当代商学概论 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:彭敬编著
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787040248034
- 页数:282 页
Chapter 1 Contemporary Business:Some Basic Concepts 1
1.1 Foundation of Contemporary Business 1
1.1.1 Business and business activities 2
1.1.2 Business and business people 5
1.2 Economic Forces Affecting Business 6
1.2.1 Competition 6
1.2.2 Supply and demand 7
1.3 The Business Environment 9
1.3.1 The socio-cultural environment 9
1.3.2 The economic environment 10
1.3.3 The political environment 11
1.3.4 The technological environment 12
1.3.5 The competitive environment 12
1.3.6 The physical environment 13
1.3.7 The global business environment 13
1.4 How Government Affects Business Activities 14
Chapter 2 Sole Proprietorship and Partnership 17
2.1 Aspects of Small Businesses 18
2.1.1 Some basic facts about small businesses 18
2.1.2 Get prepared to leap into your business 18
2.1.3 Three common ways of establishing a small business 20
2.1.4 Small business operations and management 22
2.1.5 Contributions of small business to the society 24
2.2 Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship 25
2.2.1 Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial teams 26
2.2.2 Entrepreneurial characteristics:personal qualities of an entrepreneur 27
2.3 Sole Proprietorship 30
2.3.1 Advantages of sole proprietorship 30
2.3.2 Disadvantages of sole proprietorship 31
2.4 Partnership 33
2.4.1 Major types of partnership 33
2.4.2 Steps of establishing a partnership 34
2.4.3 Elements of a good partnership agreement 35
2.4.4 Advantages and disadvantages of partnership 36
Chapter 3 Corporation Start-up and Expansion 39
3.1 Basic Aspects of Corporations 39
3.1.1 Corporations and their common characteristics 39
3.1.2 Classification of corporations 41
3.1.3 Major types of corporations in the US 42
3.1.4 Other types of corporations 44
3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of General Corporations 46
3.2.1 Advantages of general corporations 46
3.2.2 Disadvantages of general corporations 47
3.3 The Establishment and Corporate Structure of a Corporation 48
3.3.1 Steps of launching a corporation 49
3.3.2 Corporate structure 50
3.4 Mergers and Acquisitions 52
3.4.1 How mergers occur 53
3.4.2 Current trends in mergers and acquisitions 54
3.5 Other Types of Business Organization 55
3.5.1 Syndicates and technical partnerships 56
3.5.2 Cooperatives 56
3.5.3 Franchises 57
Chapter 4 Social Responsibility and Business Behavior 59
4.1 Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Importance 60
4.1.1 Defining corporate social responsibility 60
4.1.2 The importance of CSR to business and society 61
4.2 Personal and Organizational Ethics 63
4.2.1 Ethical behavior begins with personal morals 63
4.2.2 Organizational ethics begins with top management 64
4.2.3 Legality is only the first and final ethical desideratum 65
4.3 Ethical Behavior and Corporate Decisions 65
4.3.1 Identify the nature of ethics and ethical issues 66
4.3.2 Ethical dilemmas and ethical lapses 66
4.3.3 Basic approaches to ethical decision making 67
4.3.4 Steps of making sound ethical decisions 69
4.4 Management of Corporate Social Responsibility 71
4.4.1 Factors affecting corporate social responsibility management 71
4.4.2 Setting corporate ethical standards 71
4.4.3 Social accounting and auditing 73
4.5 Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility 74
4.5.1 Assessing your CSR situation 74
4.5.2 Designing your CSR strategies 75
4.5.3 Clarifying your CSR commitments 75
4.5.4 Implementing your CSR programs 76
4.5.5 Checking CSR progress and evaluating performance 76
Chapter 5 International Trade and Global Markets 78
5.1 International Trade and Reasons for International Trade 78
5.1.1 Defining international trade 79
5.1.2 Reasons for international trade 79
5.1.3 Possible benefits of international trade 82
5.2 Forms of International Business Activity 82
5.2.1 Importing and exporting 83
5.2.2 International licensing 84
5.2.3 International franchising 84
5.2.4 International strategic alliances and joint ventures 85
5.2.5 Running wholly-owned facilities 86
5.3 Multinational Corporations 87
5.3.1 Defining multinational corporations 87
5.3.2 Advantages of multinational corporations 88
5.3.3 Disadvantages of multinational corporations 89
5.4 International Trade Balance and Finance 89
5.4.1 Balance of trade 90
5.4.2 Trade deficits and surpluses 90
5.4.3 Balance of payments 91
5.4.4 Exchange rates 92
5.4.5 International trade finance 93
5.5 Barriers to International Trade 93
5.5.1 Tariff 93
5.5.2 Quota 94
5.5.3 Subsidies 95
5.5.4 "Voluntary"export restraint 95
5.5.5 Exchange controls and export controls 95
5.5.6 Embargoes 96
5.5.7 Unfair trade practices 96
5.6 Trade Agreements,Organizations and Blocs 97
5.6.1 The GeneralAgreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization 97
5.6.2 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 97
5.6.3 Other major international trading blocs 98
5.6.4 Unilateral trade privileges 98
5.6.5 International trade finance and organizations 99
Chapter 6 Management Fundamentals and Planning 101
6.1 Management Fundamentals 101
6.1.1 General approaches to management 102
6.1.2 Five functions of management 102
6.1.3 Management people 104
