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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:常骏跃主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7561116152
  • 页数:435 页

Part Ⅰ Customs在海关 1

1.Asking About Customs Formalities 了解海关手续 1

2.Receiving Passport and Visa Check 接受护照和签证检查 5

3.Declaring Things(I)申报物品(一) 9

4.Declaring Things(II)申报物品(二) 13

5.On Dutiable Articles 上税物品 16

6.Receiving Luggage Check 行李检查 21

7.Stating Your Purpose 陈述旅行目的 24

Part Ⅱ Transportation 交通 28

◆ Travel by Plane 乘飞机旅行 28

8.Asking About Flight 了解航班情况 28

9.Booking a Ticket(I)订机票(一) 33

10.Booking a Ticket(II)订机票(二) 36

11.Asking About the Contents of an Announcement 询问机场通知内容 40

12.Going Through Check-in Formalities 办理登机手续 45

13.Checking Luggage 行李检查 49

14.Getting Aboard a Flight(I)登机(一) 54

15.Getting Aboard a Flight(II)登机(二) 56

16.Asking About Flying Time 询问飞行时间 59

17.Asking About Time Difference 询问时差 63

18.Trading Seats on the Plane 机内换座 67

19.Asking for Help on the Plane 机上求助 71

20.Having Meals on the Plane 机上用餐 76

21.At the Transit 中转候机 80

22.Asking for Information 了解情况 84

◆ Travel by Bus 乘公共汽车旅行 89

23.Buying a Bus Map 买公汽线路图 89

24.Asking for Information About Bus-riding 询问乘公汽情况 92

25.Asking a Conductor to Tell You Your Stop 请售票员提醒到站 96

26.At the Bus Terminal(I)在公共汽车总站(一) 99

27.At the Bus Terminal(II)在公共汽车总站(二) 103

28.Buying a Bus Ticket 买公共汽车票 107

29.Finding the Seat 找座位 110

30.Taking a Wrong Bus 搭错车 113

31.On a Bus 在公汽上 117

◆ Travel by Train 乘火车旅行 121

32.Asking for Information About Train and Subway Travel 了解乘火车及地铁旅行的信息 121

33.Buying a Railway Ticket 买火车票 125

34.Boarding a Train 上火车 129

35.On the Train(I)在火车上(一) 132

36.On the Train(II)在火车上(二) 135

37.Hiring a Taxi 租车 139

◆ Travel by Taxi乘出租车旅行 139

38.Calling a Taxi 打车 144

39.Paying the Fare 付费 148

Part Ⅲ Hotel旅馆住宿 153

40.Reserving a Room 订房间 153

41.Stating What You Want 说明要求 158

42.Asking About Services 询问服务内容 163

43.Asking About Prices 询问价格 168

44.Registering 办理住宿手续 173

45.Changing a Reservation 更改预订 178

46.Stating You Have Reserved Rooms 说明预订 183

47.In the Room 在房间内 187

48.Checking Out 办理离店手续 192

49.Changing Money at the Front Desk 在前台换线 197

50.At the Front Desk 在前台 201

51.Depositing Valuables 存放贵重物品 205

52.Asking for Help 旅馆求助 210

53.A Morning Call 唤醒电话 215

54.Laundry Service 洗衣 219

55.Complaining of Service 表达对服务的不满 226

Part Ⅳ Restaurant 餐馆用餐 231

56.Booking a Table 订桌 231

57.Finding a Table 找座位 235

58.Finding Out What the Restaurant Has Today 了解餐馆的当日菜谱 239

59.Ordering a Meal 点菜 244

60.Telling a Waiter How You d Like Your Dish Served 向侍者说明点菜要求 249

61.Responding to Hospitality 对殷勤服务的答应 253

62.Asking Someone to Get You Something 请人递东西 257

63.Complaining About Food etc. 提意见 262

64.Paying the Bill 结账 267

65.Enjoying the Local Food 品尝本地菜 272

66.Breakfast 早餐 277

67.Lunch 午餐 281

68.Dinner 晚餐 284

69.Buying a Takeout 买外带食品 288

Part V Shopping 购物 293

70.Telling a Shop Assistant What You d Like to Buy 向售货员说明想买什么 293

71.Asking a Shop Assistant for Information 向售货员了解情况 298

72.Choosing Items 选择商品 303

73.Asking About Prices 询问价格 308

74.Bargaining 讨价还价 312

75.Buying Presents 购买礼品 316

76.Paying the Bill 付款 321

77.Asking for a Refund 要求退款 326

78.Drawing Back Duties Paid 办理退税 330

Part VI Money Exchange 兑换货币 335

79.Asking About Money Exchange 了解兑换货币情况 335

80.Changing Money 兑换货币 339

Part Ⅶ Post Office在邮局 344

81.Asking About Postage(I)询问邮资(一) 344

82.Asking About Postage(II)询问邮资(二) 348

83.Asking About Time to Mail Something 询问邮寄时间 351

84.Asking Ways of Sending Things 询问邮寄方式 356

Part Ⅷ Telephone打电话 361

85.An Inside Call 内线电话 361

86.Asking the Operator for Help(I)求助接线员(一) 366

87.Asking the Operator for Help(II)求助接线员(二) 371

88.Starting a Phone Call 开始通话 375

89.Receiving a Phone Call 接电话 379

Part Ⅸ Sightseeing 观光 384

90.Asking About the Sights(I)了解观光信息(一) 384

91.Asking About the Sights(II)了解观光信息(二) 388

92.Asking Someone to Get Your Photo 请人拍照 393

Part Ⅹ Miscellaneous 其他 398

93.My Passport Is Missing 我的护照不见了 398

94.At the Lost and Found Office 在失物招领处 402

95.Finding the Way 寻找路线 406

96.I Lost My Way 我迷路了 410

97.Seeing the Doctor(I)看医生(一) 415

98.Seeing the Doctor(II)看医生(二) 419

99.Encountering a Bad Guy 路遇坏人 424

100.Asking the Police for Help 求助警察 430
