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朗文快捷英语教程  第2版  练习与测试用书  3  英文版
朗文快捷英语教程  第2版  练习与测试用书  3  英文版

朗文快捷英语教程 第2版 练习与测试用书 3 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)(斯蒂芬·J.莫林斯基)(StevenJ.Molinsky),(美)(比尔·比利斯)(BillBliss)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国电力出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7508309324
  • 页数:158 页
图书介绍:《朗文快捷英语教程》系列口语精品图书,由美国权威英语教学专家Steven J. Molinsky和Bill Bliss专门针对全球非英语国家学生编写的一套经典英语口语教程,在全世界,尤其是在日、韩及东南亚地区备受欢迎。2001年末,中国电力出版社从培生教育出版集团朗文公司引进版权,力邀北大、清华等著名高校英语教授进行详细编注、审校出版,以其生动灵活的画面安排、国际流行的精美包装、纯正地道的美音美语,以及优惠的价格首次向读者亮相,受到众多专家、教授的好评和英语学习爱好者的喜爱。本系列教程的出版受到众多媒体的关注,新华社、中央电视台、中国教育电视台、北京电视台、中央人民广播电台、新浪网、《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《中国教育报》、《中国青年报》、《北京晚报》、《北京青年报》、《21世纪报》、《新闻出版报》、《中华读书报》、《中国图书商报》、《中国文化报》、《英语沙龙》、《英语世界》等几十家媒体均在第一时间进行了深度报道。2002年,中国青少年发展服务中心响应江泽民总书记《关于教育问题的谈话》精神,落实共青团十四届五中全会的任务,首次举办“全国青少年英语口语大赛”,全力贯彻“倡导英语口语交流
《朗文快捷英语教程 第2版 练习与测试用书 3 英文版》目录


Exit 1·Meeting and Greeting People Giving Information 1

Greet Someone and Introduce Yourself 1

Introduce Members of Your Family 4

Give Information About Countries and Nationalities 5

Provide Information When Checking In to a Hotel 7

Exchange Information 9

Exit 2·Sharing News and Information 13

Tell About Past Events 13

Talk with Friends,Nerghbors,and Co-Workers 16

Tell About Weekend Plans 19

Tell About Yourself and Your Family 22

Exit 3·People and Places 25

Call Directory Assistance 25

Make Telephone Calls 27

Access Public Transportation 29

Give Directions to Places in the Community 31

Give Directions for Traveling by Car 34

CHECK-UP TEST:Exit1,2,3 37

Exit4 ·Housing and Food 39

Describe Features of an Apartment 39

Enumerate Food Items 41

Locate Items in a Supermarket 43

Evaluate the Cost of Food Items 45

Discuss Ingredients 47

Give Recipe Instructions 49

Exit 5·At Work 51

Tell About Work Skills 51

Tell About Work-Related Events 52

Tell About Accomplishments and Experiences 54

Express Confidence About Your Abilities 56

Discuss Job Performance 57

Tell About Work Experience 58

Tell About Job Responsibilities 60

Analyze Successful Job Interview Strategies 61

Exit 6·Health and Emergencies 63

Report an Emergency 63

Report an Accident 64

Ask for Recommendations in a Drug Store 65

Describe Symptoms and Make a Doctor s Appointment 66

Ask About and Give a Medical History 68

Receive a Doctor s Medical Advice 70

Receive a Pharmacist s Directions 71

Offer Someone Medical Advice 73

CHECK-UP TEST:Exits4,5,6 74

Exit 7·Shopping 76

Locate Items in a Department Store 76

Select Items in a Department Store 78

Purchase Items in a Department Store 80

Return Items to a Department Store 82

Access the Services of a Post Office 84

Discuss Features of Products 86

Exit 8·Recreation 87

Make Plans 87

Discuss Recreation Preferences 88

Extend Invitations 90

Decline Invitations 91

Tell About Weekend Activities 93

Tell About Experiences 95

Use the Newspaper to Make Movie Plans 96

Discuss Television Preferences 98

CHECK-UP TEST:Exits7,8 99


Scripts for Listening Exercises 101

Correlation:ExpressWays Student Text/Activity Workbook 106
