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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:黄白龙,关宏主编
  • 出 版 社:广东世界图书出版公司
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787506293846
  • 页数:291 页

资源篇 1

传统音乐 3

悠远传响的佛山十番 4

Foshan Shifan Performance 11

古典华丽的八音锣鼓柜 14

The Classic and Magnificent Eight-tone Gong and Drum Cabnet 28

传统舞蹈 31

吉祥雄风——广东醒狮 32

Guangdong Lion Dance 44

壮阔图腾人龙舞 47

Guanghua Human Dragon Dance——the Spectacular Living Totem 56

传统戏剧 59

南国红豆——粤剧 60

Cantonese Opera 72

曲艺 75

祈福声声的龙舟说唱 76

The Dragon Boat Songs for Wishing for Happiness 84

典雅凄婉的粤曲星腔 87

Elegant and Soulful Cantonese Tune Singing Style of“Xing Qiang” 96

传统美术 99

富丽缤纷的佛山剪纸 100

Beautiful and Colorful Paper Cuttings in Foshan 112

守望家园的木版年画 115

Foshan Woodcut New Year Pictures 126

和谐盛世象征——佛山彩灯 129

Foshan Colored Lanterns——Symbol of Harmonious Events 140

古朴而精巧的佛山木雕 143

The Classic and Exquisite Wood Carving in Foshan 156

传统手工技艺 159

华彩独具的石湾陶塑技艺 160

Uniquely Magnificent Techniques and Artistry for Making Shiwan Pottery Sculpture 171

饱含英雄崇拜色彩的佛山狮头制作技艺 174

Foshan Lion Head Full of the Color of Heroworship 182

天造地设的珍品——香云纱染整技艺 185

The Craftsmanship for Making Xiang Yun Sha Gauze——the Naturally-treated Handmade Treasure 196

民俗 199

歌舞欢乐的海洋——佛山秋色 200

Foshan Folk Custom Activity of Qiu Se——the Sea of Songs, Dances and Happiness 214

鼎盛世象——佛山祖庙庙会 217

The Prosperous Foshan Ancestral Temple Fair 228

岭南喜庆气象——佛山春节习俗 231

The Air of Festivity in Lingnan Region——the Custom of Spring Festival in Foshan 245

祈福驱灾,浩浩荡荡行通济 248

Walking Across Tongji Bridge(The Tongji Bridge Walk) 257

人伦天伦之乐——乐安花灯会 260

Le’an Colored Lantern Fair 268

传承篇 271

佛山市非物质文化遗产省级名录分布图 291
