- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵玲洁著
- 出 版 社:石家庄:河北人民出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787202058244
- 页数:198 页
Introduction 1
Chapter One Keats's Philosophy of life and His“Negative Capability”' 10
Ⅰ.Keats's Philosophy of Life 10
Ⅱ.Keats's“Negative Capability”Concept 15
Ⅲ.Keats's“Negative Capability”Phenomenon in King Lear 26
Ⅳ.Keats's Aesthetic Principle 29
Ⅴ.Comparison between Keats's“Negative Capability”and Zhuangzi's“Materialization”on Subject and Object 58
Chapter Two Keats's Psychology-Aesthetical Interpretation of Keats's Poetry 63
Ⅰ.Physiognomy of Intuition 63
Ⅱ.Self-Annihilation 65
Ⅲ.Imagination and Empathy 67
Ⅳ.“Pleasure Pain”:The Harmony of Contradictories 71
Ⅴ.Intensity and uncertainties in Keats's Odes 75
Chapter Three The Evolution of Keats's Philosophy of Nature 103
Ⅰ.Imagination and Supernature 103
Ⅱ.Early Period:Transcendence of Nature 111
Ⅲ.The Transitional Period:Doubt about Imagination 124
Ⅳ.The Final Acceptance of Nature 128
Ⅴ.Uniting Discords into Harmony 130
Chapter Four Keats's Philosophy of Religion 141
Ⅰ.Background of Christianity in Nineteenth Century 141
Ⅱ.Keats's Rejection of Christianity 145
Ⅲ.Keats's System of Salvation 147
Ⅳ.The Religious Tinges of Keats's System of Salvation 151
Chapter Five The Spiritual Value in Keats's Poetry 155
Ⅰ.The Optimistic Attitude towards Sufferings 155
Ⅱ.Keats's Expectation for the Harmony between Human Being and Nature 167
Ⅲ.Engagement Principle of Ecological Aesthetics in Keats's Poetry 172
Ⅳ.Positive Emotions 177
Conclusion 185
Bibliography 189
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