- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王仕松,WilliamSong主编
- 出 版 社:北京:新世界出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7800056821
- 页数:367 页
Chapter1 Association与人交往 1
Unit1 Call on a Friend拜访朋友 1
Unit2 Family Life家庭生活 7
Unit3 At the Concert听音乐会 14
Chapter2 Introduction介绍 22
Unit1 Meeting会面 22
Unit2 At the Party在晚会上 29
Unit3 Traffic交通 36
Chapter3 Out State在异乡 42
Unit1 Living Abroad在异乡 42
Unit2 Asking the Way问路 49
Unit3 Taking a Bus乘公共汽车 55
Chapter4 Business商业 60
Unit1 Establishing Business Relations建立贸易关系 60
Unit2 Bargaining讨价还价 66
Unit3 Working Together协作 71
Chapter5 Transition人生际遇 79
Unit1 Loving People and Wanting Things恋人与欲望 79
Unit2 Composure理智 85
Unit3 Promotion晋升 90
Chapter6 Women in Society妇女与社会 96
Unit1 Family and Job家庭与事业 96
Unit2 Female Secretary女秘书 104
Unit3 In Political Area在政界 110
Chapter7 Types of People人的类型 118
Unit1 Americans and Immigrants美国人和外来者 118
Unit2 A Mean Person小人 125
Unit3 A Likable and Trustworthy Person可爱和可靠的人 132
Chapter8 Moral Quality人品 140
Unit1 Courage勇气 140
Unit2 Understanding理解 147
Unit3 From Start to Finish善始善终 154
Chapter9 Congratulations祝贺 160
Unit1 A Birthday Party生日晚会 160
Unit2 Congratulation on Passing University Examination祝贺进入大学 167
Unit3 Congratulations祝贺 174
Chapter10 Traveling旅游 182
Unit1 Travel Information旅行信息 182
Unit2 Sightseeing观光 188
Unit3 Farewell and Seeing off告别与送行 194
Chapter11 Conversations交谈 200
Unit1 Marriage Proposals求婚 200
Unit2 Borrowing借钱 208
Unit3 Interview面试 215
Chapter12 At Hospital在医院 222
Unit1 Seeing a Doctor看医生 222
Unit2 Consoling Patients慰问病人 228
Unit3 Seeing a Dentist看牙 234
Chapter13 Society社会 240
Unit1 Crime and Punishment犯罪与惩罚 240
Unit2 Gambling赌搏 247
Unit3 Law and Order法律与秩序 252
Chapter14 Home Life居家生活 259
Unit1 Tastes and Preferences品位与喜好 259
Unit2 Looking for Apartments找住房 266
Unit3 Picnic野餐 273
Chapter15 Jog and Auger, Pleasure and Sorrow喜怒哀乐 279
Unit1 Annoyance and Complaints烦恼与抱怨 279
Unit2 Preference偏爱 287
Unit3 Willingness意愿 293
Chapter16 Work工作 299
Unit1 Talking About Work谈论工作 299
Unit2 Job Jumping换工作 306
Unit3 On the Job and Losing Job就业与失业 312
Chapter17 In the School在学校 319
Unit1 School Life学校生活 319
Unit2 Holiday and Festival节假日 328
Unit3 Classroom Expressions课堂用语 335
Chapter 18 Special Occasions特殊场合 343
Unit1 Wedding婚礼 343
Unit2 At Meeting在会议上 350
Unit3 At the Bowling Alley在保龄球馆 357
附:美音与英音发音符号示例对照表 367
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