CAI简明英语词汇学 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:汤红娟编
- 出 版 社:成都:电子科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7810941534
- 页数:211 页
Episode 1 A General Survey of Word 1
Ⅰ.Terminologies 2
1.Vocabulary 2
2.Lexicology 3
3.Morphology 3
4.Semantics 4
5.Lexeme 4
Ⅱ.Definition of WORD 4
1.Aristotle’ s Definition 4
2.Bloomfield’ s Definition 5
3.Antoine Millet’ s Definition 5
4.Our Consideration 6
Ⅲ.Theory of Naming 8
Ⅳ.Sense & Concept/Reference 8
1.Saussure’ s Signifier and Signified 8
2.C.K.Ogden & I.A. Ri chards’s Triangle 11
3.Our Interpretation 12
Ⅴ.Sense and Meaning 12
Ⅵ.The Referential Theory of Meaning 13
Ⅶ.Classification of Senses 14
1.Denotative/Conceptual/Lexical/DictionarySense 15
2.Connotative/Grammatical Sense 15
3.Social/Stylistic Sense 16
4.Affective Sense 17
5.Collocative Sense 17
6.Reflected Sense 19
7.Thematic Sense 19
Episode 2 Main Characteristics of English Vocabulary 20
Ⅰ.The Development of EV 21
1.Old English/Angle-Saxon Period 21
2.Middle English Period 23
3.Modern English Period 27
Ⅱ. Reasons of Its Newest Development 30
1.Marked Progress of Science and Technology 30
2.Soc o-Economic, Political and Cultural Changes 31
3.The Instability of the World Pattern 33
4.The Influence of Other Cultures and Languages 33
Ⅲ.Main Characteristics 34
Ⅳ.Classification of EV 35
Episode 3 Morphological Structure of English Words 37
Ⅰ.Morpheme 38
Ⅱ.Allomorph 38
Ⅲ.Classification of Morphemes 39
Ⅳ.Root · Stem · Base 42
Ⅴ.Morphological Structure 44
Ⅳ. A General Survey of Word- formation Processes & Percentage of Words Formed by These Processes after World War Ⅱ 45
Episode 4 Major Processes of Word-formation 46
Ⅰ.Derivation/Affixation 47
1.Definition 47
2.Subdivision 47
Ⅱ.Conversion 62
1.Definition: 62
2.Types of Conversion 62
Ⅲ.Compounding 64
1.Definition 64
2.Criteria to Define a Compound and to Distinguish it from a Phrase 64
3.Features of Compounds 66
4.Classification of Compounds 67
5.Orthographic Principles of Compounds 68
Episode 5 Minor Processes of Word-Formation 71
Ⅰ.Blending 72
Ⅱ.Acronymy 73
1.Initialism 73
2.Acronym 74
Ⅲ.Clipping/Shortening 75
1.Definition 75
2.Types of Clippings 75
3.Notes 77
Ⅳ.Back-formation 78
1.Definition 78
2.Notes 78
Ⅴ.Commonization of PNs 79
Ⅵ.Reduplication 81
1.Definition 81
2.Notes for Reduplication 82
3.Common Uses of Reduplicatives 82
Ⅶ.Neoclassical Formation 84
Ⅷ.Miscellaneous 85
1.Coinage 85
2.Analogy 86
Episode 6 Motivation 87
Ⅰ.Definition 88
Ⅱ.Opaque and Transparent Words 88
Ⅲ.Types of Motivation 89
1.Onomatopoeic Motivation 89
2.Morphological Motivation 94
3.Semantic Motivation 94
4.Etymological Motivation 96
5.Logical Motivation 96
6.Socio-cultural Motivation 97
Ⅳ.Loss of Motivation 98
Episode 7 Semantic Features & Componential Analysis 100
Ⅰ.Semantic Features 101
1.Definition 101
2.Uses and Base of SF 101
3.Examples of SF of Nouns 101
4.SF of Verbs and Adjectives 102
5.Uses of the Main SF of V.& Adj 103
6.Case Grammar 105
Ⅱ.Componential Analysis 107
1.Definition 107
2.Advantages 108
3.Disadvantages 109
Ⅲ.Semantic Relations · Case Grammar · Syntactic Relations 110
Episode 8 Semantic Changes 112
Ⅰ.Pairs of Meanings in Semantic Changes 113
Ⅱ.Diachronic and Synchronic 115
Ⅲ.Types of Semantic Changes 116
Ⅳ.Reasons of Semantic Changes 124
Episode 9 Polysemy & Homonymy 127
Ⅰ.Polysemy 128
1.Definition 128
2.Processes to Polysemy 128
3.Sources of Polysemy 131
Ⅱ.Homonymy 132
1.Definition 132
2.Types of Homonyms 132
3.Sources of Homonymy 136
Ⅲ.The Relation between Polysemy and Homonymy 136
Ⅳ.Problem of Polysemy and Homonymy 138
Ⅴ.Stylistic Value of Polysemy and Homonymy 139
Episode 10 Sense Relations 141
Ⅰ.Sense Relations in General 142
Ⅱ.Hyponymy 143
1.Semantic Fields 143
2.Definition of Hyponymy 144
3.Hyponymy in Broader Sense —Meronymy and Troponymy 144
4.Types of Words in Semantic Fields 146
5.Notes 147
Ⅲ.Synonymy 148
1. Definition 148
2. Classification 148
3. Sources 151
4. Notes 153
Ⅳ.Antonymy 154
1. Definition 154
2. Classification 154
3. Notes 156
Episode 11 Association and Collocation 160
Ⅰ.Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations 161
Ⅱ.Association 162
1.Definition 162
2.Paradigmatic & Syntagmatic Rules 162
3. Exemplification of Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Rules of Association 165
Ⅲ.Collocation 165
1.Definition 165
2. Features of Collocation 166
3. Types of Collocations 168
4. Significance 168
Ⅳ.Application of Association and Collocation 169
1.Association and collocation of synonymous structures 170
2.Association and collocation of antonymous structures 170
3. Association and collocation centering on a given subject 171
Episode 12 English Idioms 173
Ⅰ.Definition 174
Ⅱ.Features 174
Ⅲ.Sources 175
Ⅳ.Classification 176
Ⅴ.Phrasal Verbs 177
1.Definition 177
2. Structures 177
3. Notes 178
Ⅵ.Proverbs 179
1.Definition 179
2.Features 179
Ⅶ.Metaphorical and Similized Idioms 181
Ⅷ.Binomials and Trinomials 182
1.Definition 182
2. Surface Structure 182
3. Features 184
4. Rhymed and Alliterated Binomials 184
5.Relations between Components 185
Ⅸ.Flexible Use of Idioms—Parody 187
Episode 13 American English: History and Characteristics 188
Ⅰ.History and Growth of American English 189
1.Origins and Circumstances 189
2.Noah Webster’ s Contribution and American Literature 191
3. The Civil War and after 191
4. The Status of American English 194
Ⅱ.Characteristics of American English 195
Ⅲ.Differences between AmE and BrE 197
References 207
鸣谢 211
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