海曙变迁 海曙区建区三十周年新旧照片对比图集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:贾亚炜主编
- 出 版 社:宁波:宁波出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787552608113
- 页数:134 页
前言 1
走遍天下,不及宁波江厦 2
三江口 4
从江东北路看海曙 6
江厦桥 8
东门口远眺 10
时代广场 12
宁波第一副食品商店 14
俯瞰东门口 16
梅龙镇大酒店 18
宁波第三百货商店 20
解放路中山路口 22
中山西路 24
中山西路公园路口 26
中山西路镇明路口 28
公园路 30
鼓楼 32
天宁寺塔 34
范宅和偃月街口 36
西门外 38
西塘河 40
中山西路铁路道口 42
江厦街 44
和义路中山东路口 46
和义路 48
滨江干水产市场 50
灵桥和药行街路口 52
灵桥西街心花坛 54
大世界 56
车轿街 58
药行街 60
碶闸街 62
天封塔区域 64
大沙泥街和天封塔 66
宁波华侨饭店 68
改造前的天一广场旧址 70
药皇殿 72
咸塘街与碶闸街口 74
咸塘街 76
苍水街口 78
开明街 80
开明街英烈街口 82
第一医院老门诊楼 84
解放北路体育场 86
鸟瞰解放南路 88
郁家巷 90
解放南路三角地 92
灵桥路花坛 94
兴宁桥西五岔路口 96
镇明路北段 98
镇明路戒珠巷口 100
三支街口牌坊 102
1998年的月湖 104
月湖东区 106
月岛与花屿 108
1987年的儿童公园 110
天德巷 112
共青路 114
铁路宁波站 116
塔影巷 118
牌楼巷 120
南郊路全景 122
南郊路口 124
甬水桥头 126
澄浪堰过船坝 128
宁波电厂(永耀电力公司) 130
长春路和护城河 132
后记 134
Preface 1
Everycorner of the world is less prosperous than Ningbo Jiangxia 2
Sanjiang kou 4
Observing Haishu from North Jiangdong Road 6
Jiangxia Bridge 8
Surveying from Dongmen kou 10
Times Square 12
Ningbo's First Non-staple FoodStore 14
Commanding view from Dongmen kou 16
Meilong Town Grand Hotel 18
The Third Department Store of Ningbo 20
The Liberation Road and ZhongShan Road corner 22
The West Zhongshan Road 24
The West Zhongshan Road and Park Road corner 26
The West Zhongshan Road and ZhenMing Road corner 28
The Park Road 30
Drum-tower 32
Tianning Temple Tower 34
Fanzhai and Crescent Blocks 36
Outside Ximen 38
Xitang River 40
The Railway Crossing of West Zhongshan Road 42
Jiangxia Street 44
Heyi road and East Zhongshan Road corner 46
Heyi road 48
Binjiang dried aquatic products market 50
Ling Bridge and Yaohang Street corner 52
Ling Bridge West Street Heart flowerbeds 54
The Big World 56
Chejiao Street 58
Yaohang Street 60
Qizha Street 62
Tianfeng Tower Area 64
Dashani Street and Tianfeng Tower 66
Ningbo Overseas Chinese Hotel 68
The location of Tianyi Square before imodification 70
The Drug Imperial Palace 72
Xiantang Street and Qizha corner 74
The Xiantang Street 76
The Cangshui corner 78
The Kaiming Street 80
The Kaiming Street and Yinglie Street corner 82
The old outpatient building of the Ningbo No.1 Hospital 84
The North Liberation Road Stadium 86
Aerial view of the South of Liberation Road 88
The Yujia Lane 90
The South of Liberation Road Triangle 92
Ling Bridge Flowerbed 94
The west of XingNing Bridge five crossroads 96
The north section of Zhenming Road 98
Zhenming Road and RingPearl Lane corner 100
The Memorial archon Sanzhi Corner 102
Moon Lake of 1998th 104
The east area of MoonLake 106
Moon Island and Flower Island 108
The Children's Park of 1987th 110
The Tiande Lane 112
The Communist Youth Road 114
The Ningbo Railway Station 116
The Taying Lane 118
The Pailou Lane 120
Panoramic view of the Southern Suburbs Road 122
The Southern Suburbs corner 124
Yongshui Bridge 126
Cheng Lang weir dam over boa 128
NingboPowerplant(YongyaoPowercompany)t 130
Changchun Road and Moat 132
Postscript 134
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