- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:池仁勇主编
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江工商大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787811407969
- 页数:590 页
Accounting and Auditing Standard Setting for Small and Medium Business:Should Other Economies Follow Lessons Learned in the United States?&Gregory S.Kordecki 3
Maximizing Intergenerational Talent for Maximum Innovation & Profitability&Althea Pemsel,Renee Gilmore 15
Modelling and Testing Some Managerial and Organizational Factors Explaining the Innovativeness degree of Kuwaiti Small Firms&Ismail Elsayed and Abd-el-Fattah ElSherbibni 22
A comparison of creative problem solving toward green product innovation between Chinese and Australian business students&Tania von der Heidt 33
SME Creation Facilitation Process at Universities&Carl-Henric Nilsson,Charlotta Johansson,JIN Jun,YANG Qinmin,LUO Shijian 51
Balancing Local-Global R & D Activities:What SMEs Could Learn from Multinationals?&XU Jianxin 57
Research on Status and Countermeasure of the Custody of Intellectual Property of SMEs&JI Rentian,TANG Jianfeng 63
An Analytical Model of Enterprises'Organizational Behavioral Attributes Affecting on R & D Cooperation&LI Shuncai,WEN Hui,LI Jianying 69
Research on Regional Technological Innovation Ecosystem Suitability Evaluation:Base on the Empirical Analysis of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone from Guangxi&NONG Tianzhen,WEI Tie 76
The Empirical Analysis of the Patented Inventions'Influencing Factors on Small and Medium Enterprises——Based on Innovative Enterprises'data Analysis in Fujian Province&WU Yanqi,CHEN Yalan 82
Models for Growth and Financing of Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises(MSMEs)in times of Recession&Aman Agarwal,Yamini Agarwal,Saurabh Agarwal 93
Credit Rationing,Survival and Firm Quality:A French Lesson&Robert Cressy,Jean Bonnet 149
IASB and FASB joint-project on Lease Financing&Darina Saxunova 180
Angel Financing as a Business Start up Financing Option in South Africa&Zindiye Stanislous,Sibanda Zenzo 190
Conceptual Framework for Municipalities in Supporting Small,Medium and Micro Enterprises in South Africa&Tsoabisi Sello 221
China's FDI in Australia:Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese SMEs&Lilai Xu 233
What Smal Firms Should Know and Do About Managing Its Human Resources?&Ahmed Maher 251
Human Resource Management Practices of Medium-Sized Companies in the Textile Industry in Java,Indonesia&Asminah Rachmi,Michelle Wallace 256
Enhancing Total Quality Management Through ERP System&David Ding,Yanhui Huang,James Keyes 273
Straightforward Models for Managing Small and Medium Size Firms&E.Tylor Claggett 277
The Best of Both Worlds:Working Towards a Western-Eastern Management Model&Werner Fees,Amanda Mailer,Xia Xu 282
Understanding the Need for Lean Training&Jim Keyes 297
How to Improve the SMB's Performance of Supply Chain Management?Focus on the Relationship between Partnership Intensity and Carrier's Role&Jong-Kuk Shin,Min-Sook Park,Yong Ju 303
Research on the Transformation and Upgrading of Enterprises Promoted by Human Capital——Based on the Empirical Investigation of Enterprises in Hangzhou&FANG Yangchun,HUANG Taigang,ZHANG Lijun 314
Influence of Leadership on Sustainability and Innovation in Established Companies&WANG Feirong 325
A Research Framework among Managerial Cognition,Dynamic Capability and Firm Performance&YU Hao,YUE Caitong 333
From Family-controlled Management to Professional Management An Innovative Path of Private Family Firms'Management&ZHANG Renfeng 340
Korean Government Sponsors Leading-Edge,International Research and Commercialization Collaboration:Together,Korean Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises with a Major U.S.Research University are Pioneering New,Joint Innovations for U.S.Markets&Carl A.Rust,Jung-Wook Kim,Hwa-Young Kim,David Bridges 351
Groups in Action:Family-Owned Small and Medium Businesses and Society Development in Northern Italy&Franco Cesaro,Susanna Cancelli 360
Managing the SME Development:The Singapore Experience&Kim Song Tan,Gan Lu 370
The Impact of Regional Factors on Enterprise Growth and the Corresponding Countermeasures-Take Electronics and Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry As An Example&Guo Tao,Han Meiling 391
The Transformation and Upgrading of SME in the Massive Industry——A Case Study of Zhejiang Province&SUN Guomin 400
The Impact of Voluntary Export Restriction and CEPA on Chinese Textile and Clothing Export Growth&SUN Lin,TU Suisui 413
Research on the"Going Out"Pattern of SMEs in China&SUN Yuchun,SUN Xiuming 421
Research on the Game-Playing Relationship of the University-Enterprise Cooperation&XIE Xiang,ZHI Qiang 426
The Stage Evolution of Industrial Cluster and the Analysis of Government Policy&PAN Xiaoxia,ZHOU Biyu,HUANG Yi,TAO Zhenchan 434
Cleaner Production And Environmental Sustainability:Experiences from Serra Ga Cha-Brazil&Eric Charles Henri Dorion,Julio Cesar Ferro Guimar?es,Eliana Andrea Severo,Pelayo Munhoz Olea,Maria Emília Camargo,Cristine Hermann Nodari,Adrieli Alves Pereira,Paula Patricia Ganzer 443
China's Laozihao:The Management and Maintenance of Corporate Heritage Brands&John M.T.Balmer,Weifeng Chen 454
Making Succession a Success-Preliminary Results from Thai SMEs&Kanitsorn Terdpaopong 1, Omar Al Farooque 464
Sustainability as a Business Opportunity:Strong and Weak Sustainability and Implications for Organisations&Mark L Boulle & David A Robinson 476
Action Sports as Economic Development:The Case of Skateparks in China&Stuart C.Strother 492
Determinants of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies&Weifeng Chen,Satwinder Singh,Keith Dickson 503
The Use and Perceptions of External Accountants'Advisory Services by Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs)in Tasmania&William Maguire 516
Study on Characteristics and Nurturing Conditions of Killer Mobile Application Developers&Youngho Nam 525
Poverty and TANF Program in the U.S&Baomei Zhao,Xin Liang,Epiphany Pietzcker 535
An Empirical Study on the Relationship Between Enterprise Scale,Ownership Structure and Performance——Evidence From Listed Construction Enterprises&FAN Jianshuang,YE Shue 542
The Fuzzy Front-End of New Service Development:Case Study of City Commercial Banking in China&LI Jinghua,SHEN Xiayan,DING Shengjuan 551
An Empirical Analysis of Energy Intensity in Zhejiang Province&MA Chi,HU Yingde,ZHOU Yang,DONG Chenxuan 563
An Exploration on Strategic Cost Management in Export-Oriented Enterprises&YU Xingwu 568
Empirical study on affecting factors of Dividend Distribution of Listed Banks in China&FENG Qin,LOU LaiLai 576
The Research on Assets Management System of the Public Rental Housing&GAO Hui,JIA Huaqin,ZHANG Zaixin 586
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