大学英语综合教程 3PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王芳主编;朱立芸,孙长虹,许梅编者
- 出 版 社:西安:西北大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787560429168
- 页数:140 页
Unit1/Love 1
Listening and Speaking:Inquiring&Giving Opinions询问、给出观点 2
Text A:Love and the Cabble爱与计程车司机 4
Grammar:Voice语态 9
Writing:Narrative记叙文(一) 11
Reading Skills:Understanding the Main Idea of a Paragraph 理解段落中心思想 15
Text B:It Can't Happen Here?不能在这里拥抱吗? 16
unit2/What Makes a Hero 19
Listening and Speaking:Giving Compliments and Replying to Cmpliments称赞与回答 20
Text A:Larger Than Life 高于生命 22
Grammar:Direct Speech and Indirect Speech直接引语和间接引语 30
Writing:Expository说明文(一) 33
Reading Skills:Understanding Between the Lines&Prediction推理与预测 34
Text B:More Than a Scholarship 不只是一笔奖学金 36
Unit3/Obligation 39
Listening and Speaking:Asking for Permission and Help请求许可和帮助 40
Text A:The Champ冠军 42
Grammar:The Infinitive动词不定式(一) 47
Writing:Descriptive描写文(一) 49
Reading Skills:Scanning跳读 51
Text B:Living in Two Worlds 活在两世界 53
Unit4/Environment 58
Listening and Speaking:Talking about Weather谈论天气 59
Text A:The Earth Is Our Mother地球是我们的母亲 61
Grammar:The Infintive动词不定式(二) 66
Writing:Argumentative议论文(一) 68
Reading Skills:Skimming略读 70
Text B:The End of Nature自然末日 73
Unit5 Art and Entertainment 77
Listening and Speaking:Making/Changing or Canceling an Appointment安排、改变或取消约会 78
Text A:Another Day at the Office办公室里的又一天 80
Grammar:Participle分词 85
Writing:Narrative记叙文(二) 88
Reading Skills:The Location of TopicSentence主题句的位置 89
Text B:Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring《哈利波特与魔法石》和《指环王:磨戒现身》 90
Unit6/Job 93
Listening and Speaking: Information Inquiry询问具体信息 94
Text A: What You Do Is What You Are 你的工作就是你 96
Grammar: Gerund动名词 101
Writing:Expository说明文(二) 102
Reading Skills: Understanding Details 把握细节 104
Text B: How Can I Work Out My Value in the Job Market?怎样估算自己在就业市场中的价值 106
Unit 7/Taking a Stand 109
Listening and Speaking: Thanking People and Replying to Thanks感谢与答谢 110
Text A: What Mothers Teach母亲教授什么 112
Grammar: Noun Clause名词性从句 117
Writing: Descriptive描写文(二) 118
Reading Skills: Guessing the Meaning of Words猜测词义 120
Text B:Taking a Stand说出你的观点 121
Unit8/Communication 125
Listening and Speaking: Telephoning 打电话 126
Text A: Two Points of View on a Family Relationship关于一个家庭关系的两种观点 128
Grammar: Noun Clause名词性从句(二) 133
Writing: Argumentative 议论文(二) 134
Reading Skills: inference推断 136
Text B: I’m Sorry 对不起 137
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