272

31 Trust Course:a Large Arena for Approaching the Economy of Town and Country 286

31 信托业:走向城乡经济大舞台 286

32 How the Local Level of the Central Bank builds up its Authority 293

32 基层央行的权威是怎样树立起来的 293

On the Relationship of Agriculture and Town and Country 308

33 Introduction 308

33 引言 308

Ⅳ 农业与城乡关系论 308

34 Culture of Spiritual Peasant and the Source of Chinese Agriculture 313

34 神农文化与中国农业的起源 313

35 Chinese Agricultural Tools and Agricultural Modernization 325

35 中国农具与农业现代化 325

36 Problems of Peasants and Chinese Modernization 333

36 农民问题与中国现代化 333

37 Problems and Their Solving Ways in Developing the Country Collective Economy 345

37 发展农村集体经济:困惑与解惑 345

38 Agriculture Double Level Management and the Function of Uniting 354

38 农业双层经营与集体“统”的功能 354

39 New Concept of Agriculture the Hope of Chinese Agriculture 359

39 新概念农业:中国农业的希望所在 359

40 Comparative Study on the Economic Action of the Town and Country s Residents 365

40 城乡居民经济行为比较研究 365

41 Relationship betueell Town and Country under the Chinese Household Registering System 388

41 中国户籍制度下的城乡关系 388

Postscript 399

后记 399
