心灵鸡汤 花样年华PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Jack Canfield等编著
- 出 版 社:合肥:安徽科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7533722957
- 页数:397 页
1. ON LOVE 2
The Wallet Arnold Fine 2
A Gift for Robby Toni Fulco 8
A Dance with Dad Jean Jeffrey Gietzen 12
A Miracle of Love Shirlee Allison 16
A Dream Come True Teresa Pitman 20
Safe-Keeping LeAnn Thieman 25
The Best Badge of All Gerry Niskern 30
The Christmas Star Susan Adair 33
My Dad, Charlie and Me Candice Bergen 37
My Dad Barbara E. C. Goodrich 41
A Happy-Ever-After Mary J. Davis 44
Holding On Deborah Shouse 47
Of Miracles, Children and Joshua s Jingle Bell Aline Stomfay-Stitz 52
Love in Action Mother Teresa 57
The True Spirit of Christmas Carolyn S. Steele 59
Veronica s Babies George M. Flynn 63
Seeing with the Heart Barbara Jeanne Fisher 68
A Jelly Bean for Halloween Evelyn M. Gibb 72
Unexpected Angels Sally Jessy Raphael 75
Beauty Contest Carla Muir 78
The Scar Joanna Slan 80
The Melding Isabel Bearman Bucher 83
Old People LeAnn Thieman 88
A Star to Steer By Jacquelyn Mitchard 90
There She Is, Miss America Daphne Gray 98
Born to Sing Ravina Gelfand and Letha Patterson 102
Truly Free Elizabeth Bravo 105
You Can Do It! Mary Kay Ash 109
No Mistake Jennifer Read Hawthorne and Marci Shimoff 114
Police Woman Chris Mullins 116
Late for School Virginia Schantz as told to Daniel Schantz 120
Color My World Sharon M. Chamberlain 125
He Taught Me to Fly Cynthia Mercati 129
The Real Thing Frankie Germany 133
The Locket Geery Howe 136
The Dowry Roy Exum 139
Going the Right Way Lynne Kinghorn 143
I ll Never Understand My wife Steven James 145
Crumbling Sand Castles Sue Monk Kidd 150
The Last“I Love You Debbi Smoot 156
Loving Donna Ron C. Eggertsen 158
History and Chemistry E. Lynne Wright 162
True Intimacy Jean Brody 165
Encounter with acod Riohord Selzer,M.D. 167
Holding Hands Helen Troisi Arney 169
Second Skin Caroline Castle Hichs 174
Ron Dan Clark 177
Parental Justice Whoopi Goldberg 179
Ry Joyce Meier 182
Finding a Son Lin Faubel 183
Snowballs and Lilacs Lisa Marie Finley 188
The Little Princess Wendy Miles 191
When Did She Really Grow Up? Beverly Beckham 194
Children on Loan Norma R. Larson 197
Virtues Colleen Trefz 202
Sharing Drue Duke 207
It s Really Christmas Now Kitsy Jones 214
One Life at a Time Cindy Hensley McCain as told to Gina Bridgeman 218
I Did My Best Diana, Princess of Wales 224
Good Neighbors Marsha Arons 226
Letters to Anne Frank s Father Cara Wilson 231
A Reason to Live Jerry Perkins 237
The Night I Wrote My Pulitzer Prize Winner Shinan Barclay 241
A Perfect Pot of Tea Roberta Messner, R. N., Ph. D. 244
Lunch with Helen Keller Lilli Palmer 252
One Kid at a Time Sarah Ann Reeves Moody 259
Low-Fat and Happy Teresa Collins 263
Graduation Message Robert A. Concolino 269
Our Christmas Boy Shirley Barksdale 273
Judy s Birthday Shelley Peterman Schwarz 277
The Special Olympics Denae Adams 281
The Classified Ad Marsha Arons 284
The Mop Angel Lizanne Southgate 288
Grandma Is on Her Feet Again Margaret McSherry 293
The Department Store Santa Sally A. Breslin 298
Halloween Angels Steven J. Lesko Jr. 303
Lucky Pennies Jill Williford Mitchell 304
Let Our Requests Be Known Donna Kay Heath 308
Christmas in the Silver Egg Mechi Garza 310
A Coke and a Smile Jacqueline M. Hickey 316
Enduring Labor LeAnn Thieman 320
The Smile Behind the Tear Helen Luecke 322
The Not-So-White Christmas Gift Harrison Kelly 326
It Happened on the Brooklyn Subway Paul Deutschman 331
Take My Hand Mary Ann Hagen as told to LeAnn Thieman 336
Love Can Last Forever Deb Plouse Fulton 340
Highway Hero Carol A. Price-Lopata 342
Plenty of Sunsets Cindy Jevne Buck 346
Mom, Can you Pull Some Strings? Carol Allen 350
Never, Never Give Up Diane Novinski 354
The Baby Blanket Winona Smith 356
Stories on a Headboard Elaine Pondant 362
Mother s Hands Louisa Godissart McQuillen 365
Every Woman Needs a Champion Carole Carbuny Vogel 368
The Trellis Daniel Schantz 373
A Final Letter to a Father Cail Rosenblum 376
A Penny Saved Carita Barlow as told to Carol McAdoo Rehme 381
Emma s Bouquets Pamela George 385
Between the Lines Charlotte Adelsperger 388
Bean Talk Veronica Hilton 391
A Legacy in a Soup Pot Barbara Davey 395
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