6.1.4 Management levels 105
6.1.5 Managerial skills 106
6.1.6 Mission statement and managerial goals 108
6.2 Planning and Planning Hierarchy 110
6.2.1 Strategic planning 111
6.2.2 Tactical planning 112
6.2.3 Operational planning 113
6.3 Planning Process 113
6.3.1 Situation analysis 114
6.3.2 Objective setting 114
6.3.3 Resources allocation 116
6.3.4 Action program 117
6.3.5 Program implementation 118
6.4 Steps of Decision-making in Management 120
Chapter 7 Organizing and Organizational Design 123
7.1 Basic Dimensions in Organizational Design 123
7.1.1 Work specialization 124
7.1.2 Departmentalization 125
7.1.3 Chain of command 127
7.1.4 Span of control 127
7.1.5 Centralization versus decentralization 128
7.1.6 Formalization 129
7.2 Organizational Structure and the Contingency Approach 130
7.2.1 Types of organizational structure 130
7.2.2 Defining the contingency approach 133
7.2.3 Contingency factors in organizational design 134
7.3 Applications of Organizational Design 135
7.3.1 Simple structure 135
7.3.2 Bureaucratic structure 135
7.3.3 Team-based structure 137
7.4 Teams and Horizontal Coordination 137
7.4.1 Common types of teams 138
7.4.2 Team conflicts and conflict management 141
Chapter 8 Staffing and Human Resources Management 145
8.1 Human Resources and Human Resources Management 145
8.1.1 Defining human resources 145
8.1.2 Human resources management 146
8.1.3 Human resources management process 147
8.2 Staffing—Pre-employment 147
8.2.1 Human resources planning 148
8.2.2 Significance of human resources planning 149
8.2.3 Process of recruiting 150
8.2.4 Selection 152
8.3 Staffing—Post-employment 153
8.3.1 Orientation and socialization 153
8.3.2 Employee training and development 154
8.3.3 Performance appraisal 158
8.3.4 Compensation and benefits 162
8.3.5 Demotion and decruitment 163
8.4 The Challenges of Human Resources Management 164
8.4.1 Trends in human resources management 164
8.4.2 Challenges of human resources management 165
Chapter 9 Leading and Organizational Communication 168
9.1 Leadership and Management 169
9.1.1 Managers versus leaders 169
9.1.2 Leadership qualities 171
9.1.3 Leadership skills 172
9.2 Leadership Styles 174
9.2.1 Kurt Lewin's three general leadership styles 174
9.2.2 More specific leadership styles 177
9.2.3 Factors that affect leadership styles 180
9.3 Major Theories of Leadership 181
9.3.1 An overview of leadership theories 181
9.3.2 Turning managers into leaders 182
9.4 Motivating Employees 184
9.4.1 Job motivational factors 184
9.4.2 Individual motivational factors 184
9.4.3 Work-environment motivational factors 185
9.5 Organizational Communication 186
9.5.1 Basic forms and types of communication 186
9.5.2 Bases of and barriers to effective communication 187
Chapter 10 Controlling and Quality Management 190
10.1 Basic Aspects of Controlling 190
10.1.1 Defining controlling 190
10.1.2 Types of control systems 191
10.1.3 The importance of control 192
10.2 Designing and Implementing Control Systems 193
10.2.1 Essential elements in a control system 193
10.2.2 Approaches to designing control systems 194
10.2.3 Steps in control process 196
10.3 Quality Control Systems 197
10.3.1 Management by objectives 197
10.3.2 Total quality management 202
10.3.3 Introducing ISO 207
10.4 Crisis Management 209
10.4.1 Defining crisis and crisis management 209
10.4.2 Types of business crisis 210
10.4.3 Crisis management planning 211
Chapter 11 Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 213
11.1 The Nature of Operations Management 214
11.1.1 Manufacturing operations management 214
11.1.2 Service operations management 215
11.1.3 Differences between service and manufacturing operations 216
11.2 Technological Innovation and Operations Management 216
11.2.1 Technological innovation and production evolution 217
11.2.2 Modern technology and operations management 220
11.3 Production Stages and Steps of Product Development 223
11.3.1 Production stages within an economy 223
11.3.2 Stages in producing goods and services 224
11.4 Planning Operations 227
11.4.1 Primary planning 228
11.4.2 Secondary planning 229
11.5 Operations Controlling 230
11.5.1 Cost and quality control 231
11.5.2 Materials and process control 232
Chapter 12 Marketing and Consumer Networks 234
12.1 Marketing—Fundamental Components 234
12.1.1 Defining marketing 234
12.1.2 Types of marketing 235
12.1.3 Market segmentation 237
12.1.4 Marketing strategies 238
12.2 Marketing Planning 239
12.2.1 The marketing plan and its components 239
12.2.2 Steps of preparing a market plan 240
12.3 The Marketing Mix 242
12.3.1 The traditional marketing mix 242
12.3.2 The extended marketing mix 243
12.4 Consu mers and Consu mer Behavior 244
12.4.1 Researching consumer behavior 244
12.4.2 The consumer buying process 245
12.5 Product Differentiation and Pricing Strategies 246
12.5.1 Product identification and product cycle 246
12.5.2 Pricing strategies and techniques 247
12.6 Product Promotion and Distribution 248
12.6.1 Promotional strategies and techniques 249
12.6.2 Product distribution mix 250
12.7 Marketing Research and Market Research 251
12.7.1 Ways of marketing research 252
12.7.2 Steps of conducting marketing research 253
References 255
Glossary 258
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